Graciosa, The Whale Vain

Graciosa, The Whale Vain

In this book for children, we also find a special surprise of a child. Words and drawings of a small author about a great subject - the sea, its animals and marine litter, will...

  • 3276


    102% of 3 200€

    109 backers

  • 05/12/2014

    Expired on

  • Completed

    This project has been successfully funded

In this book for children, we also find a special surprise of a child. Words and drawings of a small author about a great subject - the sea, its animals and marine litter, will be waiting for all readers.

Throughout the history of Graciosa we see that carelessness and disregard for marine ecosystems are present and that they endanger the lives of thousands of marine animals. Graciosa and its author, let us open for the dissemination of biological knowledge and a reminder of the affection and commitment necessary to maintain our oceans.

The illustrations by Maria Silva bring to life the stories and look at our author. Graciosa, a whale humpback and multiple colors in an ocean full of life (and of material that is foreign) are evident in the pages of this book.

In this book for children, we also find a special surprise of a child. Words and drawings of a small author  about a great subject - the sea, its animals and marine litter - will be waiting for all readers.

Being a important topic in our days, both in terms of scientific research and in environmental education, there are many projects focusing on the topic marine debris on the following websites: Marlisco Project  and Portuguese Association of Marine Litter.

About the author

The School of Sea is a private initiative aimed at studying, researching, learning and increasing awareness and information of knowledge about the marine environment and the land/sea interface.

Our objectives are to:

1 – Gain knowledge about marine animals and the ecosystems they belong to;

2 – Bring children and youths closer to the marine environment and all its aspects;

3 – Establish conservation policies and an up-to-date and scientifically sound awareness policy about marine environment issues;

4 – Encourage a creative state of mind about the presence and importance of the sea in human societies;

5 – Increase the general public’s awareness of the importance of protected areas and sea and environment conservation.

A scientific and cultural dominion over the sea, we added to the arts and letters, the environment, biology, diving, photography, history and conservation of marine ecosystems. This is a diverse and multidisciplinary initiative in which all activities are always somehow connected to the sea.  

The creation of a consistent editorial design, continuous in time, and the commercial value of the remaining activities of the company, is currently our bet (

We have a range of authors and topics to be explored in the coming years and with the relevant level of bookseller distribution partnerships.

Budget and due dates

Budget: 3200 euros to be produced and printed 500 copies of the book.

Fri, 26/04/2024 - 16:29

Thu, 11/12/2014 - 14:48

Payout completed

The raised funds have been transferred to the campaign owner


Campaign ended

The campaign successfully raised the initial target

Campaign launched


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  • Hugo Filipe - Benecar

    Parabéns pela iniciativa

    Em nome da Benecar envio votos do maior sucesso. Esperamos vivamente que consigam atingir os vossos objectivos. Tudo de bom.

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  • Sofia Quaresma


    Alguns amigos professores têm ligado pois, não conhecem este formato ppl e receiam contribuir ou não sabem exactamente como!
    Se é PROFESSOR ou EDUCADOR acho que deve optar pela recompensa €50! EM EQUIPA TUDO SE FAZ!!!
    POR FAVOR REPAREM QUE esta opção inclui 2 livros e "obriga-me" a ir à escola! Ora, se 2 professores quiserem o livro não devem optar pela contribuição individual de €10 mas sim pela opção €50, sendo que ambos garantem o livro VIA CTT ANTES DO NATAL e contribuem cada um com €10. Restam €30!!! SE 1) divididos por 2 turmas desses 2 docentes, por exemplo, 50 alunos perfaz uma contribuição individual de 0,60 cêntimos!
    Se a associação de pais ou a direcção apoiar a iniciativa , imaginemos que com €5 euros temos €10Professor+€10Professor+€5Direccção+€5Associação de Pais = €40 faltando apenas €10 que divididos pelos mesmos 50 meninos das 2 turmas daria uma contribuição individual de 2 cêntimos. Penso queperceberam o meu raciocínio! Cada um conhece a sua escola, turma e alunos e este formato de contribuição em equipa , garante 2 livros para 2 docentes e um workshop sem que haja contribuições desiguais ou tão pouco muito custosas! LÁ IREI À ESCOLA NO 2º OU 3º PERÍODO! OS LIVROS CHEGAM VIA CTT ANTES DO NATAL! Obrigada!

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  • Sofia Quaresma

    olá e obrigada!

    é com muita satisfação que ao ler os nomes dos primeiros 33 apoiantes da Graciosa verifico que vos conheço todos! da faculdade! de actividades ambientais que organizámos juntos ou onde trabalhamos em equipa! de congressos ou palestras onde ouvimos falar deste e de outros temas que urgem divulgar etc etc ...! enfim...obrigada pro acreditarem neste projecto e pela Vossa contribuição! ainda ESTAMOS LONGE DA META MAS GRAÇAS A VÓS ACREDITO QUE LÁ PODEMOS CHEGAR! Beijinhos para todos!

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