Book: A Scene by the Center Modern Portuguese Music 1990 - 1999

Book: A Scene by the Center Modern Portuguese Music 1990 - 1999

"Our band could be your life. And it was. A book that dives in the wild 90's to reveal de defenitive photo about a the first wave of explosion by band of Leiria, Marinha Grande,...

  • 2050


    137% of 1 500€

    98 backers

  • 29/06/2018

    Expired on

  • Completed

    This project has been successfully funded

"Our band could be your life. And it was. A book that dives in the wild 90's to reveal de defenitive photo about a the first wave of explosion by band of Leiria, Marinha Grande, Alcobaça or Caldas da Rainha" - Jornal de Leiria

This work resulted from the material collected for the master's thesis of the author. The case study fell on the cultural supplement of Jornal de Leiria (JL), whose research work gave a tremendous joy to do, rediscovering news of the 90s, in a basement with mask and gloves, not only because of the dust, but so as not to damage the specimens handled. Being news of a newspaper, accessible to everyone from the moment they are published, it is certain that they were scattered, and of course by the time of the public domain, for a few years have gone by and all this happened in a time before the massification of the internet, where the digitization is scarce. 

The work - simple but very time-consuming - resulted in taking thousands of pictures in short paragraphs or in-depth interviews, reminiscent of a spy in the movies. He then joined the pieces of the puzzle and constructed a narrative in the form of a book. 

In this book, among some curiosities, may have here and there a more exhaustive description, but it was precious information and it would be imprudent to lose it (again), and so it has been registered and compiled. This work was not done, and was now more accessible. Several interviews and articles that I wrote to the service of Preguiça Magazine, from January 2013 to December 2016, and more recently for Vice Portugal, among other sources from various authors, also served as sources of information. 

The expenses relate to the time of writing and research, pagination, design, proofreading, printing, promotion, PPL commission and shipping charges.

artigo no Jornal de Leiria

About the author

Pedro Miguel launches its the third work as if it was the first. It has two storybooks edited, but this will be his greatest creation, both for the extension and the time invested: 25 years.

Do you see that skinny fuck who was going to watch the concerts and always watch back? It is this author.

Pedro Miguel worked on the road with Silence 4 and Phase, but then spent more time with the choreographer Rui Horta touring Europe to drive a van, listen to music, meet theaters and auditoriums. Later he decided to go back to study and that is where he completed his degree in Social Communication and later Master in Communication and Media.

Pedro Miguel was a DJ for 20 years, did radio, participated actively in the cultural life of the city of Leiria, integrated cultural associations such as Fade In and ecO, founded with friends the Preguiça Magazine, currently writes for Vice Portugal, interviews renowned artists in the Stereogun and works in a bookstore.

Books with music is the logical outcome of two passions that have always been complemented.

o autor Pedro Miguel

Budget and due dates

1500 euros within 45 days

  • Invest with
    5€ or more

    A big thank you on facebook

    19 backers

  • Invest with
    12€ or more

    Thank you printed at the end of the book

    7 backers

  • Invest with
    16€ or more

    Thank you printed at the end of the book and the work in your home, via CTT

    28 backers

  • Invest with
    20€ or more

    Thank you printed at the end of the book with special and personalized dedication and the work in your home, via CTT

    36 backers

  • Invest with
    30€ or more

    Thank you printed at the end of the book and the work in your home, via CTT. with special dedication and personalized + a copy of "É Sexta-Feira Foge Comigo", story book by the same author

    12 backers

  • Invest with
    250€ or more

    Thank you printed at the end of the book and the work in your home, via CTT. with special dedication and personalized + a copy of "É Sexta-Feira Foge Comigo", a short story book by the same author + coffee, talk and later article in Vice Portugal "what I learned from a generous donor of crowdfunding"

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  • Invest with
    500€ or more

    Thank you printed at the end of the book and the work in your home, via CTT. with special dedication and personalized + a copy of "É Sexta-Feira Foge Comigo", a short story book by the same author + coffee, talk and later article in Vice Portugal "what I learned from a generous donor of crowdfunding" + dinner paid and with the author (Ao Largo restaurant, Leiria, up to 80 € - individual value)

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  • Invest with
    1000€ or more

    I do not know what to tell you, this already surpasses me

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  • Invest with
    1500€ or more

    We have to talk ... seriously, in any case I'm saving for a Dacia

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Sun, 22/09/2024 - 08:15

Fri, 21/09/2018 - 21:41

Os livros estão quase prontos

Caros crowdfunders, devo-vos um esclarecimento do ponto da situação. O livro saiu no sábado passado (dia 15), mas a gráfica atrasou-se. Tive exemplares à justa para o lançament...

