Ó brigada - complet discography of Brigada Victor Jara - 40 years

Ó brigada - complet discography of Brigada Victor Jara - 40 years

Over these 40 years the Victor Jara Brigade edited ten discographic work that will now be gathered and a special commemorative edition.

  • 23643


    315% of 7 500€

    512 backers

  • 02/03/2015

    Expired on

  • Completed

    This project has been successfully funded

Over these 40 years the Victor Jara Brigade edited ten discographic work that will now be gathered and a special commemorative edition.

The Brigada Victor Jara celebrates in 2015 its 40 years of career. Founded in 1975, the Brigada was an undeniable pioneer in the recreation of traditional Portuguese music, leading to a movement responsible for the creation of several groups focused on this specific area of music.

During these 40 years, the Brigada Victor Jara has released 10 records, that are now put together in this special and commemorative edition.

This edition is composed of 10 music records as well as a book with testimonials from people specially invited for it, with the goal of sharing their experiences with the Brigada and their view on Brigada’s role in the spreading of traditional Portuguese music. Among them we can see Zeca Medeiros, Carlos do Carmo, Sebastião Antunes, João Afonso, Ivan Dias, GEFAC, Armando Carvalheda, Luis Gil Bettencourt and others.

Caixa com 10 CDS e livro de testemunhos

SPECIAL OFFER - CD WITH UNRELEASED SONGS OF BRIGADA VICTOR JARA for those who will contribute with 40,00 € or more

About the author

Tradisom has a long editorial background. We can feature some emblematic projects that Tradisom has developed during the years:

A VIAGEM DOS SONS – The journey of Sounds, Official collection representing Portugal at EXPO98 composed of 12 CD.

FILMOGRAFIA COMPLETA DE MICHEL GIACOMETTI - The complete filmography of Michel Giacometti, composed of 12 books with DVD and CD.

FILHOS DE TIMOR LESTE, Sons of East Timor, special edition offered in the Day of Independence of East Timor.

CAVAQUINHO.PT, CD and book of Júlio Pereira, the portuguese musician.

Brigade Victor Jara band members:

Aurélio Malva; Luis Nunes Garção; iguel Moita; Manuel Rocha; Arnaldo Carvalho; Catarina Moura; Rui Short; José Tovim.

Budget and due dates

The sum we are trying to reach does not correspond to the total investment being made for this edition. It is an extra fund that will help us achieve our goal. The intention is to have a collection object, thus they are going to be numbered and autographed by the members of the Brigada Victor Jara. There will only be 1000 editions.
  • Invest with
    10€ or more

    OFFER of one CD + POSTER signed by the members of BVJ

    If you give 10,00 € we offer you a CD of your choice, from the 10 CDS that we will be in the BOX and also a Poster signed by the members of Brigada Victor Jara.

    24 backers

  • Invest with
    25€ or more

    OFFER of 2 CDS + bottle OF PORT WINE + POSTER signed by the members of BVJ

    If you contribute with 25,00 € we offer two CDS of your choice from the 10 CDS that will be included in the BOX and also a bottle of Port Wine, special edition for this project and a Poster signed by the members of BVJ. FREE SHIPPING ONLY TO PORTUGAL.

    6 backers

  • Invest with
    40€ or more


    Contribute with 40,00 € and receive: the BOX "Ó BRIGADA VICTOR JARA - COMPLET DISCOGRAPHY - 40 YEARS" (with 10 CDS and a boom with texts made by personalities that know the group since his start or musicians that have played with them along the years + the name as supporter of the group in the book + a bottle of PORT WINE, special edition for the project + poster signed by the members of the BVJ. FREE SHIPPING ONLY TO PORTUGAL.

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  • Invest with
    40€ or more


    CD WITH UNRELEASED SONGS OF BRIGADA VICTOR JARA for those who will contribute with 40,00€ or more.

    410 backers

  • Invest with
    75€ or more


    Contribute with 75,00 € and receive: 2 BOXES "Ó BRIGADA VICTOR JARA - COMPLET DISCOGRAPHY - 40 YEARS" (with 10 CDS and a book with texts made by personalities that know the group since his start or musicians that have played with them along the years) + the name as supporter of the group in the book +2 bottles of PORT WINE, special edition for the project + POSTER signed by the members of BVJ. FREE SHIPPING ONLY TO PORTUGAL.

