Debaixo do Bulcão poezine is a poetry and image fanzine, open to anyone's collaboration, since 1996. It's free (as in free beer) and, in order to continue, needs a little help from it's friends.
During 2020, we want to publish four editions: in April, June, September and December. These consist of photocopied notebooks, in A5 format, with a number of pages that varies from edition to edition, depending on the number of collaborations delivered to us. We want to increase the circulation, to satisfy the growing demand. The current circulation is only 100 copies, for 7 distribution points that we maintain in the cities of Almada, Porto, Póvoa de Varzim and Vila Franca de Xira. Our goal for 2020 is to reach two hundred copies per edition, which will also allow us to expand the distribution network.
We want to continue to grow and maintain free distribution, as we have done it, in places such as bookstores, bars, kiosks, cultural and recreational associations, reading booths ... Get as far as possible and as many people as possible , is the objective that moves us from the first moment.
Whenever possible, we will also carry out activities complementary to the launch of each edition - examples: poetry shows, poetic performances, installation, concerts ... - as has been our practice since 1996.
More information about this project is available on our official page
[YOUTUBE: G9gC8-qLtA0]
António Vitorino
Em meu nome, António Vitorino, e em nome do projecto Debaixo do Bulcão, agradeço encarecidamente a todas as pessoas que deram a sua contribuição para que este projecto não tivesse que terminar. Infelizmente, não conseguimos atingir o nosso objectvo, pelo que a publicaçãoi está, desde este momento, suspensa. Darei mais informação na página
Carolina Vgs, Ana Gago, António José Silva, Pedro Costa e outras pessoas que preferiram manter o anonimato: muito grato pela vossa solidariedade.
Agradeço também à plataforma PPL pela forma honesta e transparente como geriram, apoiaram e acompanharam esta campanha, respondendo prontamente quando precisei de esclarecer dúvidas e pedir orientações. Bem hajam.
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