«SPICY TUTUBOY INTER-NATIONAL GEOGRAPHIC» is a performing arts & transdisciplinary project about national identities, nationalities, nationalisms.

  • 490


    24% of 2 000€

    7 backers

  • 28/01/2013

    Expired on

  • Not funded

    This project was unable to raise the required funds

«SPICY TUTUBOY INTER-NATIONAL GEOGRAPHIC» is a performing arts & transdisciplinary project about national identities, nationalities, nationalisms.


«SPICY TUTUBOY INTER-NATIONAL GEOGRAPHIC» is a performing arts & transdisciplinary project about national identities, nationalities, nationalisms.



We have been developing the "Portugal", "Spain" & "France" episodes since the summer 2011 and we have had a première in Toulouse, France in June; after this first performance we have had others in Logroño (June 2012), at Villa-Real Dance Festival, in Castellón (October 2012).
Every Sunday of November we performed at DT Espacio Escénico, in Madrid.



The 5th of June 2013 we will present it at Teatro Arriaga de Bilbao.
The 20th of July 2013 we will perform in Portugal at Center of the Arts of Figueira da Foz, and there are other performances to be confirmed.



In February-March-April 2013 we have artistic residencies confirmed in India (Udaipur, Pune) and some others to be confirmed (Goa, Bangalore), to develop the "India" phase of «SPICY TUTUBOY INTER-NATIONAL GEOGRAPHIC», with several performances in view, as our participation at the AVAYAVA Festival of Pune, at the end of March 2013.



We are looking for several sources of funding and financial support (Instituto Camões & Fundação Gulbenkian), to try to face part of the expenses that this Project generates, and for the moment we can count with the one month residency of Millenium Gallery in Udaipur and a similar one at the Space Studio and Avayava Festival of Pune, which offer to us the space for the artistic residency, as well as the lodging for all the project team members, and also the participation in various cultural activities in close contact with the local communities.

And we are counting on You, Family, Friends, colleagues, known and unknown people, SPICY TUTUBOY’s fans, and every illuminated soul, interested in Art & Culture!



This PPL campaign has the object of helping us finance the production expenses related with the "India" phase of the project: the creation and production expenses (set and costume materials, construction and confection, etc...), the traveling of the team members (3 people) between Portugal and India, as well as networking and maintenance expenses that we could have to face during our staying in India.



SPICY TUTUBOY received his first name «Spicy» in India, country that he had the honor of visiting... and since then a deep Love unites him to this subcontinent, with its richness and variety of traditions and culture, its endless artistic forms, its colors, aromas and of course, spices!

«SPICY TUTUBOY INTER-NATIONAL GEOGRAPHIC - INDIA» will be something unforgettable that SPICY TUTUBOY will share with all of You!

Help us to make it happen! Thank You!

About the author


DINIZ SANCHEZ – director, choreographer, performer


Born in Lisbon, Portugal, where he studied dance and choreography in the Superior School of Dance and in Forum Dança.


He also studied Religious Sciences in Lisbon and History of the Arts in Salamanca (Spain), continuing his artistic education at the Montpellier Choreographic Center – Mathilde Monnier, and in the Aquitaine’s Superior School of Drama and Musical Theater (France).


Dancer/performer for several companies in Portugal, France and Belgium, since 1994, started creating his own work in 1995, interesting himself at the crossing of several performing arts, from dance to theatre, video and singing.


Choreographer and director of Lua Company since its creation in 2004, presented pieces in Portugal, Spain and France.


In 2007 starts working in Opera, collaborating with the stage director Emilio Sagi, as choreographer and assistant director in works as: Gluck’s “Iphigénie en Tauride” (Teatro Campoamor de Oviedo); Rossini’s “Il Barbiere di Siviglia” (Teatro Real de Madrid); Puccini’s “La Bohème” (Festival de Peralada); Chapí’s “El Rey que rabió” (Palau de les Arts de Valencia and Festival de Peralada); Wagner’s “Die Feen” (Théâtre du Châtelet de Paris); Saint-Saëns “Samson et Dalila” (Teatro Amazonas de Manaos/Brasil); Poulenc’s “Les Mamelles de Tirésias” (Teatro Arriaga de Bilbao and Gran Teatre del Liceu de Barcelona); the Rodgers and Hammerstein’s musical “The Sound of Music” (Théâtre du Châtelet de Paris).


Since 2006 has been developing the character SPICY TUTUBOY, with whom has done several performances, videos and installations, about themes around questions of identity.