    45 backers

  • Invest with
    100€ or more


    Contribute with 100,00 € and receive: 2 BOXES "Ó BRIGADA VICTOR JARA - COMPLET DISCOGRAPHY - 40 YEARS" (with 10 CDS and a book with texts made by personalities that know the group since his start or musicians that have played with them along the years) + INVITATION for a LUNCH/DINNER with the members of Brigada Victor Jara to the announced near the release of the BOX + the name as PINCIPAL SUPPORTER of the group in the book +2 bottles of PORT WINE, special edition for the project + POSTER signed by the members of BVJ. FREE SHIPPING ONLY TO PORTUGAL.

    20 backers

  • Invest with
    250€ or more


    Contribute with 250,00 € and receive: 5 BOXES "Ó BRIGADA VICTOR JARA - COMPLET DISCOGRAPHY - 40 YEARS" (with 10 CDS and a book with texts made by personalities that know the group since his start or musicians that have played with them along the years) + INVITATION for a LUNCH/DINNER with the members of Brigada Victor Jara to the announced near the release of the BOX + the name as SPONSOR of the group in the book +5 bottles of PORT WINE, special edition for the project + POSTER signed by the members of BVJ. FREE SHIPPING ONLY TO PORTUGAL.

    4 backers

Sun, 06/10/2024 - 09:44

Tue, 03/03/2015 - 11:17

Payout completed

The raised funds have been transferred to the campaign owner


Campaign ended

The campaign successfully raised the initial target

Wed, 21/01/2015 - 16:54


A ilustração da capa da caixa e do Livro de Testemunhos são da autoria de PEDRO SOUSA PEREIRA, Prémio Gulbenkian de ilustração e habitual colaborar das edições da TRADISOM.

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  • fsal

    Aos 40 chegaram e muito para lá dos 40 viverão

    A Brigada criou dos ritmos e músicas mais bonitos e mais agradáveis da Música Portuguesa. Definitivamente conquistaram um lugar na memória da cultura Portuguesa e por isso viverão por muito, muito mais de 40 anos.

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    Aos 40 chegaram e muito para lá dos 40 viverão

    Meu caro amigo da Brigada.
    Estou certo que o que diz poderia ser dito por muitos milhares de admiradores deste grupo que durante todo este tempo soube pegar nas mais bonitas canções da nossa tradição e "vesti-las" de tal forma que ficaram na moda!
    Tive a sorte de acompanhar esse trabalho desde a primeira hora e de partilhar os palcos com eles.
    A minha satisfação é enorme por poder estar a produzir esta edição comemorativa.
    Mesmo assim acho que anda muita gente distraída e quando acordar vai ser tarde, pois acredito que vai esgotar muito rapidamente.
    Um enorme Ó BRIGADA!

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  • Antonio Campos


    Atendendo ao enorme apoio e sucesso desta iniciativa, atrevo-me a sugerir a inclusão de um DVD comemorativo, na caixa. Certamente, nestes 40 anos de existência, existirão gravações em vídeo, que o permitam fazer. Talvez não seja fácil, mas pedir não custa.

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    Neste momento o que posso revelar é que está em preparação um outro projecto com a Brigada Victor Jara para o final do ano.
    Espero que compreenda a minha resposta, mas garanto que não ficará desiludido!
    Um abraço e Ó BRIGADA!

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  • Vitor Aniceto Santos

    só podemos, enquanto cidadãos

    só podemos, enquanto cidadãos atentos, dar apoio a esta iniciativa! A Brigada Victor Jara é uma instituição da música portuguesa!!

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    Foi por esse motivo que

    Foi por esse motivo que aceitámos de peito aberto o repto da BVJ para avançarmos com este aliciante projecto. Obrigado pelas suas palavras.
    José Moças

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    A ilustração da capa da caixa e do Livro de Testemunhos são da autoria de PEDRO SOUSA PEREIRA, Prémio Gulbenkian de ilustração e habitual colaborar das edições da TRADISOM.

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