Sport Clube Beira-Mar inspired by the noble attitude of the coaches of the Clube's Football Academy, to which other Sections have also joined, in which they decided to donat...
Sport Clube Beira-Mar inspired by the noble attitude of the coaches of the Clube's Football Academy, to which other Sections have also joined, in which they decided to donate their salaries for the month of March in favor of the acquisition of material for Hospital de Aveiro , we launched the symbolic campaign: “The best move is to help!”
More than a campaign to support a class that currently defends us all, it is an alert to the sense of community that we should all have at this time.
Because being at home is the best move, but it is also here that we can make a difference.
This campaign aims to extend to all partners, supporters and the community in general the possibility of also participating in fundraising for the purchase of material to donate to Hospital de Aveiro, joining this initiative.
Sport Clube Beira-Mar inspired by the noble attitude of the coaches of the Clube's Football Academy, to which other Sections have also joined, in which they decided to donate their salaries for the month of March in favor of the acquisition of material for Hospital de Aveiro , we launched the symbolic campaign: “The best move is to help!”
More than a campaign to support a class that currently defends us all, it is an alert to the sense of community that we should all have at this time.
Because being at home is the best move, but it is also here that we can make a difference.
This campaign aims to extend to all partners, supporters and the community in general the possibility of also participating in fundraising for the purchase of material to donate to Hospital de Aveiro, joining this initiative.
SC Beira-Mar will donate directly to the Hospital de Aveiro the amount fully raised during the campaign and this, depending on the needs at the time and the amount raised, will inform SC Beira-Mar which materials it acquired with the money donated by the Club .
Pedro Alcaide
A melhor jogada é ajudar!
Muito bom dia,
Muito obrigado pelo v/apoio nesta causa.
Em breve, e através das nossas redes sociais, será divulgado o valor total doado ao Hospital de Aveiro por parte do SC Beira-Mar e os materiais que este adquiriu com essa verba.
Continuaremos em contacto.
Muito obrigado mais uma vez,
Sport Clube Beira-Mar
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