SERGIO HERRERO: Assistant, playwrigther, technical and theoretical support


Born in Madrid, Spain , graduated in Spanish Language and Literature from Complutense University (Madrid) and has a  Master in Creative Writing from Pompeu Fabra University (Barcelona).
He has participated in various radio programs, literature magazines and has worked both in the editorial world as well as in cultural management (Residencia de Estudiantes - Madrid).
With Blenamiboá Theatre Company directs “Ophelia”, magazine of theatre and other arts; participates at Proyecto Transatlántico as assistant director for “Los desastres del amor”, from Benjamín Galemiri; as an actor in “El peso de la pureza”, from Mauricio Barría ,” Decapitation”, from Marco Antonio de la Parra and “La Ronda”, from Arthur Schnitzler; and as video director of the installation “La cruzada de los niños de la calle”, based on a text by Marco A. de la Parra.
He was one of the authors of ”Guardo la llave…” (Teatro del Astillero, IV Festival Madrid Sur).
Has participated in”Acció Teatral de la Valldigna” reading “
Vida Creciente Marea”, as well an in Caleidoscópica 2000 (El canto de la cabra, Madrid). Has published the preface to “Pelillos a la Mar” theatre piece by Tomás Gaviro Ponce (Madrid, ASSITEJ, 2004),the short story Géminis, (Prize: Certamen jóvenes escritores e ilustradores 1998, Junta de Castilla y León - Spain) and the short stories book “ Sentidos comunes” (Prize: Complutense de Narrativa «Ramón J. Sender»).
Nowadays is assistant director and gives technical and theoretical support to the performing arts project “Spicy Tutuboy Inter-National Geographic”.




Budget and due dates

DIETAS, ALOJAMENTO E GASTOS DE VIAGEM Avião Lisboa – Mumbai – Lisboa 650€ (x3) 1950€ Avião Mumbai – Udaipur – Mumbai : 85€ (x3) 255€ Comboio Mumbai – Pune – Mumbai 10€ (x3) 30€ Alimentação 72 dias, uma média de 5€/dia/pessoa 1080€ Seguro 1000€ Imprevistos e outros gastos 500€ = 4815€ PRODUÇÃO Material para vestuário e acessórios 250€ Material para cenografia 250€ Outros gastos 300€ = 800€ PUBLICIDADE E PROPAGANDA 500€ *As 3 pessoas que viajam são Fernanda Adão (Consultora em Lingua Gestual Portuguesa), Sergio Herrero (Dramaturgo, assistente), Diniz Sanchez (Coreógrafo, SPICY TUTUBOY) Prazos: VIAJAR A FINAIS DE JANEIRO 2013 (LISBOA-MUMBAI), EM FEVEREIRO RESIDÊNCIA EM UDAIPUR, MARÇO EM PUNE, REGRESSO À EUROPA EM ABRIL. Fizémos um pedido de apoio à Internacionalização à Fundação Calouste Gulbenkian, para cobrir parte destes gastos (pedimos 4000€), mas ainda não obtivémos resultados. Outros pedidos de apoios e financiamento estão em curso (para pagar o trabalho dos artistas, o prosseguimento do projecto, as viagens dos artistas indianos a Portugal.... mas isso não entra dentro deste crowdfunding.

Sun, 06/10/2024 - 07:49


Campaign ended

The campaign failed to raise the total amount

Campaign launched


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  • cristina.benedita

    Índia luz

    Que se faça luz na Índia, TutuBoy!!! Envia informação detalhada, hein, quero saber o que andas a fazer por terras do oriente, húmidas e quentes... ah
    beijos da Cristina Benedita

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  • Chandrashekharan


    O vosso projecto parece-me fascinante e totalmente meritório de apoio! Acabo de fazer uma transferência bancária para carregar a minha conta aqui no PPL e assim que o dinheiro estiver disponível podem contar com o meu apoio!
    Um abraço e muitas felicidades!

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7 members of the PPL community
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Meet the people helping this dream come true

  • Bhakti Apoio Amigos

    28/01/2013 - 17:02

    Este é o apoio de Pepe de La Hoz, amigo de Diniz Sanchez (20€) e de Carlos Martins, amigo de Fernanda Adão (10€) Apoio de Ana Rosa Magalhães, tia de Dini

  • Franjas

    28/01/2013 - 16:43

  • Eduarda Melo

    27/01/2013 - 19:00

    Boa sorte querido Tutuboy:)

  • Maria João Garcia

    27/01/2013 - 12:18

  • cristina.benedita

    25/01/2013 - 18:32

    quero saber tudo, hein, e que se faça luz na Índia!!!

  • Xelgui

    13/01/2013 - 18:31

    ..a India Vai ficar tua fã incondicional! Mil beijinhos e Boa sorte!

  • Chandrashekharan

    10/01/2013 - 13:52

    Wishing You all the best and may this project go far, very far! Being India just the begining.