We need to buy EPI's so that our volunteers can continue to go on the ground safely.
In order for our volunteers to continue to enter the elderly support institutions that are experiencing COVID outbreaks to reinforce existing teams that are exhausted and worn out, they need to continue to do so safely. To this end, COmVIDas has invested in personal protective equipment (PPE's) which includes purchases of complete suits, FFP2 masks, surgical masks, boot covers, visors, caps, nitrile gloves, disinfectant gel and surface disinfectant.
COmVIDas lives only on donations that its partners and friends have generously given. To date, we have sent 466 volunteers to the field, helping 44 institutions and providing direct support to more than 2,400 elderly people. In order for us to continue our mission and give affection, company, love and affection to the elderly in this most difficult time, we need to acquire PPE's and for that, your help is essential!
About the author
COmVIDas is a project that brings together those who need help and who can help. We are a network of volunteers capable of helping the elderly support institutions throughout the country in a safe and responsible way, with a view to promoting greater comfort and the best possible quality of life for the elderly, trying to guarantee their dignity in this way, being a complement to the existing structures.
It all started on Sunday, March 29, when we received a message asking for help for a home in the countryside. Many doubts arose, the need for training in health safety and some logistical difficulties. On the other hand, many people soon wanted to join the support request. In less than 24 hours, 100 volunteers were ready to go on a mission while in the news many other homes in difficulty also asked for help.
We realized that all the help had to be cautious and that any steps we wanted to take were prudent. Thus, in a few days and by the hand of a multidisciplinary group of university students and civil society professionals, the website portugalcomvidas.com aimed at bridging the gap between its two main areas of activity: institutions that support the elderly and volunteers.

Budget and due dates
- 1 COmVIDas Volunteer on the ground, costs per day, and only in PPE’s : 10 €
- 1 COmVIDas Mission (which, at this stage, has an average of 10 volunteers on the ground over 8 days), costs, only in PPE’s : 800 €
- We are currently sending an average of 10 missions per month to the field, spending, on PPE’s alone, an average of € 8,000 / month
- We expect to spend until July, only on PPE’s , about 48,000 €
- We would like to cover, with this campaign at PPL, the expenses on PPE's related to the first 2 months of 2021: € 16,000
PPL is not charging any fees for this campaign except for the payment costs