Homage and support, to the health professionals who are at the forefront to help us win this struggle for survival.
Tribute to the heroes of the covid-19
As a tribute to all the health professionals in Guarda, who are fighting to the point of exhaustion in this war against the covid-19, we are going to offer this framework to perpetuate our gratitude in time, for what these professionals and volunteers are doing for the common good.
Thank and help
By supporting this campaign you are doing a tribute of thanks and helping to equip those on the front line, exposed daily to risky situations to protect us!
Recognition is important because it gives encouragement to these fighters, but the help with personal protective equipment (PPE) will allow these professionals to continue to fight for us safely.
Today they are fighting for a stranger, but tomorrow they may be fighting for their survival, mine or one of ours.
At the tribute ceremony, the Sousa Martins Hospital - ULS Guarda will be delivered, in addition to the work of the visual artist, all the PPE that the fundraising allows to acquire, and the list of participants in the campaign.

está na altura de materializar a nossa generosidade
Helping those who help us
All the money raised will be converted into gloves, masks and visors, acquired from Portuguese companies, so that we can also extend our solidarity to the local economy, which is so shaken by this crisis.
Only donations are accepted through this campaign. If you have any of these equipments available (no matter how much!) And wish to make a donation in kind, please contact us directly.
We ask for maximum collaboration from everyone, sharing, commenting, making suggestions and also making some of your time available to contribute to this initiative.
Help make this project a reality. This fight is not won with bombs, but with the generosity and individual sacrifice of each one of us.
"Many drops of water together form an ocean."
All present at the tribute
In times of social withdrawal, on the day of the tribute, all those who generously contributed to this campaign will be “virtually present” when their name appears on the list of participants in the campaign (in alphabetical order).

Vamos proteger aqueles que na nossa terra estão na linha da frente a lutar por nós
Antonio Pinto Tony
Obrigado pelo apoio e carinho que manifestaram.
Duas questões que vos peço para responderem até ao final da semana para o e-mail da campanha.
1º -Vamos anexar ao quadro uma lista com o nome dos participantes na angariação de fundos, quem quiser ficar no anonimato por favor diga. Quem contribuiu no anonimato continuará assim amenos que se manifeste em contrario.
2º - Ainda não está agendado o dia da cerimónia. Quem fizer gosto em participar é favor de se manifestar.
Forte abraço
Fiquem Bem!
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Antonio Pinto Tony
Muito Obrigado a todos os que acreditaram neste projecto e me estão a apoiar para o fazer acontecer.
Muitos são os que querem que aconteça... mas só alguns estão a fazer acontecer.
A si que está a fazer acontecer um ultimo pedido...
Alguns dos seus amigos e colega podem estar com dúvidas sobre a seriedade da iniciativa,
Por isso nestes 3 dias que faltam para o fim da campanha fale com eles para que se juntem a nós.
Nós vamos fazer acontecer!
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