Food Aid to Oporto Campaign Hospitals
  • Other
  • Esposende, Portugal

Food Aid to Oporto Campaign Hospitals

Aid for Food Reinforcement to medical and auxiliary staff of Oporto Campaign Hospitals.

  • 278


    27% of 1 000€

    14 backers

  • 20/04/2020

    Expired on

  • Not funded

    This project was unable to raise the required funds

Aid for Food Reinforcement to medical and auxiliary staff of Oporto Campaign Hospitals.

We are in the middle of the coronavirus mitigation phase, and essential goods are missing for those who are literally giving their bodies to the bullets!

In close coordination with the heads of the Oporto Campaign Hospitals, we assess the real needs: food reinforcement for medical and auxiliary personnel.

Thus, in our community we have already managed to collect some food goods and have already delivered them to Oporto Covidarium of Hospital São João.

But it's just a drop in the ocean ...

So we ask for all possible help! € 1 makes all the difference ... If you can't, spread the word, spread the word, help us to help!

About the author

I am a woman, mother, wife, daughter, sister, cousin, niece and daughter-in-law. I am a businesswoman and employee, now in lay-off. I cook, I clean the house, I take care of the clothes (ok, I confess that I´m procrastinating to iron, go!), I play with the kids, I change diapers, I bathe them. At 2 pm I look at the clock, tired I admit, and I think already ????? I haven't done anything for me yet! And the cycle of cleaning, tidying, cooking, playing and supporting resumes ... at 9 pm, I look at the clock again, exhausted, and continue with a huge feeling of uselessness! I see appeals from doctors, nurses and assistants who are in the front line and I just feel like crying! I try to mobilize support so that, at least, at the food level, they are well served, ready for the battle of their lives. I stay at home, just go out to help the family and deliver those reinforcements that kindly the mothers and fathers of the 4A room of the Jardim Creche da Santa Casa da Misericórdia de esposende and the Mais Esposende Association gave me. I thank my husband who is taking care of our children so that I can feel that somehow I contribute to the success of this unequal fight! The way back from the S. João's Covidarium, is a mixture of feelings ... I don't know whether to cry or smile ... the feeling of uselessness fades, and as I told you in the previous post, I feel proud of my community that helped so much!

I know these are times of uncertainty and tight, but I also know that we need to take care of ourselves without forgetting about others. We need to bring back the sense of community, neighborhood and solidarity! We need to hug our own and raise our heads to hug, even if virtually others!

I continue to collect food items (single dose if possible) for medical and auxiliary staff of Oporto´s Campaign Hospitals. I remain grateful to my community and everyone who stays at home! I continue life as normal as possible! But I still feel worthless ... WILL YOU HELP? In the collection / raising of goods, in generating a buzz, in donating whatever, in contacting people to help ... any help is welcome!

Budget and due dates

We point out the symbolic value of 1000 €, but we want to go much further than that, since all the help will be little and essential. Destination of funds: food reinforcement.

The delivery of the goods is already guaranteed by a sponsor!

Timing: as urgent as possible!

Transparency: all donations will be public knowledge and invoices for purchased goods will also be available to everyone.

PPL is not charging any fees for this campaign except for the payment costs

  • Water pack

    Invest with
    5€ or more

    Water pack

    With your donation, we were able to offer 0.5lt water packs!

    5 backers

  • Fruit Box

    Invest with
    10€ or more

    Fruit Box

    With your donation, we were able to offer fruit boxes!

    1 backer

  • Cookie Pack

    Invest with
    20€ or more

    Cookie Pack

    With your donation, we were able to offer packs of cookies

    5 backers

  • Complete Pack

    Invest with
    35€ or more

    Complete Pack

    With your donation, we were able to offer the basket complete with water, fruit and cookies!

    2 backers

  • Invest with
    50€ or more

    Pack de EPI

    Com o seu donativo, conseguimos oferecer um pack de EPI!

    Hand-delivered (see above)

    1 backer

Sat, 08/02/2025 - 00:02

Tue, 21/04/2020 - 11:28

Payout completed

The raised funds have been transferred to the campaign owner


Campaign ended

The campaign failed to raise the total amount

Thu, 16/04/2020 - 10:48

Faltam 5 dias...

Faltam 5 dias e estamos longe do nosso objetivo. Compreendo que exista um misto de desconfiança, de incerteza e de uma panóplia de campanhas para o mesmo fim, mas, venho apelar...

Read more

Fri, 03/04/2020 - 16:11

Ultrapassamos os 100€!

Sei que são tempos de vamos ter dinheiro que chegue no fim do mês face às despesas, se vamos conseguir pagar aos nossos colaboradores, se vamos receber o nosso or...

Read more

Wed, 01/04/2020 - 15:04

First five backers

We've gathered the first 5 backers. Hurray!

Campaign launched


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  • Catarina Silva lopes

    Faltam 5 dias...

    Faltam 5 dias e estamos longe do nosso objetivo.
    Compreendo que exista um misto de desconfiança, de incerteza e de uma panóplia de campanhas para o mesmo fim, mas, venho apelar-vos a acelerar nesta reta final.
    Partilhando, partilhando, partilhando!
    Como sou da área da culinária, vou oferecer um pack de livros e receitas da bimby (mais de 100) em formato digital (pdf) a todos os apoiantes, e um livro da Squires Kitchen - The Art of Sugarcraft, a sortear por todos. Os atuais apoiantes da campanha já estão incluidos nesta oferta.
    Vou divulgar esta minha oferta para que possam partilhar junto da vossa rede de amigos.
    Para participar, só têm que fazer um donativo mínimo 5€ e partilhar a página da nossa campanha no facebook com as #portodosherois #ficaemcasa #reforcoalimentarcovidariosporto #ppl, e identificando, o maior número de pessoas conhecidas para que as mesmas possam contribuir. (
    Obrigada e vemo-nos na meta!

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  • Catarina Silva lopes

    Ultrapassamos os 100€!

    Sei que são tempos de vamos ter dinheiro que chegue no fim do mês face às despesas, se vamos conseguir pagar aos nossos colaboradores, se vamos receber o nosso ordenado!
    Por isso cada € que conseguimos tem o sabor de 1 milhão!
    Bem hajam por contribuir.
    Pouco a pouco, em donativos e em géneros lá vamos conseguindo alimentar a alma dos verdadeiros heróis.
    Espero que a campanha seja um sucesso, pois já penso em alargá-la às famílias dos heróis, que as deixam e dormem em hotéis para os proteger e para poderem continuar a salvar vidas.
    Se têm alguma ideia para alegrar os seus dias partilhem. Divulguem ao máximo esta nossa iniciativa para que possamos todos juntos ir mais longe!
    Muito obrigada!

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14 members of the PPL community
support this campaign

  • 5
    new backers

  • 9
    recurrent backers

  • 4
    anonymous backers

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