Support the book that tells the story of a fascinating trip from Portugal to The Cape of Good Hope... on a bicycle! 15.000km, almost a thousand hours cycling, 22 countries, determination and a bunch of stories.
With this campaign I aim to gather funds to print my fourth book, after "Daqui Ali - An Overland Journey From Portugal to Singapore".
As with the first "Daqui Ali", everything that I have learned and lived made it so there was no way I wouldn't share it.
What can you take from this book?
- Do I need to be in shape?
No, man! When I left my hometown, in that rainy day, I hadn't cycled in years, and haven't done any exercizing in months. And it was hard, but I got used to it!
No! Bad things happen everywhere and there's good and bad people everywhere. However, either I am the luckiest person in the world, or the world has way more good people than bad ones, something you'll realize as you read.
I always feel awkward proclaiming it might inspire you, because after all, who am I, right? But turns out, I'm just a guy. And people that are just people can inspire other people, as some other people inspired me. I think the way it can inspire you is by showing how easy it is once you take that decision to go, if that's what you want to do. I don't think everyone should travel, people should do whatever makes them happy. For me it's this, and who knows if by reading the steps I took to release myself from the shackles of normality you won't be closer yourself?...
After visiting over 80 countries in several trips I gained some experience and learned some tricks, ways how to get out of something. You won't know everything there is to know, the same way I don't know everything nor will I ever but, the same way I benefited from the advice of other travelers, so can you with this book.
What happened?
- I crossed the Sahara Desert;
- I spent an afternoon with revolutionaries for the independence of Western Sahara;
- I rode the longest train in the world in Mauritania, in a crazy detour into the desert;
- I crossed the border between Guinea-Bissau and Guinea-Conacry through the jungle;
- I was arrested in Sierra Leone by totally drunk policemen;
- I was stopped by the police 23 times in Nigeria, mistaken for terrorists dozens of times and arrested a few hours;
- I was the xaman in a crazy ceremony in the forest of Gabon;
- I was 5 meters away from a gorilla in the forest of Gabon while I cycled;
- I crossed Angola in a month with only 10€;
- I crossed the Namibe Desert;
- ...I got to the Cape!
And so, so many more experiences that are so hard to just describe in a line here.
About the author
I'm a guy that is trying this thing of being a travel-writer, or just a traveler, or just a writer, well... I try to get stuff that I appreciate, mix them and sometimes enjoy them all at the same time, other times one at a time. I think the understanding that I have of myself and the world that surrounds me, and of this strange circumstance that is LIFE, acts in a paradoxical way and leaves me even more confused, which is spectacular!
I'm someone that has a certain fear, or respect, or whatever, for death, and that ends up making it so that I have extra respect for LIFE, will to live, risk and dream. That's why I do what I do - I don't want to resign to a LIFE that could be nice, I want the best possible.
I was born in Vale de Cambra in 84, went to study Psychology in Coimbra in 2002, where I had 5 unforgettable years. In the middle I went to Finland for a year - the first time living abroad, a phenomenal eye opener, that taste for seeing what's on the other side roaring within me. I finished my degree and went to Norway to do a 6 month internship and from there I went straight to England, where I was for 2 years, working as a psychologist. Then one day I went to India... I saw myself surrounded by 15 people and I realized that, out of all, the one travelling for the least amount of time was me - 2 weeks only. And after me someone traveling for 5 months. And other people a year, two... I understood that they were just people, flesh and bone, just like me, and I realized all I needed to do was decide and... go.
I never looked back.
I knew that it was risky, to quit a stable job, but I had to do what I thought was right. I quit and went traveling.
9 months and a half in the Eurasian continent, 3300€, 20.000km hitchhiking, I was arrested in Laos, 2km away from Bin Laden 12 hours before he was shot in Pakistan, in Syria before the revolution, 1 week in Iraq without a cent, 11 days in Iran with 20€ - countless stories and realizations about the human nature that I needed to put in paper. I published "Daqui Ali - An Overland Journey From Portugal to Singapore" in May 2013 and the success it had allowed me to realize that maybe, who knows, I could live from this!
I went back to working in England between 2012 and 2013, this time part-time - I lived in Portugal and went there once a month. It was a pretty cool system but it wasn't my dream. I quit my job again, but this time invested everything in another LIFEstyle and went after a new adventure. It seemed to be a ridiculous idea, almost surreal, but I thought it was possible.
I made a plan, that kept changing as the trip went on, and I left! It was a crazy trip. Hard, surprising, addictive, exasperating, rewarding, sublime. A constant fountain of admiration for the sceneries and, above all, the kindness of those people that allowed me to pay to sleep only 20% of the nights.
Now I'm here, in Portugal, and all I want is to share these experiences.
António Pedro Moreira
Notícias em relação ao "Daqui Ali - De PT à África do Sul de Bic
Olá pessoal! Entre a tradução para inglês do Daqui Ali Asiático (183 exemplares) e o original em Português do Daqui Ali - De Portugal à África do Sul de Bicicleta (213) angariei 9802€ nos últimos meses em duas campanhas de Crowdfunding, graças a vocês e outros como vocês! Foi incrível e deixou-me muito contente! : )
Disse sempre que faria tudo por tudo para publicar o Daqui Ali africano em Julho. Não vai acontecer. A publicação do livro inglês atrasou um bocado, com mais algumas revisões necessárias. Depois tive de ir à Namíbia em trabalho, cheguei a semana passada e agora ando atarefado com preparativos para o meu casamento, que é daqui a 9 dias! Depois do casamento, claro, vem a lua-de-mel, onde também não vou estar a trabalhar. Acreditem que não projectei Julho sabendo que não ia suceder. Não geri foi bem essa projecção. Assim, se alguém achar que não tem jeito nenhum e quiser o reembolso, é na boa, é só mandar mensagem. Por outro lado, se compreenderem a cena, como agradecimento terei o nome de toda a gente que participou na edição deste livro com as pré-compras, na última página. É o mínimo que posso fazer. Obrigado por acreditarem e terem paciência, e para quem estiver a pensar em reservar o livro enviem mensagem! Como disse, se o fizerem agora, não só ajudam a financiar a publicação como terão o vosso nome (pelo menos) na primeira edição.
Bem hajam e viva Portugal!
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António Pedro Moreira
[Daqui Ali] Já falta pouco!!
Olá pessoal! Neste momento, a contar com contribuições feitas directamente a mim, estamos com 3600€.
Já esteve mais longe! Muitos de vocês (conhecidos especialmente, pois não conseguiram escapar à minha melguice) já partilharam a página, e agradeço-vos imenso por isso!
Para quem não partilhou, ou partilhou há muito tempo, vou pedir que voltem a partilhar, claro :p
Fica à vossa escolha o que partilham e como. Sinto-me tentado a dar um Template que podiam usar, mas é um bocado foleiro e sinto-me constrangido em estar a elogiar a minha própria cena, ahah!
Podem partilhar [no FB] o link da campanha
com umas palavras de encorajamento para o pessoal participar. Mas, em vez de escreverem "Ah e tal o Pedro Moreira" podem meter "Ah e tal o @Pedro On the road..." e assim fica também o link para a minha página do Facebook.
Ou fazerem como quiserem, ou não partilhar de todo, claro.
Desculpem ser tão técnico. Vou para a Namíbia dois dias antes da campanha acabar e queria ir descansado!
Abraço e obrigado!
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