Yuki, the robot with a heart. The Superpowers of Friendship.

Yuki, the robot with a heart. The Superpowers of Friendship.

Yuki is a robot that, in order to work, needs to be programmed with the 7 friendship superpowers: kindness, creativity, humor, forgiveness, honesty, empathy and enthusiasm!

  • 4106


    103% of 4 000€

    177 backers

  • 12/03/2021

    Expired on

  • Completed

    This project has been successfully funded

Yuki is a robot that, in order to work, needs to be programmed with the 7 friendship superpowers: kindness, creativity, humor, forgiveness, honesty, empathy and enthusiasm!


This is a story inspired by one of the most beautiful themes of human flourishing: the virtues and strengths of character (Peterson and Seligman, 2004). Books have always been privileged messengers to tell children about human virtues and values. This one talks about friendship and 7 superpowers - kindness, creativity, humor, enthusiasm, honesty, forgiveness and empathy - that we all have and put at the service, every day, many times without knowing.


Throughout our experience in interventions in primary schools, working intensively on this Positive Education theme, we feel that children are involved with a lot of interest in discovering their personal strengths. Creating and implementing contexts for discovering your positive traits and promoting positive peer relationships is one of the keys to your psychological well-being.

The creation and launch of the book "Yuki, the robot with a heart. The Superpowers of Friendship" arises from the need to create an educational resource that explicitly works on the strengths of character in children between 6 and 10 years old.

This book is part of the Growing in Strengths - Sowing Values® intervention model (7-10 years old), giving countless children the opportunity to develop their character strengths. Yuki, and her story, launch the imaginary that will accompany them throughout the intervention, leaving them with stimulating learning proposals to discover their strengths and their peers.

The children that have already explored history, led by their teachers, certified it with the seal of enthusiasm! Their involvement encouraged us to take this step that will allow us to spread Yuki's messages to many hearts!

In addition to this special function, within our school project of socio-emotional development, the book is also a path for families to travel together, towards their best. We know that they will get involved with history, review themselves in the dialogues and discover superpowers. At the end, they will find clues for reflection on the topic and suggestions for growing up as a family.

Segredos revelados num final divertido!


Mafalda Lobo (author) and Rita Correia (illustrator) met 8 years ago, as result of a happy chance that brought them together in the book "The Princess of Light and the Crystal Fairy - The magic seeds", an author's edition for solidarity purposes.


This campaign will allow us to pay the costs of illustration and graphics. This is the second crowdfunding we have done. The previous one, very successful, motivated us to embrace this new challenge. Although the current social context is quite different from what we experienced 2 years ago, we believe that this is yet another strong reason for, with hope and courage, to continue to sow values!

Peterson, C., & Seligman, MEP (2004). Character Strengths and Virtues: A handbook and Classification . New York: Oxford University Press and Washington, DC: American Psychological Association.


About the author

Semear Valores is a cooperative whose mission is to promote well-being and citizenship among children and young people , based on Positive Education models, enhancing resources for children to experience well-being, realize their potential and practice good. In short, that they develop as full citizens. We envision a world where all children flourish!

We develop our work through 3 pillars: Training; Consulting & Coaching and Innovation & Development. The creation of the book “Yuki, the robot with a heart” is part of this last pillar.

Mafalda Lobo de Carvalho, Patrícia Moraes Sarmento and Kalpna Kirtikumar are three friends who have as strong common motivation Education based on the values of children and young people. Together, they founded the Semear Valores cooperative, where they develop various activities aimed at schools and education professionals.

Mafalda, Patrícia e Kalpna, fundadoras da Semear Valores, CRL

Mafalda is a social entrepreneur and trainer. His basic training is Law (FDUL), where he worked for 14 years. In 2014, he changed his professional path to dedicate himself to education in values. She has a postgraduate degree in Applied Positive Psychology (ISCSP-UL) and Psychosocial Intervention on behalf of Children, Youth and Families (Univ. Lusófona). She is also the author of the radio program “Crescer a Valer”, on radioava.global, and the children's story “The Princess of Light and the Crystal Fairy - The magic seeds”. Its signature strengths are Creativity, Forgiveness, Integrity, Spirituality and Love.

Patrícia is a psychologist (FPUL). Master in Society, Risk and Health (ISCSP-UL), in the area of Resilience. Postgraduate in: Applied Positive Psychology (ISCSP-UL) and Psychosocial Intervention with Children, Youth and Families (IEC-UM). He has extensive experience in community and educational intervention and in the training of educational agents in areas related to socioemotional development and intervention with children and young people in crisis. She is a consultant in TEIP school clusters, by ISCTE-IUL. Its signature strengths are Love, Kindness, Gratitude, Teamwork and Leadership.

Kalpna is a psychologist (FPUL). He has an Executive Master in Coaching & Consulting for Change (INSEAD) and in Social and Organizational Psychology (ISCTE-IUL). He has a vast career in the area of human resources, consulting and business coaching. Of course, the fact that I was the mother of Daniel and Miguel contributed greatly to taking these issues as a personal responsibility. They are the engines of this immense desire to learn and see flourish. Its signature strengths are the Taste for Learning, Openness to new ideas, Persistence, Creativity, and Love.

Learn more at semearvalores.pt



Budget and due dates


  • Book illustration: € 1,000
  • 1000 copies printed: € 2,630
  • Commissions for PPL (5% + VAT) and payment partners (2.5% + VAT): 369 €
  • TOTAL: € 4,000


The book will be ready for commercialization during May 2021.

  • Invest with
    4€ or more

    Yuki to paint

    The / The supporter will receive by Yuki's drawing to print and paint!

    13 backers

  • Book Yuki, delivered in Cascais.

    Invest with
    12€ or more

    Book Yuki, delivered in Cascais.

