Obtaining personal protective equipment and disinfection cleaning material for the spaces at Cumura Hospital, Guinea-Bissau, to combat the COVID-19 pandemic.
Derived from the public health situation at the current level, the Cumura Hospital, Guinea-Bissau, has faced a real challenge in obtaining essential material to combat the COVID-19 pandemic, both for the protection of users and employees and for cleaning and disinfection of its spaces.
Cumura Hospital consists of the main building, a maternity ward, an infirmary and a health center, which serve thousands of Guineans every day.
This campaign thus serves to help obtain funds that will later be used to purchase personal protective equipment and cleaning and disinfection materials for all buildings in this hospital.
This action is coordinated by the Centro de Investigação e Desenvolvimento da Beira and Projeto Querer e Fazer.
www.cidbjlb.org | www.facebook.com/pg/projetoquererefazer

Cumura, Guiné-Bissau.
About the author
The Projeto Querer e Fazer, created in 1981 by Prof. Doctor João Luís Baptista, is a volunteer project aimed at university students and / or young graduates from different areas of knowledge such as Health, Education, Engineering.
Volunteering has already been present in several places on the African continent, including the Cumura Hospital and School, in Guinea-Bissau, the mission for which this campaign is intended and where the project is currently in action.
This action includes activities in the areas of Health, Education, Informatics and Sociology.
In the health area, the project aims to assist local media, and the IT component of the project aims to boost the initial training in information technology for students and teachers at the Dom Settimio Arturo Ferrazzetta Unified School. This initiative is divided into two phases, the first of which has been underway since June 2017, having already provided the teachers of the school with computer skills. In addition to the training component, this initiative has already provided the school with the necessary infrastructure to carry out computer learning, namely, Internet connection, wireless access, and portable computers.
The overall coordination and implementation and technical guidance of the various aspects is in charge of the Centro de Investigação e Desenvolvimento da Beira (CIDB), the Universidade da Beira Interior (UBI) and the association O Mundo da Carolina.
www.cidbjlb.org | www.facebook.com/pg/projetoquererefazer

Entrada do Hospital de Cumura.
Budget and due dates
The funds raised will be fully channeled towards the purchase of personal protective equipment for the users and employees of the Cumura Hospital, Guinea-Bissau, as well as for the purchase of cleaning and disinfection materials for its facilities.
The funds raised will be used to purchase: protective visors; masks; protective suits; gloves; protective goggles; coglets; hospital waste containers; cleaning and disinfection products; non-woven fabric for hospital beds; alcohol gel.
PPL is not charging any fees for this campaign except for the payment costs
Emissão de recibos de donativo
Se assim desejado, pedimos que nos informe se pretende a emissão de um recibo de donativo, que poderá ter benefícios na sua declaração anual do IRS. Se sim, pedimos que nos informe através de email para cidbeira@gmail.com até ao dia 20 de julho, indicando os seus dados fiscais (nome completo, NIF, morada), bem como confirmando o valor total doado.
Sem mais, uma vez mais agradecemos o seu apoio, colocando-nos à disposição para qualquer contacto adicional através www.cidbjlb.org.
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Muito obrigado por nos ajudarem a ajudar!
Agradecemos profundamente a tod@s @s que nos ajudaram a ajudar Cumura.
No total, esta angariação de fundos conseguiu mais de 300 euros apenas através da plataforma PPL, além de outras verbas que foram recebidas por outros meios.
Siga o Projeto Querer e Fazer no Facebook, em breve agradeceremos a tod@s e divulgaremos o montante total doado a Cumura.
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Obrigado pelo apoio!
O Projeto Querer e Fazer, o Centro de Investigação e Desenvolvimento da Beira, e toda a região de Cumura agradecem profundamente todo o apoio até ao momento. Por mais pequena que seja a contribuição, é certo que fará a máxima diferença junto de quem tanto precisa neste momento.
Cumura continua a lutar todos os dias, precisa da nossa ajuda cada vez mais.
Convide os seus amigos a apoiar esta campanha, partilhe o máximo que conseguir, pois 1 euro fará certamente a diferença!
Vamos ajudar Cumura, é esse o nosso dever!
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