"Kalasha" the book; Photographs and Stories of a Pagan Minority in Pakistan

"Kalasha" the book; Photographs and Stories of a Pagan Minority in Pakistan

The idea of this campaign is to collect aid for the publishing of "Kalasha", a book that aims to share the culture and daily lives of a minority Kalash community through photogr...

  • 5561


    101% of 5 500€

    103 backers

  • 01/08/2023

    Expired on

  • Completed

    This project has been successfully funded

The idea of this campaign is to collect aid for the publishing of "Kalasha", a book that aims to share the culture and daily lives of a minority Kalash community through photographs and stories. Throughout the course of two months, the author lived and experienced cultural and religious festivities with this animist minority in Pakistan.

If you were one of the supporters of the campaign that endorsed the production of the book Other Worlds , here at PPL, even without knowing about its content, I thank you once again. I won't get tired of thanking you. This outpouring of trust is priceless and I will be forever grateful! 😊 Because you believed in me, the book was released, received three international awards from renowned entities and was a success. 📷


This time, I'm taking you with me to the mountains of Pakistan. In a visual immersion, but also sensory, through photographs, sounds and stories, you will relive with me an unusual experience with a pagan minority that fights for the preservation of its cultural identity, while bravely resisting the pressure of the country's Muslim majority.



The Kalash culture is intertwined with its religion and its festivities include unique celebrations . Through my eyes, you will hear traditional chants and see tribal dances; you will know how a ritual of purification of people associated with sacrifices is; you will also know how the Kalash people invite the souls of their ancestors to feed on fruits and nuts; you will attend the proceedings of a funeral over the course of a week; you will see what a Kalash school is like, what the children are like and what they do; above all, you will get to know a beautiful culture.


Getting to know another culture means exhilarating ourselves with unusual atributes and unique beauty aspects, as well as demanding the understanding and acceptance of differences. 


In the book, you will find ten series of photographs, each accompanied by a story. These stories describe the religious rituals, celebrations, dances, songs and beliefs of a welcoming minority. They also report my interaction with local people, children and adults, young and old. Genuine people and admirable simplicity. Stories accompanied by images that show details of a culture that is not immediately visible to the eyes of tourist travelers.

The book is intended to be bilingual :
🇵🇹 Portuguese version: printed photographs + printed texts in Portuguese language + audio narration by the author;
🇬🇧 English version: printed photographs + texts in English narrated by a female voice, native English speaker;


  1. Scenes from the Daily Life of the Kalash People
  2. Three Bits of Firewood
  3. howl
  4. A Kalash Baby is Born
  5. The Transition
  6. The Wheel of Life
  7. The Giant Abacus
  8. When Torches Summon Souls
  9. Rite of passage
  10. The Purification of Women

I thank you once again, from the bottom of my heart, for the vote of confidence and the affection you express with this support. 🙏 💝






About the author

Momentos de dança junto com a comunidade de Bumburet. Foto por: Shoiab

Author of the book of photographs and stories “Outros Mundos” (supported here by the PPL), highlighted by the European Federation of Photography (Belgium) as the best book of 2020. The book was also awarded by OneEyeland (USA) and by the IPA Book Awards (Los Angeles).

O campo de críquete de Rumbur serve para todo o tipo de diversão. Em Rumbur.

An exhibition of photographs entitled "Outros Mundos", sponsored by the Fundação Oriente, in Lisbon, is traveling through galleries in Portugal. Comprising 57 paintings measuring almost one meter, the exhibition reflects the author's current emphasis and photographic style in the areas of portrait photography, photojournalism, documentary and street photography.

A fugir de uns e a correr atrás de outros. Em Rumbur.

Graduated in Psychology and PhD in Psychology/Informatics, she has been a professional photographer for about 15 years, after reducing her investment in her career as a university professor. Represents Portugal in international photography competitions, having received several awards. Participates in photography salons as a member of juries (national and international). It has the recognition "Excellence" in photographic art by the Photographic Society of America , in addition to "Artist" and "Excellence " by the European association of photography ( International Federation of Photographic Art) . Photography of the Year , where an image was chosen from among another 20,000 participating images.She is currently the representative of the Photographic Society of America , in Portugal.She is the curator of the photography website Olhares.com.

