Daqui Ali - From Portugal to South Africa on a Bycicle, the Book

Daqui Ali - From Portugal to South Africa on a Bycicle, the Book

Support the book that tells the story of a fascinating trip from Portugal to The Cape of Good Hope... on a bicycle! 15.000km, almost a thousand hours cycling, 22 countries, dete...

  • 4043


    101% of 4 000€

    186 backers

  • 14/06/2016

    Expired on

  • Completed

    This project has been successfully funded

Support the book that tells the story of a fascinating trip from Portugal to The Cape of Good Hope... on a bicycle! 15.000km, almost a thousand hours cycling, 22 countries, determination and a bunch of stories.

With this campaign I aim to gather funds to print my fourth book, after "Daqui Ali - An Overland Journey From Portugal to Singapore".

As with the first "Daqui Ali", everything that I have learned  and lived made it so there was no way I wouldn't share it.

What can you take from this book?

  • Do I need to be in shape?

No, man! When I left my hometown, in that rainy day, I hadn't cycled in years, and haven't done any exercizing in months. And it was hard, but I got used to it!

  • Is it dangerous?

No! Bad things happen everywhere and there's good and bad people everywhere. However, either I am the luckiest person in the world, or the world has way more good people than bad ones, something you'll realize as you read.

  • Inspiration

I always feel awkward proclaiming it might inspire you, because after all, who am I, right? But turns out, I'm just a guy. And people that are just people can inspire other people, as some other people inspired me. I think the way it can inspire you is by showing how easy it is once you take that decision to go, if that's what you want to do. I don't think everyone should travel, people should do whatever makes them happy. For me it's this, and who knows if by reading the steps I took to release myself from the shackles of normality you won't be closer yourself?...

  • Tricks

After visiting over 80 countries in several trips I gained some experience and learned some tricks, ways how to get out of something. You won't know everything there is to know, the same way I don't know everything nor will I ever but, the same way I benefited from the advice of other travelers, so can you with this book.

What happened?

  • I crossed the Sahara Desert;
  • I spent an afternoon with revolutionaries for the independence of Western Sahara;
  • I rode the longest train in the world in Mauritania, in a crazy detour into the desert;
  • I crossed the border between Guinea-Bissau and Guinea-Conacry through the jungle;
  • I was arrested in Sierra Leone by totally drunk policemen;
  • I was stopped by the police 23 times in Nigeria, mistaken for terrorists dozens of times and arrested a few hours;
  • I was the xaman in a crazy ceremony in the forest of Gabon;
  • I was 5 meters away from a gorilla in the forest of Gabon while I cycled;
  • I crossed Angola in a month with only 10€;
  • I crossed the Namibe Desert;
  • ...I got to the Cape!

And so, so many more experiences that are so hard to just describe in a line here.


About the author

I'm a guy that is trying this thing of being a travel-writer, or just a traveler, or just a writer, well... I try to get stuff that I appreciate, mix them and sometimes enjoy them all at the same time, other times one at a time. I think the understanding that I have of myself and the world that surrounds me, and of this strange circumstance that is LIFE, acts in a paradoxical way and leaves me even more confused, which is spectacular!

I'm someone that has a certain fear, or respect, or whatever, for death, and that ends up making it so that I have extra respect for LIFE, will to live, risk and dream. That's why I do what I do - I don't want to resign to a LIFE that could be nice, I want the best possible.

I was born in Vale de Cambra in 84, went to study Psychology in Coimbra in 2002, where I had 5 unforgettable years. In the middle I went to Finland for a year - the first time living abroad, a phenomenal eye opener, that taste for seeing what's on the other side roaring within me. I finished my degree and went to Norway to do a 6 month internship and from there I went straight to England, where I was for 2 years, working as a psychologist. Then one day I went to India... I saw myself surrounded by 15 people and I realized that, out of all, the one travelling for the least amount of time was me - 2 weeks only. And after me someone traveling for 5 months. And other people a year, two... I understood that they were just people, flesh and bone, just like me, and I realized all I needed to do was decide and... go.