    A / The supporter may pick up the book in Cascais, at Semear Valores headquarters, on a date to be agreed.

    41 backers

  • Yuki book, mailed

    Invest with
    15€ or more

    Yuki book, mailed

    The supporter will receive Yuki's book by national registered mail.

    51 backers

  • Book Yuki, delivery in Cascais + Medals Growing in Strength (s)

    Invest with
    16€ or more

    Book Yuki, delivery in Cascais + Medals Growing in Strength (s)

    A / The supporter may pick up the book in Cascais, at Semear Valores headquarters, on a date to be agreed. You will also receive the "Grow in Strength (s)" Medals, at a more affordable price [digital product].

    1 backer

  • Yuki Book, by mail + Medals Growing in Strength (s)

    Invest with
    19€ or more

    Yuki Book, by mail + Medals Growing in Strength (s)

    The supporter will receive Yuki's book by registered mail. You will also receive the "Grow in Strength (s)" Medals, at a more affordable price [digital product].

    21 backers

  • 2 Yuki books, delivery in Cascais

    Invest with
    23€ or more

    2 Yuki books, delivery in Cascais

    A / The supporter will be able to pick up 2 Yuki books, for an even more pleasant price, in Cascais, at Semear Valores headquarters, on a date to be agreed.

    17 backers

  • 2 Yuki books, mailed

    Invest with
    28€ or more

    2 Yuki books, mailed

    A / The supporter will receive 2 Yuki books by national registered mail, for an even more friendly price!

    40 backers

Sat, 19/10/2024 - 16:40

Mon, 15/03/2021 - 11:05

Payout completed

The raised funds have been transferred to the campaign owner

Sat, 13/03/2021 - 20:37

Graças a si, o Yuki iluminar o coração de muitas crianças!

- Obrigada por ter apoiado a campanha para a edição do livro "Yuki, o robô com coração. Os Superpoderes da Amizade"! - Graças ao seu contributo, vamos conseguir imprimir 1000 e...

Read more


Campaign ended

The campaign successfully raised the initial target

Fri, 12/03/2021 - 13:14

100% reached

WE DID IT! We met our initial target but the fundraising can continue

Sun, 14/02/2021 - 15:27

Obrigada pelo vosso generoso apoio!

Boa tarde! Esta semana que passou atingimos 50% do montante de que necessitamos para lançar o livro infantil "Yuki, o robô com coração - os superpoderes da Amizade". Esta imp...

Read more

Fri, 12/02/2021 - 19:19

50% reached

We've just achieved half the target! The glass is now more full than empty ;)

Mon, 18/01/2021 - 16:29

We're now 20

We reached the first 20 backers. Let's keep up!

Thu, 14/01/2021 - 12:17

First five backers

We've gathered the first 5 backers. Hurray!

Campaign launched


Join us so you can take a part in this campaign. Register

  • Semear Valores

    Graças a si, o Yuki iluminar o coração de muitas crianças!

    - Obrigada por ter apoiado a campanha para a edição do livro "Yuki, o robô com coração. Os Superpoderes da Amizade"!
    - Graças ao seu contributo, vamos conseguir imprimir 1000 exemplares!
    - Prevemos que os livros estejam prontos para entregar/ enviar em Maio deste ano.
    - Alguns apoiantes fizeram o seu contributo de forma anónima. Relembramos que, se for o seu caso e quiser receber a respetiva recompensa, precisa de se identificar. Pode contactar-nos via email ou alterar a sua situação de anonimato (no email que receberam da PPL a agradecer o apoio, procedem a essa alteração em "Mudaste de ideias? Alterar aqui").
    - Saiba também que este livro faz parte do modelo de intervenção Crescer em Forças - Semear Valores® junto do 1º ciclo, levando a inúmeras crianças a oportunidade de desenvolverem as suas forças de caráter. Yuki, e a sua história, lançam o imaginário que as acompanhará ao longo de toda a intervenção, deixando-lhes propostas de aprendizagem estimulantes de descoberta dos seus pontos fortes e dos seus pares. As crianças que este ano letivo já exploraram a história, conduzida pelas suas professoras, certificaram-na com o selo do entusiasmo!
    -Por fim, deixamos-lhe um pequeno mimo, uma meditação guiada do Yuki, a antecipar a história que aí vem: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=zWAs6PA68kI

    Bom fim-de-semana!
    Mafalda, Patricia e Kalpna

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  • Semear Valores

    Obrigada pelo vosso generoso apoio!

    Boa tarde!

    Esta semana que passou atingimos 50% do montante de que necessitamos para lançar o livro infantil "Yuki, o robô com coração - os superpoderes da Amizade". Esta importante conquista só foi possível graças a cada um de vós e, por isso mesmo, vimos agradecer-vos o vosso gesto de generosidade que nos incentiva a continuar!
    Gostaríamos ainda de referir que recebemos vários apoios anónimos e não temos forma de saber de onde vieram. Pedimos a quem contribuiu nessa condição que verifique se a quer manter, pois pode mudar de ideias até ao fim da campanha. Atendendo ao valor de certos donativos recebidos de anónimos, julgamos que pode ter havido um lapso no preenchimento dos seus dados de identificação e ficaram registados nessa condição. Verifiquem, por isso, a situação e contactem-nos se desejam ser identificados (semearvalores@gmail.com). Só assim poderemos enviar-vos as recompensas no final da campanha!
    Muito obrigada por nos acompanharem! Continuem a divulgar para que, em breve, celebremos juntos os 100%!
    Bom domingo e boa semana,

    Mafalda, Patrícia e Kalpna

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177 members of the PPL community
support this campaign

  • 107
    new backers

  • 70
    recurrent backers

  • 19
    anonymous backers

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