Momentos de alegria. Em Rumbur.

Com a minha amiga Ariba e a vizinha, vestida "quase" a rigor. 😄

Budget and due dates


This campaign intends to partially cover the total costs of producing the book. The closer this campaign comes to the total budget, the better. The remaining amount will be raised by other means.

- Front and back cover design
- Design of the book
- Text review (Portuguese language)
- Translator (English language)
- Proofreader (English language)
- Studio rental
- Sound editing
- Native English speaking voice
- Advertising and promotional material
- Book printing + shipping
- Rewards
- PPL commission costs + credit card commissions - €600



- 30x20cm
- Hard cover + dust jacket
- 130 pages


June - Launch of the pre-campaign through the PPL.
August - End of campaign.
July/August - Studio recording, video editing, English translations, pagination and book revision.
September - Proofing and printing

All forms of support are especially important to help me bring the project to fruition. Please share my story with your friends who love photography, travel or reading. For this, use the share buttons at the top of this page.

Many thanks! 🙂

Partilhar nas minhas redes sociais

  • Invest with
    10€ or more

    I just want to help!

    Name in book acknowledgments. Please tell all your friends that you are sponsoring a fantastic book! :-) You can count on me, if one day you need me and I can help you.

    3 backers

  • Invest with
    35€ or more

    1 autographed book + free shipping (Portugal)

    1 book full of unusual stories and photographs. :-) Autographed, with priority shipping and free for those who support the campaign + name in the book's acknowledgments.

    Postman/courier or hand-delivered
    Shipping included (to Portugal)

    75 backers

  • Invest with
    42€ or more

    1 autographed book + shipping to the REST OF THE WORLD

    1 book full of unusual stories and photographs. :-) Autographed, with priority shipping to those who support the campaign (postage included for all countries) + name in the acknowledgments of the book.

    Postman/courier or hand-delivered
    Shipping not included

    4 backers

  • Invest with
    65€ or more

    2 autographed books

    2 autographed books. Priority and free shipping for campaign supporters (portugal) + name in book acknowledgments.

    NOTE: shipments to other countries in EUROPE, please add €9 to the value; shipments to the REST OF THE WORLD, add €15.

    Postman/courier or hand-delivered
    Shipping included (to Portugal)

    14 backers

  • Invest with
    150€ or more

    Pack 5 books (Portugal)

    Do you have dear friends, family or employees that you like to offer gifts to throughout the year?
    5 books (with or without dedications), priority and free shipping for those who support the campaign + name in the acknowledgments of the book.

    Postman/courier or hand-delivered
    Shipping included (to Portugal)

    3 backers

  • Invest with
    230€ or more

    1 autographed book + 1 photo print on rigid support (Portugal)

    1 autographed book + 1 fineart print of any image from my portfolio, ready to hang + priority shipping (free).

    Characteristics: printing on K-Mount rigid support, high quality paper and wooden divider, size 75x50cm. + name in the acknowledgments of the book.

    Postman/courier or hand-delivered
    Shipping included (to Portugal)

    3 backers

  • Invest with
    290€ or more

    Pack 10 books + dinner for two (Portugal)

    Do you have close friends, family or employees that you enjoy offering gifts to on special dates?

    10 books (with or without dedications), free priority shipping (Portugal) or hand delivery + name in the book acknowledgments + dinner for the supporter plus one companion, prepared with joy (in Albufeira/Portugal).

    Postman/courier or hand-delivered
    Shipping included (to Portugal)

    1 backer

Sat, 25/01/2025 - 19:43

Mon, 23/10/2023 - 15:15

Boa tarde amigos,

Boa tarde amigos, Recebi na última semana uma nova comunicação da gráfica assumindo mais um atraso na produção do livro. Neste momento, o processo está concluído e os livros...

