Terra Amada initiative - Vale de Papas

Terra Amada initiative - Vale de Papas

TERRA AMADA is a volunteering initiative for architecture students, devoted to the conservation and rehabilitation of rural villages, aiming the improvement of the life conditio...

  • 3939


    131% of 3 000€

    84 backers

  • 23/04/2014

    Expired on

  • Completed

    This project has been successfully funded

TERRA AMADA is a volunteering initiative for architecture students, devoted to the conservation and rehabilitation of rural villages, aiming the improvement of the life conditions, the preservation of the heritage and local development

The TERRA AMADA initiative, organized by the Architectural Course of the Portuguese Catholic University in Viseu, focuses on the development of volunteering actions, open to the participation of architecture students, both Portuguese and foreign, with the objective of carrying out preservation and rehabilitation interventions in rural villages, in particular with regard to improving quality of life, conserve and rehabilitate the tangible and intangible heritage and contribute to local development.

In 2013 we developed an action in Covas do Monte village, that included interventions in 7 buildings plus the public space, all done with the labor of 60 volunteers students, under the direction of master craftsmen and technicians, also volunteers, and with the materials donated by more than 50 companies.

This is an initiative that aims to promote the connections between different sectors of the society (universities, public authorities, private sector and civil society), between knowledge and practice, between urban and rural, and between the young generations and the most elderly populations.

For 2014 we are trying to make possible to repeat this initiative, this time in Vale de Papas village, in Cinfães municipality, in the Viseu region.

Vale de Papas

Vale de Papas is located in Montemuro Mountain, Ramires parish, and is a village with around 30 inhabitants. It has unique characteristics, like the houses in yellow granite, the close link between the natural and the built environment and manly the remaining haulm roofs. This village maintains the traditional economic structure, devoted to agriculture and cattle breeding.

The village’s way of life is reflects in the built environment – in the constructions for animals and agricultural products, in the public space, shared by people, animals and plants, in close connection between man, nature and the sacred. However, although all the life and heritage still present in this village, the ageing population, the risk of total loss of some unique characteristics – the haulm roofs -, and the degradation of the buildings and the lack of basic infrastructures (like piped water supply or w.c.), are visible threats to its continuity for the future generations.

The interventions

The group of interventions that we are trying to make possible include the construction of basic infrastructures (water supply), the improvement of life conditions (installation of w.c. in 3 houses), the conservations of the architectural heritage (roofs, communitarian threshing-floor, etc.), the development of facilities for the installation of new economic activities (traditional cheese factory, crafts atelier, etc.) and the requalification of public space.

So that we can make these interventions, that can be structural contributions for the future of this village, possible, we need your support. Be a part of this life changing initiative for this community, help us to help!

Terra Amada Facebook

About the author

Terra Amada initiative began in 2012, inside the Architectural Course of the Portuguese Catholic University, in Viseu, with a team of nine elements – a teacher, seven students and an architect. In this second year of activity, due to the commitment and great success of the first action in Covas do Monte, the team grew,  and now has six more members, all architectural students, but including other Universities outside Viseu, namely, Lisbon. The organizations in open to the participation of all that want to help, and accept the commitment and the responsibility that drives from a project that deals with peoples’ lifes.

The motivation of all the team members is to learn, grow as individuals and professionals, give back to the community a little of what they receive, and to make a concrete contribution to the conservations and divulgation of the vernacular architectural heritage and to the improvement of the life conditions of the most vulnerable populations of this country.

Budget and due dates

A ação levada a cabo em 2013 conseguiu angariar em materiais e apoio técnico perto de cem mil euros, que foram integralmente aplicados nas obras realizadas na aldeia. Para o presente ano, e tendo em conta que se pretende uma ação muito mais vasta, que inclui infraestruturas, além de intervenções em habitação, equipamentos coletivos e espaços públicos, prevê-se que as obras tenham um custo que duplica o ano anterior. Todas estas verbas irão ser angariadas através de apoios públicos e mecenato empresarial. No entanto, para conseguir organizar a iniciativa, elaborar os projetos e recolher fundos e doações, a equipa organizadora tem de suportar um grande número de despesas de logística, deslocações, alojamento e alimentação. Prevê-se ser necessário gastar 6 mil euros para se poder alavancar a intervenção, que ultrapassará em muito os cem mil euros. É para este fim que o financiamento por crowdfunding se destina. Tendo por base trabalho voluntário, quase na totalidade realizado por estudantes que não conseguem suportar sozinhos os custos de organização, tornou-se necessário pedir o vosso apoio. Com pouco conseguimos fazer muito, mas precisamos de ajuda nesse pouco. Pedimos a sua contribuição para conseguirmos viabilizar mais esta ação de apoio social, promoção cultural e desenvolvimento local. Obrigado!

Thu, 25/04/2024 - 08:35

Sun, 27/04/2014 - 23:08

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Campaign launched


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