Tempos excepcionais exigem medidas excepcionais. É este o momento em que nos encontramos devido à pandemia do novo coronavírus.
A PPL criou este canal exclusivo para campanhas de angariação de fundos cujo objectivo seja apoiar directamente a luta contra o vírus, nomeadamente com material hospitalar, alimentação ou outra logística para os profissionais de saúde.
As campanhas deste canal estão isentas da comissão da plataforma (5% +IVA). Permanecem apenas as comissões de pagamentos e mesmo estas foram reduzidas (2% +IVA).
Covid19 Other
From Palms to Action
The Das Palmas à Ação campaign is an action promoted by the Associação Académica de Coimbra, which emerges in the context of the pandemic COVID-19 that we all face, without exce...
124% of 5 000€
Expired on 25/05/2020
Covid19 Entrepreneurship
3D printing support - Bragança District
Group of volunteers, with knowledge in 3D printing, from the District of Bragança, who came together in community to be able to offer timely protection solutions to frontline pr...
217% of 750€
Expired on 30/04/2020
Covid19 Sports
RACE FOR LIFE | May 31 | 10 am - 12 pm
With the Race for Life, the Portuguese League Against Cancer-NRN intends to raise € 25,000.00, to support cancer patients, a risk group that needs special attention and care.
104% of 25 000€
Expired on 08/06/2020
Covid19 Social
Production of Protection Visors. CoVid-19, PORTUGAL
Fundraising for the purchase of materials for the production of visors, in Évora. Aware of the importance that this project has for the country, the visors can be delivered to o...
160% of 1 000€
Expired on 30/04/2020
Covid19 Other
Proteção para os profissionais de saúde dos cuidados de saúde primários
We need your help to purchase protective material for healthcare professionals. Only in this way can we fulfill our role: ensuring the provision of adequate care, without becomi...
111% of 5 000€
Expired on 20/04/2020
Covid19 Sports
Kilometers at Home
Due to the Covid -19 pandemic, a group of people came together, with the objective of creating a solidarity event, to support Hospital de S. João and Centro Hospitalar do Tâmega...
111% of 30 000€
Expired on 24/04/2020
Covid19 Science/Technology
Maria de Vasconcelos Project - To the Brave
"Aos Valentes" is about the courage of all of us, in a bubble, and above all that of health professionals who fight for our lives! I ask you to help the NAU factory to produce R...
153% of 9 000€
Expired on 05/05/2020
Covid19 Other
FFP2 / N95 masks for the Hospital of Viseu ... and more!
The purpose of this campaign is to raise funds to be able to place an order with suppliers in China for the largest number of FFP2 / N95 masks to offer to the CHTV Internal Medi...
105% of 2 600€
Expired on 01/04/2020
Covid19 Food/Drinks
Bicycle Solidarity Campaign with the objective of raising donations for the acquisition of foodstuffs, which will be donated to the Parish Council for social support in the vici...
117% of 1 000€
Expired on 16/04/2020
Covid19 Social
Support Cumura
Obtaining personal protective equipment and disinfection cleaning material for the spaces at Cumura Hospital, Guinea-Bissau, to combat the COVID-19 pandemic.
6% of 5 000€
Expired on 14/07/2020
Covid19 Social
Masks for everyone! Operation Solidarity Mask
Need masks? There are more than 1,000 Portuguese infected in homes and IPSS. We have 150 volunteers to sew masks to offer to homes and IPSS in all districts of Portugal.
1% of 1 549€
Expired on 01/06/2020
Covid19 Science/Technology
3DMASK Portugal - Covid 19 - Face Shields
Health professionals expose themselves for us, save our lives. Without them, it is not possible to stop this pandemic. Help us to help them by protecting them with our face shie...
73% of 2 000€
Expired on 30/04/2020
Covid19 Citizenship / Politics
Solidarity Mortágua
Covid-19 joined the Mortágua Students Association and Morcul to launch this campaign, with the objective of acquiring personal protective equipment, destined for the social and ...
85% of 1 000€
Expired on 01/06/2020
Covid19 Science/Technology
AMA - Supports, Mobilizes and Acts ABC
Monetary collection to help with the various actions that ABC (Algarve Medical Center) has underway, to combat the current pandemic caused by the SARs-CoV19 virus
10% of 100 000€
Expired on 12/06/2020
Covid19 Social
Elderly Winners - With the Past into the Future
We are a group of citizens who, sensitive to the current pandemic situation that we are experiencing all over the world and, in particular, in the Douro region, in conjunction w...
37% of 1 500€
Expired on 15/05/2020
Covid19 Other
3D printing of reusable masks and visors for healthcare professionals.
The objective of the campaign is to buy the materials for printing and assembly of reusable visors and masks with filters and distribute them to hospitals in the region of Leiria.
0% of 5 000€
Expired on 30/04/2020
Covid19 Other
The best move is to help!
Sport Clube Beira-Mar inspired by the noble attitude of the coaches of the Clube's Football Academy, to which other Sections have also joined, in which they decided to donat...
