In the midst of the Covid-19 pandemic, a young couple of entrepreneurs created a healthy pastry for everyone, even those with food restrictions, to enjoy delicious moments.
NATURLUV : NATURAL, VEGAN, GLUTEN-FREE and REFINED SUGAR FREE Pastry Shop that wants to end food exclusion!
[IMAGE: 895740:1]
Have you ever thought about having to think about whether you can have something to eat or not when you go to a social event or a restaurant?
What if someone you knew had to go through this, simply because there was nothing on the market that suited their dietary needs?
[IMAGE: 895740:3]
Food exclusion is a reality for thousands of people around the world. Portugal is no different. The lack of availability of pastry and bakery products without additives, artificial colors, gluten free, animal products and white sugars combined with the deeply ingrained stigma in our culture, makes it difficult to manage the daily life of those who seek them .
[IMAGE: 895740:4]
There are many difficulties that people with food restrictions go through: missing eating a certain type of food, eating out safely (e.g free from cross contamination), lack of understanding and knowledge from society about issues involving food intolerance, lack of products, high prices and many others. All of this makes it even more difficult to achieve a more normalized and safer daily life, creating a vicious cycle where many people find themselves trapped.
We want to break this cycle. How? By producing safe food, free of ingredients that cause harm to these people and can even be life-threatening!
[IMAGE: 895740:5]
Our products are all made, wrapped and delivered with all the care and dedication to give everyone memorable experiences. Not only for people who have food intolerances, but also for those who choose to eat a healthier, guilt-free sweet. We know that the traditional pastry is full of processed products, saturated fats, too much sugar and zero nutritional value.
[IMAGE: 895740:0]
That's why we created this business with the mission of bringing smiles to these people. Eating healthy, balanced and worry-free is what we always strive for. I, Marcia, know what the extreme is… I had an eating disorder when I was younger. I got to the point where I even counted how many lettuce leaves I ate. So I know in my skin what it's like to want to eat freely, without restrictions and without feeling guilty.
We want to continue with this mission and we come to appeal for your help.
We started this business in the middle of a pandemic, but still we are still fighting. We never lower our arms. Unfortunately, we are now facing a difficult situation, our only delivery motorcycle was stolen, which was paid for with a lot of effort. We hereby appeal to your contribution so that we can continue to make our deliveries and make more people happy.
[IMAGE: 895740:2]
João Manuel A. Teixeira
Prestação de recompensa(s)
Terminada a campanha continuo a aguardar a recompensa associada ao contributo dado - e-book com receitas grátis no final da campanha.
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Ricardo CabralJoão Manuel A. Teixeira
Boa tarde Sr. João,
Boa tarde Sr. João,
Antes demais agradecemos o seu contributo. Iremos enviar todas as recompensas no prazo de uma semana. Receberá brevemente a sua! Obrigada mais uma vez pelo seu apoio.
Ricardo Cabral
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Ricardo Cabral
Olá! Vimos por este meio, informar que o objetivo foi cumprido! Estamos tão gratos por tudo o que fizerem por nós e nem temos palavras para agradecer o suficiente!
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