The Object-Book by Richard Towers
The Next Big Idea

The Object-Book by Richard Towers

The Book-Object, every book, in addition to containing a story, it is also a real object and functional. Support for a special edition of the book-chess "The Challenge".

  • 18


    1% of 2 500€

    1 backer

  • 03/10/2013

    Expired on

  • Not funded

    This project was unable to raise the required funds

The Book-Object, every book, in addition to containing a story, it is also a real object and functional. Support for a special edition of the book-chess "The Challenge".

The Object-Book is a creation from Richard Towers (pseudonym of Martinho Torres) and the concept is based on a simple principle: each book is also a real and functional object. In 2011, the first two object-books where released: Time (the clock-book) and Reflexions (the mirror-book). In 2012, The chess-book “The Challenge” have seen the light of the day.

This concept is a whole new look at the book and his multiples facets – these books are conceived to compose an art gallery in every house: in the hall, the bedroom, the chamber, the living-room, anywhere.

The purpose of this approach at the PPL Crowdfunding platform is to get support for a special edition of the chess-book “The Challenge” (approximately 250 copies).

By supporting this special edition, besides contribuing to an innovating and unique project worldwide, you will have access to amazing perks, including the whole object-book collection autographed!

He oneness of this kind of work reside lies on the fact that we can establish a relation of cumplicity between the book and the reader that goes far beyond the simple dimension of reading, because playing chess on a book that you just read, dispose on the wall a clock-book (with a story related with Time) or a mirror-book (the cover is each one of us) has an aesthetic refinement and a sens of sophistication only understood by the owners of this revolutionary kind of art.

And all this right on time to offer an excquisite and personalized present for Christmas.

About the author

Richard Towers, pseudonym of Martinho Fernando Alves Torres, was born the 14th January of 1974 in France (Saint Germain-en-Laye, Paris). Actually living in Fafe, Portugal and graduated in the teaching of portuguese and french, he began to work on his lierary vein in 2003. Since then, he no longer stops his criative quest until he fulfills his dream of raising a unique and complete collection of masterpieces – the object-book concept was born. In 2011, the first two object-books were released to the portuguese market: the clock-book “Tempo” and the mirror-book “Reflexos”. The chess-book “The Callenge” was the latest release, in 2012. Several media covered the event and Richard Towers was nominated one of the 1000 most ingenious portugueses.

The Richard Towers Collection will continue to grow and to break the standards of art and litterature. 

Richard Towers Facebook

Budget and due dates

O orçamento total deste projeto ronda os €2500. Será uma edição especial de curta tiragem (aproximadamente 250 exemplares). O projeto estará sob escrutínio dos potenciais interessados durante 60 dias. Findo esse prazo, serão necessários mais 30 dias para produção. Assim, 30 dias após o limite estabelecido para crowdfunding, os livros estarão prontos para entrega (mesmo a tempo do Natal!).

Wed, 02/10/2024 - 07:32


Campaign ended

The campaign failed to raise the total amount

Campaign launched


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