"Nós, Vida" - The first book of Álvaro Cordeiro
Livros de Ontem

"Nós, Vida" - The first book of Álvaro Cordeiro

“Nós, Vida” is the first book of Álvaro Cordeiro and the first release of the publishing house Livros de Ontem, financed in Crowdfunding on PPL.We want to reaffirm our commit...

  • 1520


    101% of 1 500€

    38 backers

  • 17/05/2013

    Expired on

  • Completed

    This project has been successfully funded

“Nós, Vida” is the first book of Álvaro Cordeiro and the first release of the publishing house Livros de Ontem, financed in Crowdfunding on PPL.We want to reaffirm our commit...

Nós, Vida” is the first book of Álvaro Cordeiro and the first release of the publishing house Livros de Ontem, financed in Crowdfunding on PPL.

We want to reaffirm our commitment with the crowdfunding giving the possibility to PPL users of knowing Álvaro Cordeiro and his sublime novel in a special and exclusive way through several unique rewards that we prepared.

Is the possibility of having your name in the first edition of the book “Nós, Vida”, exclusive edition, for the privilege of reading this new book first hand or the advantage of meeting the author at a dinner table reserved, worth supporting this project.

The book “Nós, Vida” will be available in e-book, audiobook and printed.


The first edition will be special and exclusive with an impression of 500 numbered copies.

Since the beginning, the mission of Livros de Ontem was to support the Portuguese literature, the new authors and to modernize the book and the way we have access to it. Today we fulfill our mission joining crowdfunding and the book “Nós, Vida”.

Attached, there is an excerpt of the book for free download and the detailed budget.

About the author

Was born in Lisbon in 1964. He is licensed in History and a teacher in high school. He dedicates himself to amateur theater, developing, since 1997, a regular activity in the writing, representation and enactment.

In parallel, cultivates a taste for narrative fiction and “Nós, Vida” is his first novel published.

Álvaro Cordeiro is his pseudonym, or as he prefers to say, "the name of his literary personality".


Budget and due dates

A impressão da primeira edição limitada da obra custará 3000€. A nossa proposta é financiar metade deste valor, 1500€ no prazo de 1 mês, através dos leitores e amantes do livro e da língua portuguesa. O livro já está finalizado, assim como também o e-book e o audio-book, e espera ansiosamente poder ser lido e comentado. Após o sucesso do financiamento, a impressão durará poucas semanas a ser completada e os apoiantes receberão as suas cópias.

Sat, 21/09/2024 - 12:13


Campaign ended

The campaign successfully raised the initial target

Campaign launched


38 members of the PPL community
support this campaign

  • 19
    new backers

  • 19
    recurrent backers

  • 0
    anonymous backers

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