BUM - printed gallery

BUM - printed gallery

BUM is an itinerant and printed Art Gallery composed by an informal art collective. The goal is to create a platform to support the divulgation and the production of independent...

  • 2219


    111% of 2 000€

    78 backers

  • 22/05/2013

    Expired on

  • Completed

    This project has been successfully funded

BUM is an itinerant and printed Art Gallery composed by an informal art collective. The goal is to create a platform to support the divulgation and the production of independent...

BUM is an itinerant and printed Art Gallery composed by an informal art collective. The goal is to create a platform to support the divulgation and the production of independent art, promoting a direct relationship between the audience and the creators. Based in the concept of artist residency, each magazine will be an exclusive and original piece of art (printed), made by a group of artists reunited for that. We want to make the difference in the publishing sector, changing the way cultural contents are presented in order to highlight the act of creation. The reader will be spectator of both individual and collective art processes. 

Therefore, this magazine has the aim to incite the national creativity and to promote artist without voice, using creative pieces of work to present new ways of thinking, behaving and dreaming. 


Besides, we believe that promoting new Portuguese artists during an economic bad patch is an asset. We will try in every edition to encourage young people who have not been able to prove their talent before. 

Artist Residency is a collective scheme of creation and has the aim to develop a project directed for the public. It works as a specif space to create new art, through the sharing between the artist. 

About the author

We are a group of young people graduated in different areas from arts and cultural studies who wish to help completing the Portuguese Art legacy. Using the approach of 'do it yourself' we intend to launch our future through the creation of a magazine that enables us not only to divulge new art but also to learn from it, with the artists and their work. We want to create a synergistic net to help us growing in the artistic and publishing world. 

Our names: 

Ana M. Ferraria

Daniel Neves

Filipe Metelo

Leonor Barahona Pereira

Sandra Cardoso 


Budget and due dates

ORÇAMENTO E PRAZOS: Os principais custos associados à BUM dizem respeito à própria tiragem (custos de produção €500, impressão €1500 e distribuição €500). Nesta altura, estamos a receber orçamentos de diversas gráficas para que possamos fazer uma escolha ponderada na melhor relação preço-qualidade possível. As restantes despesas, menos significativas, referem-se ao pagamento do TOC (pagamento mensal a rondar os 200€). Ao nível da divulgação, estamos a delinear estratégias que nos permitam, através da rede networking que cada um de nós tem, fazer uma boa divulgação com o mínimo de custos possível. Contamos que a primeira edição possa sair para a rua entre meados de Junho e meados de Julho. A maqueta da primeira revista estará pronta até ao final do mês de Maio. O PVP da BUM será de 7€.

Wed, 17/07/2024 - 05:18


Campaign ended

The campaign successfully raised the initial target

Campaign launched


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