Os meus dois Pais (My two Dad’s)

Os meus dois Pais (My two Dad’s)

Os meus dois Pais (My two Dad’s) is a novel I wrote in 4 years, at a time when I was unemployed.

  • 1560


    104% of 1 500€

    71 backers

  • 20/01/2014

    Expired on

  • Completed

    This project has been successfully funded

Os meus dois Pais (My two Dad’s) is a novel I wrote in 4 years, at a time when I was unemployed.

Os meus dois Pais (My two Dad’s is a novel I wrote in 4 years, at a time when I was unemployed. The story came from a dream I had, and in one of those sleepless nights, I decided to start passing it to the paper. As I was writing this story, I was dreaming of other stories and, fitting all these dreams, is reflected in this book of nearly 400 pages. 

However, to edit a book, these days, is the author himself who has to finance part of the project. So, I intend to rise through PPL, the € 1,500.00 needed to fulfill my dream of editing “My two Dad’s”. 

The story of “My two Dad’s”, the first of many that I want to edit, portrays the life journey of Eduardo and Tiago, for nearly twenty years. They met at the hottest nightclub I Oporto and his love was at first sight. Suddenly, a mere night of betrayal with his ex -girlfriend refutes all previously idealized dreams, knowing that Tiago is going to be a father. Thanks to a marriage against his will, their lives change radically in direction and meaning. 

Years later, and after a tragedy, the reunion of both happens, and the flame that was once between them is rekindled. But now, Tiago has to think of his son, Rodrigo. Are both men able to fulfill this mission and educate that child? 

This is thus a love story, told through the eyes of a child who became man too soon, turned out to love unconditionally those two men he considered his two fathers. 

About the author

Joel Rodrigues Pinto, was born in Tourcoing, France, in 1975 and returned to Portugal with five years of age. Studied in the cities of Trancoso, Viseu and Oporto, where he graduated in International Relations – Political and Economic area. This was followed by a postgraduate specialization in Communication, Journalism and Internet. 

He worked in the telecommunications field, and then as a journalist in several regional and national newspapers. Also worked as trainer in several areas related to Communication and, at the moment, he is a call center Supervisor in a French company located in Oporto city. 

Budget and due dates

A proposta de orçamento recebida por parte de uma editora passa pela publicação de 500 exemplares deste meu primeiro romance, sendo que terei de adquirir alguns exemplares pelo valor total de 1500,00€. No caso da primeira edição esgotar no prazo de 1 ano, a editora compromete-se a realizar novas edições da obra e, se o número de exemplares vendidos atingir os 3.000 exemplares, a obra será traduzida para espanhol (castelhano) e inglês, e editada e distribuída em Espanha, Inglaterra, Irlanda e E.U.A. A obra ficará igualmente disponível para encomenda em toda a rede de livrarias Saraiva - a maior rede livreira no Brasil. De resto, todo o apoio e acompanhamento logístico necessário - através da marcação de espaços, impressão de convites, cartazes, bem como paginação e criação da capa do livro - é da responsabilidade da editora, pelo que não tenho que pagar nada. Quanto a prazos, a editora não fez ainda qualquer referência. A sessão de lançamento do livro será em data e local que eu anunciar e a editora responsabiliza-se por todo o material necessário de divulgação e promoção.

Sun, 22/09/2024 - 14:44

Tue, 21/01/2014 - 20:08

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