Historic sign «Confectionery - Conímbriga»
PPL Causas
  • Other
  • Coimbra, Portugal

Historic sign «Confectionery - Conímbriga»

Restoration of the historic sign «Confectionery - Conímbriga»

Restoration of the historic sign «Confectionery - Conímbriga»

The Confeitaria Conímbriga is etched in my memory as a young student, from the early 1990s. In front of it, in the area I always knew as Bica da Cheira, in the Calhabé neighborhood, in Coimbra, there was a public transport stop and I went in there many times for reasons that escape me. It also had a tobacco shop space separate from the café counter and was a familiar space in that small neighborhood, bearing witness to its urban life. In 2022, this commercial space was still open, but it was already showing signs of decay, signaling the change in the neighborhood's commercial dynamics. Until it finally closed, leaving its sign, which had been there since the 1980s, without any informative function. A new owner took over the space and removed the sign, which was donated by Pedro Eliseu to the Tipos de Coimbra project and which we now intend to restore to return it to the enjoyment of the city of Coimbra.
This sign is made up of two elements dating from 1980. They are elements with a metal structure and glass letters illuminated with noble gas running through them, with the Conímbriga piece being made of glass with neon gas (which gives it a red colour) and the Confeitaria piece being made of glass with an undetermined colour, to be identified only after restoration (probably in white). The restoration of this sign will preserve its characteristic typography from the 1970s, will safeguard its unique technology, as there are only a dozen craftsmen working with neon in the country, and will also allow this unique object, which bears witness to a specific era in the city of Coimbra, to be returned to the city. By contributing to this campaign, you will be helping to restore the sign to its original form and lighting, ensuring that it is preserved and maintained for the memory and enjoyment of all citizens.

Letreiros alinhados

About the author

Tipos de Coimbra is a non-profit project with a museum theme that aims to rescue the signs and advertisements that still exist on the face of the city of Coimbra and that are at risk of loss or destruction, removing them from the façades and preserving them in a dynamic collection. It lives at the intersection of memory, history, art and technology, as a temporal testimony of a genius loci and a timeless way of re-signifying a sense of belonging. As a project that is constantly under construction, with a collection that grows with each rescue, the aim is also to restore and exhibit the elements reclaimed from the streets. The collection now has 40 pieces, a collection that includes elements in glass with neon, acrylic light boxes, metal sheets and other artefacts, from different decades, which bear witness to different eras of the graphic image of the city of Coimbra, while aiming to fix the graphic, technological and typographic element that once filled the urban landscape. The project aims to develop into a museum structure, with the aim of promoting exhibitions and publications, in order to make the public aware of the technologies and typography of these signs and advertisements, also recording the stories of the brands, companies and people who reside in these elements. In addition to the current collection, negotiations are also underway to enable the rescue of around ten signs in Coimbra and neighboring towns.


This project was created by two people:

Rafael Vieira, Coimbra, 1979. Journalist and architect, master in urban rehabilitation and postgraduate in collaborative investigative journalism at the Faculty of Arts of the University of Coimbra. He manages the online repository CoimbraStreetArt and is an activist in the civic groups Eu Também Coimbra and Coimbr'a Pedal;

Liliana Marante, Águeda, 1985. Psychologist and massage therapist, master in systemic psychology and postgraduate in dance and movement in psychotherapy at the FPCE of the University of Coimbra. She is an activist of the collective Coimbr'a Pedal.

Criadores do projecto Tipos de Coimbra: Rafael Vieira e Liliana Marante

Budget and due dates

The budget covers the restoration of the two components of the sign, namely the glass parts and the electrical part, while the metal structural part will only be treated to stop corrosion. The costs are distributed as follows:

- Sign «Conímbriga», arrangement of pieces in red neon glass, without dust, connections and labor: €690 + VAT

- A neon transformer (high voltage): €220

- Sign “Confectionery”, made of glass parts, connections and labor: €791.3 + VAT

Total: 2042€


Fri, 28/03/2025 - 11:53

Campaign launched


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