Campaign to test healthcare professionals exposed to the SARS-CoV-2 virus.
Healthy professionals. More security in the return.
Let's help those who are taking care!
The new SARS-CoV-2 virus has brought many challenges and an urgent need to define effective strategies to combat it. Testing Health Professionals at the forefront allows you to break an important transmission chain, anticipate measures for a potential new wave, and protect the whole of society.
Scientists from the Gulbenkian Institute of Science (IGC) have mobilized themselves to help protect health professionals who are fighting COVID-19 by conducting periodic diagnostic tests to detect the virus (PCR tests) and to the measurement of virus response antibodies (serological tests). So we will know who is, has been or may be exposed to the disease.
Periodically testing health professionals, with and without symptoms, allows:
- Control the spread of the virus;
- Prepare for a possible second wave of infection;
- Protect the Society;
- Reduce the growing anxiety of health professionals about being able to infect users, colleagues and their families;
- Study the exposure and immune response to the virus.
IGC believes that the involvement of research institutions is essential in combating the pandemic, and is making its technology platforms and scientific skills available to the common good through partnerships with hospital institutions.

Instituto Gulbenkian de Ciência realiza testes para avaliar exposição de profissionais de saúde ao vírus SARS-CoV-2
The Calouste Gulbenkian Foundation has already joined this civil society mobilization, providing € 30,000 of the emergency fund created to deal with the pandemic and guaranteeing that more health professionals are tested.
What is the main focus of this campaign?
- Health professionals, symptomatic and asymptomatic, in direct contact with COVID-19 patients.
How are we going to help?
- Identify who are the carriers (diagnostic tests for infection) and who are exposed to the virus (serological tests - antibody measurement) in hospital personnel.
What information will these tests give us?
- Prevalence by hospital: allows to manage the protection and sustainability of the response of health professionals in the front line;
- Prevalence by service: allows to manage the allocation of tasks/reorganization of services and effort management (COVID / non-COVID) in the second wave;
- Who is a carrier and who has antibodies: allows management of service and vacation teams between vacancies.
Which hospitals are involved?
Centro Hospitalar Lisboa Ocidental (including Hospitals Egas Moniz, Santa Cruz and São Francisco Xavier) and Hospital Fernando da Fonseca (Amadora - Sintra). In the first phase, 1000 professionals from these hospitals will be tested.
Let's test more healthcare professionals!
Your donation will help us fulfill this mission!
Instituto Gulbenkian de Ciência
Obrigado por nos ajudar a TESTAR+
Caro Apoiante,
Terminámos a campanha de angariação de donativos com o seu precioso contributo!
Conseguimos 4.888.00€ e assim realizar mais 165 testes a profissionais de saúde que estão na linha de combate à pandemia que vivemos.
O seu envolvimento foi determinante para reforçar este trabalho e é um enorme incentivo para o nosso compromisso com esta missão. Muito obrigado por apoiar a ciência!
Continue a acompanhar o nosso trabalho em
Instituto Gulbenkian de Ciência
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Instituto Gulbenkian de Ciência
Obrigado por ajudarem a TESTAR+ SALVAR+
Caros apoiantes,
Obrigado por se associarem a esta causa, com os vossos donativos chegámos aos 10% do valor necessário!
Ajudem-nos a chegar mais longe e a cumprir esta missão: partilhem com a vossa familia e amigos como podem ajudar quem está a cuidar!
Todos juntos, vamos TESTAR+ profissionais de saúde!
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Sofia RodriguesInstituto Gulbenkian de Ciência
Vamos Conseguir!
Vamos Conseguir!
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