Read more

Wed, 11/10/2023 - 11:29

Notícias sobre o livro "Kalasha"

Caro amigo, Espero que estejas bem. Mais uma vez agradeço a tua participação nesta campanha de pré-vendas. O livro encontra-se em produção na gráfica há um mês e em ce...

Read more

Thu, 07/09/2023 - 18:09

Payout completed

The raised funds have been transferred to the campaign owner

Tue, 01/08/2023 - 23:27

Etapa vencida! :-)

Queridos apoiantes, Gostaria de expressar o meu mais sincero agradecimento a cada um de vocês que tornaram um sucesso a minha campanha do livro "Kalasha"! Vocês são os pri...

Read more


Campaign ended

The campaign successfully raised the initial target

Tue, 01/08/2023 - 13:25

100% reached

WE DID IT! We met our initial target but the fundraising can continue

Mon, 24/07/2023 - 16:05

50% reached

We've just achieved half the target! The glass is now more full than empty ;)

Tue, 27/06/2023 - 17:34

We're now 20

We reached the first 20 backers. Let's keep up!

Thu, 22/06/2023 - 20:17

First five backers

We've gathered the first 5 backers. Hurray!

Campaign launched


Join us so you can take a part in this campaign. Register

  • Ana Abrão

    Boa tarde amigos,

    Boa tarde amigos,

    Recebi na última semana uma nova comunicação da gráfica assumindo mais um atraso na produção do livro. Neste momento, o processo está concluído e os livros estão em trânsito. Sem outras surpresas, espero tê-los em mãos nesta sexta-feira. Começo a processar os envios no dia 30, após retornar do lançamento do livro no Festival de fotografia Godinho Photofest, em Lisboa.

    Lamento muito, mas só consigo controlar o processo enquanto ele depende somente do meu próprio trabalho.

    Um bem-haja a todos.

    Ana Abrão

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  • Ana Abrão

    Notícias sobre o livro "Kalasha"

    Caro amigo,

    Espero que estejas bem.

    Mais uma vez agradeço a tua participação nesta campanha de pré-vendas.

    O livro encontra-se em produção na gráfica há um mês e em cerca de 10 dias será finalizado e entregue.

    Gostaria de saber quem irá levantá-lo em mãos no Festival de Fotografia Godinho PhotoFest em Alvalade (Lisboa) nos dias 28 e 29 de Outubro, onde farei uma apresentação presencial do livro (dia 28, às 17hs). Se pretendes esta opção, por favor informa respondendo a esta mensagem.

    Algumas pessoas não enviaram a morada de entrega durante a campanha de pré-vendas. Se é o teu caso, peço que respondas a esta mensagem com a tua morada completa.

    Uma última questão. Algumas pessoas compram livros para oferecer. Neste caso, envio-o ainda fechado no plástico. Por favor informa se o teu livro é uma prenda.


    Ana Abrão

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  • Marco António Domingos PedroAna Abrão

    Entrega do Livro

    Olá Ana,

    Infelizmente não vou poder estar presente no Festival para receber o livro das tuas mãos. O livro deve ser enviado para a morada:
    Av. Bombeiros Municipais de Olhão, Cj. Poente 4, Bl. 5 1º Dt.
    8700 - 312 Olhão

    Marco Pedro

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  • Ana Abrão

    Etapa vencida! :-)

    Queridos apoiantes,

    Gostaria de expressar o meu mais sincero agradecimento a cada um de vocês que tornaram um sucesso a minha campanha do livro "Kalasha"!

    Vocês são os primeiros a acreditar no potencial deste projeto. Prometo que ele está a ser criado com muito carinho e dedicação.

    Graças ao vosso apoio, vamos trazer esse projeto para a realidade. Vocês são a razão pela qual a história do povo kalash irá ganhar vida. Estou feliz por partilhar essa jornada com cada um de vocês.

    Cada contribuição, mensagem de incentivo e partilha nas redes sociais fizeram toda a diferença.

    Mais uma vez, obrigada do fundo do meu coração.

    Com gratidão,

    Ana Abrão

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103 members of the PPL community
support this campaign

  • 41
    new backers

  • 62
    recurrent backers

  • 4
    anonymous backers

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