I never looked back.

I knew that it was risky, to quit a stable job, but I had to do what I thought was right. I quit and went traveling.

9 months and a half in the Eurasian continent, 3300€, 20.000km hitchhiking, I was arrested in Laos, 2km away from Bin Laden 12 hours before he was shot in Pakistan, in Syria before the revolution, 1 week in Iraq without a cent, 11 days in Iran with 20€ - countless stories and realizations about the human nature that I needed to put in paper. I published "Daqui Ali - An Overland Journey From Portugal to Singapore" in May 2013 and the success it had allowed me to realize that maybe, who knows, I could live from this!

I went back to working in England between 2012 and 2013, this time part-time - I lived in Portugal and went there once a month. It was a pretty cool system but it wasn't my dream. I quit my job again, but this time invested everything in another LIFEstyle and went after a new adventure. It seemed to be a ridiculous idea, almost surreal, but I thought it was possible.

I made a plan, that kept changing as the trip went on, and I left! It was a crazy trip. Hard, surprising, addictive, exasperating, rewarding, sublime. A constant fountain of admiration for the sceneries and, above all, the kindness of those people that allowed me to pay to sleep only 20% of the nights.

Now I'm here, in Portugal, and all I want is to share these experiences.

Budget and due dates

The figures are an estimate, and they are for the printing of 500 copies. I will have more costs but I will support them. Namely:

Sending books and other rewards;
Printing the t-shirts as well as its designer;
5% tax for the website, with 23% VAT, as well as Paypal taxs;

  • Invest with
    8€ or more


    Get the digital version of "Daqui Ali - From Portugal to South Africa by Bicycle"

    7 backers

  • Invest with
    16€ or more

    Get a signed copy!

    Get the book "Daqui Ali - From Portugal to South Africa by Bicycle". I will sign it! Get also the digital version. If you can't attend the presentations in Vale de Cambra, São João da Madeira, Oliveira de Azeméis, Porto, Coimbra, Lisboa, Aveiro, Braga or Guimarães add 2€ for me to send it to Portugal or 6€ to send it abroad.

    81 backers

  • Invest with
    20€ or more

    A Souvenir From Morocco

    Pick this reward and, besides the book "Daqui Ali - From Portugal to South Africa by Bicycle", both in physical and digital format, you get a small wooden camel or a leather bracelet, both from Morocco. The first African country of this journey. Add 2€ for me to send it to Portugal or 6€ to send it abroad.

    24 backers

  • Invest with
    25€ or more

    Get both Daqui Ali. Signed!

    With this reward you get a copy of "Daqui Ali - From Portugal to South Africa by Bicycle", as well as its precursor, "Daqui Ali - An Overland Journey From Portugal to Singapore", both signed and with a discount of 4€ when compared to buying them individually. NOTE: If I need to send it abroad add 6€. 2€ for Portugal.

    55 backers

  • Invest with
    30€ or more

    "Daqui Ali" T-Shirt

    Picking this reward and you get a spectacular "Daqui Ali" T-Shirt (simulation in the gallery), as well as the book "Daqui Ali - From Portugal to South Africa by Bicycle", both in physical and digital support. NOTE: If I need to send it abroad add 6€. 2€ for Portugal.

    19 backers

  • Invest with
    200€ or more

    A Book Presenattion in your town + 10 books|!

    Gather some friends, or do your Christmas shopping already and I'll go wherever you are to do the book presentation of the book Daqui Ali" T-Shirt, as well as the book "Daqui Ali - From Portugal to South Africa by Bicycle. NOTE: The transport is included, but if it´s abroad we'll talk further ; )

    No backers yet. Be the first one!

  • Invest with
    500€ or more

    Get the manuscript of the Epilogue!