38% of 1 000€
Expired on 06/04/2020
Covid19 Social
Let's honor and help those who help us
Homage and support, to the health professionals who are at the forefront to help us win this struggle for survival.
7% of 2 500€
Expired on 29/05/2020
Covid19 Science/Technology
Give energy to those who give their lives for us!
We will give energy to those who are isolated and need to communicate with family and friends. From caregivers to patients, many need hope that comes only from those closest to ...
17% of 3 700€
Expired on 25/05/2020
Covid19 Social
Donation for Visors Production
Partum Industries, not ignoring the moment of public health crisis that we are going through, joined all the professionals who cannot wait in their homes for the covid-19 pandem...
10% of 2 000€
Expired on 12/06/2020
Covid19 Social
Connect with Us! Help us to protect our affections!
We count on you to be able to continue to positively influence the courage of our People!
10% of 27 750€
Expired on 29/05/2020
Covid19 Science/Technology
Campaign to test healthcare professionals exposed to the SARS-CoV-2 virus.
16% of 30 000€
Expired on 30/06/2020
Covid19 Social
Protect those who protect us
Fundraising for the purchase of personal protective equipment (PPE) to ensure the safety of health professionals at Hospital Pedro Hispano (Matosinhos)
25% of 5 000€
Expired on 28/04/2020
Covid19 Social
AMA - Supports, Mobilizes and Acts SERHUMANO
Monetary collection for the urgent purchase of all protective equipment to combat COVID-19 in the municipality of Beja, as well as the purchase of test and laboratory equipment.
17% of 50 000€
Expired on 12/06/2020
Covid19 Citizenship / Politics
Help those who care for us!
Portuguese Podcasts join forces of solidarity with those who are at the forefront of the fight against Covid-19. Once a day, there will be 2 podcasts talking about their proje...
11% of 500€
Expired on 30/04/2020
Covid19 Social
#JuntosFicamosBem emerged in order to help those who need it most in the face of the situation caused by COVID-19. As is common knowledge, not everyone has the conditions to liv...
68% of 1 000€
Expired on 03/06/2020
Covid19 Social
Do More for Everyone
Since December 31, the coronavirus has infected thousands of people, put countries on alert and Portugal was no exception. The pandemic has completely altered our daily routines...
44% of 5 000€
Expired on 29/05/2020
Covid19 Other
COmVIDas needs your help to buy protection material!
We need to buy EPI's so that our volunteers can continue to go on the ground safely.
81% of 16 000€
Expired on 30/03/2021
Covid19 Social
Kilometers for Azores - COVID-19
Solidarity event to support HDES in S. Miguel and HSEIT on Terceira Island to combat COVID-19. In this period of confinement and isolation, it is essential to encourage the prac...
31% of 12 000€
Expired on 30/04/2020
Covid19 Citizenship / Politics
With a Solidary Northeast we will win the COVID-19
Fundraising campaign for the acquisition of FFP2 masks, gowns, aprons, gloves, caps and various medical support material to donate to the various ULSNE, IPSS, Fire and Security ...
11% of 5 000€
Expired on 30/04/2020
Covid19 Social
Production of Protection Visors - CoVid-19 EN
The lack of personal protective equipment has led to the creation of several projects across the country. We want to help produce protective visors for Castelo Branco.
12% of 1 000€
Expired on 08/06/2020
Covid19 Social
United We'll Win!
Help us fight a cause that does not recognize borders. FME will distribute health material to homes and hospitals in the Portuguese-speaking countries where it operates, to help...
2% of 20 000€
Expired on 16/06/2020
Covid19 Other
Protect those who care for us!
Fundraising to acquire personal protective equipment (PPE) for health professionals, by Hospital São Sebastião in Santa Maria da Feira, essential to ensure the safety of health ...
85% of 3 500€
Expired on 10/04/2020
Covid19 Social
Donations for the purchase of IPE for Hospital São João
This campaign aims to gather an amount of money that will contribute to the purchase of IPE;s for Sao João's Hospital, in Oporto, in order to help in the prevention and combat ...
25% of 1 000€
Expired on 20/04/2020
Covid19 Other
Food Aid to Oporto Campaign Hospitals
Aid for Food Reinforcement to medical and auxiliary staff of Oporto Campaign Hospitals.
27% of 1 000€
Expired on 20/04/2020
Covid19 Science/Technology
AMA - Supports, mobilizes and acts the IMM
Monetary collection to support IMM's initiatives to combat Covid-19 as well as all its research.
10% of 100 000€
Expired on 12/06/2020
Covid19 Social
Medium Tagus Visors: i3DMT - 3D printing Medium Tagus
Fundraising for i3DMT - 3D Printing Medium Tejo, continue to produce visor for donation to institutions in the Middle Tejo region.
5% of 2 500€
Expired on 26/06/2020
Covid19 Social
CIVIS - Individual Combat to the Solidarity Initiative Virus
How to help more #stayinghome ? We have an idea for you! In order to help fight Covid-19, we have implemented a production line of visors and clamps (an essential part tha...
10% of 3 600€
Expired on 29/05/2020