#JuntosFicamosBem emerged in order to help those who need it most in the face of the situation caused by COVID-19. As is common knowledge, not everyone has the conditions to liv...
#JuntosFicamosBem emerged in order to help those who need it most in the face of the situation caused by COVID-19. As is common knowledge, not everyone has the conditions to live well at this time, so a group of students, teachers, academic and solidarity associations came together to raise funds to help these same people. Unity is strength and we believe that with your support we can go further, help those who need it most and provide them with constant assistance.
All donated funds will be invested in the purchase of food and personal protective equipment (PPE).
With everyone's help, this battle will be won more easily. Don't forget, together we look good!

Fica a saber mais!
About the author
A group of undergraduate students in Marketing and International Business at Coimbra Business School | ISCAC, which, with the coordination of Professor Madalena Abreu, supports the cause of ACERSI (Association of Economic Kitchens Rainha Santa Isabel) and of the Union of Parishes of Coimbra to fight the difficulties of those who have no means to do it alone. We also have the support of AEISCAC (Student Association of the Accounting and Administration Institute of Coimbra), Voluntas and CCMNI (Marketing and International Business Course Commission).

A equipa de alunos envolvida :)
Budget and due dates
The total amount raised will go to ACERSI (Associação das Cantinas Económicas Rainha Santa Isabel) for the purchase of food and personal protective equipment (PPE) which will be subsequently distributed.
PPL is not charging any fees for this campaign except for the payment costs