waiting for you
PPL Causas Social
Better Life Program - Support for isolated elderly people and caregivers
Vida Melhor turns dreams into reality. Accept the invitation to be part of this transformation story. By financing, you will be investing in changing the life of an elderly pers...
1% of 150 000€
2 days left to support
PPL Causas Social
Zona Franca nos Anjos | To Resist is to Exist
Zona Franca nos Anjos is a symbol of self-management, independent culture, voluntary collaboration, sharing and transformation in the heart of Lisbon. After 12 years, it faces a...
5% of 7 170€
2 days left to support
Books / Magazines
Help edit the 'Manual of a Tenderfoot' – A Scouting Adventure!
"Where have I ended up??" is the first book in the "Manual of a Tenderfoot" collection, where young scouts see themselves in the adventures of this Tenderfoot and others can be ...
43% of 1 950€
23 days left to support
Moon's yellow smile (short film)
Help me tell the story of Edgar who is going through a period of change and personal discovery. I really believe in cinema as a therapeutic art and this film could be exactly th...
43% of 1 300€
22 days left to support
Books / Magazines
Procuro cúmplices para desenvolver uma NOVELA GRÁFICA
Looking for co-conspirators to rewrite the ultimate story of the Three Wise Men and making it into a Graphic Novel, which does them justice.
13% of 2 300€
5 days left to support
The PPL community can achieve amazing feats.
Together we helped Diogo Batáguas raise funds for several social causes. Find out more success cases.
Success cases