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Mon, 02/07/2018 - 12:12

Payout completed

The raised funds have been transferred to the campaign owner

Fri, 29/06/2018 - 18:23

Obrigado a todos!

Muito obrigado a todos pela vossa generosidade. O objectivo foi atingido. Os melhores cumprimentos, Pedro Miguel

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Campaign ended

The campaign successfully raised the initial target

Campaign launched


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  • Pedro Miguel

    Os livros estão quase prontos

    Caros crowdfunders, devo-vos um esclarecimento do ponto da situação. O livro saiu no sábado passado (dia 15), mas a gráfica atrasou-se. Tive exemplares à justa para o lançamento, mas desde aí têm-me dado "às pinguinhas". Conto para a semana ter tudo regularizado. A CENA somos todos nós!!! Abraço e até breve.

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  • Jorge Duarte

    Está quase


    Espero que esse Verão esteja a correr de feição, por aqui tem-se trabalhado afincadamente para meter o livro cá fora com a qualidade que vocês merecem.
    Em breve a gráfica dá o OK e a obra sai.
    A primeira coisa a fazer será, obviamente, enviar-vos o livro via CTT.
    A apresentação (Sábado, 15 de Setembro, 18h00) será em Leiria, na livraria Arquivo, e conta com a presença de Carlos Matos da Fade In e de Nuno Calado da Antena 3.
    Até já e muito obrigado.

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  • Pedro Miguel

    Obrigado a todos!

    Muito obrigado a todos pela vossa generosidade.
    O objectivo foi atingido.

    Os melhores cumprimentos,
    Pedro Miguel

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98 members of the PPL community
support this campaign

  • 43
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Meet the people helping this dream come true

  • Gui Garrido

    29/06/2018 - 16:53

    Parabéns a ti, por estares sempre no centro da cena! Siga que depois deste vem a edição de 2000 - 2009 e por aí fora! Obrigad a ti!

  • Anonymous

    29/06/2018 - 14:49

  • Jobart

    29/06/2018 - 14:26

    Mesmo no finalzinho do tempo, mas é claro que ia apoiar o teu projecto amigo Peter! Obrigada por partilhares a tua pesquisa com o mundo! Venham mais :)

  • Sandrina Reis

    29/06/2018 - 14:20


    29/06/2018 - 13:51

  • Manuel Simões

    29/06/2018 - 13:25

  • Pedro Mendes

    29/06/2018 - 13:02

  • Carlos Melo

    29/06/2018 - 12:57

  • pedro trindade ferreira

    29/06/2018 - 11:49

  • Joana Areia

    29/06/2018 - 08:45

    A 9 horas e 18 minutos de acabar, aqui fica a minha contribuição. Quanto a receber a obra, pode ser via Pedro Miguel em vez de CTT? :)

  • Carlos Matos

    28/06/2018 - 20:04

    Estou mortinho para ler isso! :)

  • ajnfire

    28/06/2018 - 18:46

    Obrigado por contares a história que também é minha... Abraço!

  • Maria Pedro Guarino

    28/06/2018 - 18:01

  • Ró Areia

    28/06/2018 - 15:16

  • Pedro Neves

    28/06/2018 - 11:26

  • Susana Carvalho

    27/06/2018 - 22:27

    Tarda mas não falha! Grande projeto! Segue-se a estória paralela das DJ's mulheres em Leiria.... :)

  • Ró Areia

    27/06/2018 - 20:22

  • Teresa Neto

    27/06/2018 - 19:17

  • Tania afonso

    27/06/2018 - 19:00