    This is the crazy one. You'll get 10 books, I'll go to your place to present the book and you keep the manuscript of the Epilogue, which I wrote throughout the 7th of September of 2016 in the Copenhagen dna Geneva airports, in the last few hours before I got home.

    No backers yet. Be the first one!

Tue, 11/03/2025 - 05:13

Thu, 07/07/2016 - 15:29

Notícias em relação ao "Daqui Ali - De PT à África do Sul de Bic

Olá pessoal! Entre a tradução para inglês do Daqui Ali Asiático (183 exemplares) e o original em Português do Daqui Ali - De Portugal à África do Sul de Bicicleta (213) angarie...

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Fri, 01/07/2016 - 10:37

Payout completed

The raised funds have been transferred to the campaign owner


Campaign ended

The campaign successfully raised the initial target

Thu, 02/06/2016 - 17:41

[Daqui Ali] Já falta pouco!!

Olá pessoal! Neste momento, a contar com contribuições feitas directamente a mim, estamos com 3600€. Já esteve mais longe! Muitos de vocês (conhecidos especialmente, pois não...

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Campaign launched


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  • António Pedro Moreira

    Notícias em relação ao "Daqui Ali - De PT à África do Sul de Bic

    Olá pessoal! Entre a tradução para inglês do Daqui Ali Asiático (183 exemplares) e o original em Português do Daqui Ali - De Portugal à África do Sul de Bicicleta (213) angariei 9802€ nos últimos meses em duas campanhas de Crowdfunding, graças a vocês e outros como vocês! Foi incrível e deixou-me muito contente! : )

    Disse sempre que faria tudo por tudo para publicar o Daqui Ali africano em Julho. Não vai acontecer. A publicação do livro inglês atrasou um bocado, com mais algumas revisões necessárias. Depois tive de ir à Namíbia em trabalho, cheguei a semana passada e agora ando atarefado com preparativos para o meu casamento, que é daqui a 9 dias! Depois do casamento, claro, vem a lua-de-mel, onde também não vou estar a trabalhar. Acreditem que não projectei Julho sabendo que não ia suceder. Não geri foi bem essa projecção. Assim, se alguém achar que não tem jeito nenhum e quiser o reembolso, é na boa, é só mandar mensagem. Por outro lado, se compreenderem a cena, como agradecimento terei o nome de toda a gente que participou na edição deste livro com as pré-compras, na última página. É o mínimo que posso fazer. Obrigado por acreditarem e terem paciência, e para quem estiver a pensar em reservar o livro enviem mensagem! Como disse, se o fizerem agora, não só ajudam a financiar a publicação como terão o vosso nome (pelo menos) na primeira edição.

    Bem hajam e viva Portugal!

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  • António Pedro Moreira

    [Daqui Ali] Já falta pouco!!

    Olá pessoal! Neste momento, a contar com contribuições feitas directamente a mim, estamos com 3600€.

    Já esteve mais longe! Muitos de vocês (conhecidos especialmente, pois não conseguiram escapar à minha melguice) já partilharam a página, e agradeço-vos imenso por isso!

    Para quem não partilhou, ou partilhou há muito tempo, vou pedir que voltem a partilhar, claro :p

    Fica à vossa escolha o que partilham e como. Sinto-me tentado a dar um Template que podiam usar, mas é um bocado foleiro e sinto-me constrangido em estar a elogiar a minha própria cena, ahah!

    Podem partilhar [no FB] o link da campanha

    com umas palavras de encorajamento para o pessoal participar. Mas, em vez de escreverem "Ah e tal o Pedro Moreira" podem meter "Ah e tal o @Pedro On the road..." e assim fica também o link para a minha página do Facebook.

    Ou fazerem como quiserem, ou não partilhar de todo, claro.

    Desculpem ser tão técnico. Vou para a Namíbia dois dias antes da campanha acabar e queria ir descansado!

    Abraço e obrigado!


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