Lura is a place where we mix two concepts: the educational farm and the interactive science, where visitors will develop learning and knowledge, observing nature, but also pe...

  • 5020


    100% of 5 000€

    27 backers

  • 15/07/2013

    Expired on

  • Completed

    This project has been successfully funded

Lura is a place where we mix two concepts: the educational farm and the interactive science, where visitors will develop learning and knowledge, observing nature, but also pe...

Lura is a place where we mix two concepts: the educational farm and the interactive science, where visitors will develop learning and knowledge, observing nature, but also performing activities.  Making a pizza, you can learn plant composition, playing with dough you can do squishy electrical circuits,  with natural fruit juices you can study the rate of chemical reactions, observing tree leaves you can learn about symmetries, and much, much more ...

Strategically near Faro, Olhão and Loulé urban centers, but also in the heart of the countryside, this project will develop in the parish of Conceição, in an litlle farm with a typical Algarvian villa, pool, lawn, swings and an agricultural area where you can find a small organic vegetable garden, a chicken coop with native chickens, a rabbit Hutch, two dogs (a Portuguese water dog and a dog of the algarvian “barrocal”), two donkeys and na orchard with citrus, peaches and plums, as well as various traditional mediterranean trees, such as olive and fig trees, Arbutus, almond and carob trees (some of them, centuries-old).

The Lura project is intended to create an area of environmental education, which aims to develop interactive, scientific and educational activities promoting a sustainable development and ecological awareness, combined with the learning of the main syllabus set by the Portuguese education system.

We intend to provide the visitor a fun and educational "afternoon", aiming to become a reference for study visits, in environmental and sustainability education.

As part of our commitment to create an both na attractive space and a connection to nature, our goal is to unite the pedagogical aspects of a visit to a traditional farmhouse, with outdoor science activities, promoting visits carefully planned, in order to meet the needs of students, minding theis ages and skills.

All the pedagogical and educational project is based on fundamental values such as sustainability, ecology, team spirit and unity, as well as the experience in the community.

It is also intended to foster the relationship with the crops and traditions of the Algarve linked to the exploitation of environmental resources and food, along with the knowledge of the indigenous flora and fauna of the region.

In addition to school and/or family visits, we also plan birthday parties, holiday programs, thematic weeks, occupation of leisure time, workshops, seasonal activities, partnerships for health and wellness promotion outdoor activities (for exemple,Yoga afternoons in the farm, nature contact activities for babies and todlers, visits for small groups of people with special needs, activities of children and elderly people) and we would also like to develop a work of insertion and social support.

About the author




Licensed teacher (5 year degree on Physics and Chemistry teaching, Faculty of Sciences, University of Lisbon) with the professional experience of teaching in various schools, with different educational realities, having already held functions in the context of the integration of pupils with special educational needs and having training in Portuguese sign language for deaf. Took part in projects of environmental and development education for sustainability. In the current year took a training course on culture and use of aromatic and medicinal plants and an intensive training on organic farming.


Budget and due dates

Desde outubro que se está a trabalhar na implementação deste projeto, tendo-se já efetuado alguns investimentos por conta própria, no entanto, nesta fase ainda faz falta adquirir algum mobiliário, novas árvores de fruto e implantar o respetivo sistema de rega, construir de raiz uma casa de banho para deficientes e criar os percursos para a circulação em todo o espaço. Assim, são necessários 5060 € para que se possa terminar toda a implementação no terreno e avançar com o projeto. Este orçamento foi estimado com base nos seguintes valores: - Mobiliário de exterior para garantir as condições de realização das atividades - 360€ - Árvores de fruto – 500€ - Sistema de rega gota-a-gota – 200€ - Casa de banho adaptada – 3500€ - Caminhos – 500€. O objetivo é abrir ao público em setembro deste ano, prevendo-se ter todas as infraestruturas prontas em julho, de modo garantir a mudança para o espaço (atualmente vivo em lisboa) em agosto e a realização dos contactos com as escolas e o agendamento das primeiras visitas entre setembro e dezembro (época das chuvas e do mau tempo, onde geralmente não há muitas visitas de estudo). Está prevista a realização das primeiras visitas escolares em fevereiro, e a primeira festa de aniversário será a do meu filho em final de agosto (momento em que muitos dos convidados poderão ver o potencial do espaço e do projeto e efetuar a reserva do aniversário do seu filho).

Wed, 29/01/2025 - 06:50


Campaign ended

The campaign successfully raised the initial target

Campaign launched


27 members of the PPL community
support this campaign

  • 18
    new backers

  • 9
    recurrent backers

  • 0
    anonymous backers

Meet the people helping this dream come true

  • Catarina Neves

    15/07/2013 - 12:23

    Keep working!... e acreditando, q há de correr bem... (piada: só p ganhar a "festa dos 40" sem pinturas faciais, essas deixo p a do Gabi, a 1ª festa oficial... Como as minhas crs fazem anos no inverno, espero q dê agora já não p a mi

  • Clarisse Rebelo

    15/07/2013 - 12:21

    Para iniciar o apoio e Tb pq gostei do vídeo avante com a agricultura biológica parabéns; envio do eurico Este contributo é de Leal Paiva este vai como prenda de anos, antecipada. Ânimo

  • Carolina Rebelo Neves

    15/07/2013 - 12:16

  • Margarida Domingos

    15/07/2013 - 11:02

  • glimavitor

    13/07/2013 - 16:22

    Contribuição de Joana, Zé e João Pimentel, Tia Dária e Professora Doutora Inês Fonseca.

  • Ângela Estrela

    10/07/2013 - 19:38

    Muito boas tardes!este é o nosso contributo nesdiano e extra-nesdianos de Ângela, Jorge, Firmino, Ruben, Dora, Susana, Amélia, Helder e Artur. Toda a sorte!

  • Nídia Braz

    05/07/2013 - 16:51

    agora já posso dizer que sei contribuir. Vamos lá arregaçar as mangas!

  • Carla Braz

    03/07/2013 - 10:32

    Beijinhos da Carla e da Cuca Bolacha

  • Maria Braz

    02/07/2013 - 09:49

    Aqui vai um empurrão, do David, da Gertrudes, da Maria Manuel Valagão, com votos de muito sucesso

  • mcaixinha

    01/07/2013 - 15:04


    30/06/2013 - 11:47

    Desejos de sucesso

  • Ana Gordinho

    28/06/2013 - 12:57

    Vai ser do melhor! :)


    28/06/2013 - 12:00


  • mrc

    28/06/2013 - 11:05

  • Anabela Pires

    20/06/2013 - 10:55

    Dos "fracos não reza a história"! Toca a dar uma ajudinha!

  • Catarina Guimarães

    20/06/2013 - 10:50

    Parabéns e muito boa sorte... Aguardo ansiosamente a visita em família! Bjs

  • Maria Mateus

    19/06/2013 - 11:03

  • DulceEstevao

    16/06/2013 - 16:52

    Boa sorte!!!!

  • Sílvio

    16/06/2013 - 12:54

    Oh Lura, que bonequinho tão bonito para logo... É uma pulga??

  • Lilia Brinca

    08/06/2013 - 14:21

    Votos de sucesso!