Group of volunteers, with knowledge in 3D printing, from the District of Bragança, who came together in community to be able to offer timely protection solutions to frontline professionals.
We need you to help us continue to help.
We are a group of 3D printing enthusiasts who, since the beginning of the Pandemic, have made their means and resources available to the community. We have already distributed more than 3000 visors throughout the District of Bragança : Local Health Unit of the Northeast, other health institutions, Residences for the Elderly and Fire Departments. When no one had solutions to present, this group of volunteers put their own resources at the service of the community.
We received help from many individuals and companies who were decisive in this initial phase of the Pandemic and which enabled the first objectives to be achieved. Currently, the offer of visors is already large. But there is still much to do ...
After days and days in a row, hours and hours of printing, the printers begin to give in to the effort. The fast-wearing parts begin to demand replacement. The material that each one had in stock starts to become scarce.
We need to receive some of your help to continue this work.
We need to face the second phase. If, on the one hand, the State is acquiring essential material, on the other hand, gaps will continue to exist in certain specific sectors and in certain equipment. And this is where we can help.
- production of visors for frontline professionals (in well-identified situations);
- printing of clamps for orotracheal intubation to ULSNe (procedure in which the risk of contamination by health professionals is very high);
- ear protectors for better adaptation of masks to the face of professionals;
- possibility of adapting Snorkel masks for non-invasive ventilation (NIV) with printing of components that adapt to the masks and allow, in a simple way, to help ventilate a patient.
- and the most important thing is to react quickly, study and implement other solutions not yet defined according to the evolution of the Pandemic.
We believe that now it is the community's turn to give us the vote of confidence we need, trusting us with their help so we can help.
We kindly ask you to send us the support you can get and to understand it justly, so that we can help protect those who protect us!
We ask little. Just a little help to keep helping.
3D Bragança
Muito, muito obrigado!
Boa noite!
As impressoras 3D continuam incansavelmente a trabalhar.
Muito obrigado pela vossa ajuda, que será determinante para responder às necessidades do presente mas também para começar a preparar o futuro.
Com este PPL e a resposta fantástica da comunidade, percebemos que estamos no caminho certo.
O dinheiro que vocês nos emprestaram, para o colocarmos ao serviço da comunidade em produto transformado, será gerido com o maior rigor e a maior lisura.
Estamos muito gratos por confiarem em nós.
Sigam-nos em
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3D Bragança
Boa tarde,
em menos de 24 horas atingimos a totalidade do montante solicitado.
Nem nas nossas melhores perspetivas pensámos atingir o objetivo tão depressa...
Faltam-nos palavras de agradecimentos a todos os que nos ajudaram. Muito muito obrigado!
Esperamos continuar a fazer a diferença junto de quem continua a dar o corpo às balas por todos nós.
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3D Bragança
Boa noite,
é com um misto de surpresa e de felicidade que percebemos que com 12h de campanha ativa, atingimos 50% daquilo que pedimos. Muito obrigado a todos os que contribuíram!
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