Other Worlds - A year, a month and a week of adventures and photography

Other Worlds - A year, a month and a week of adventures and photography

Unusual stories, told by photographer Ana Abrão, through series of unpublished photographs and travel chronicles. In her book, the author brings us her travel experiences revea...

  • 5315


    107% of 4 950€

    133 backers

  • 21/12/2020

    Expired on

  • Completed

    This project has been successfully funded

Unusual stories, told by photographer Ana Abrão, through series of unpublished photographs and travel chronicles. In her book, the author brings us her travel experiences revealing the unusual culture of other worlds, unknown to the majority of the western world.

One day, against all odds and social stimulus to acquire goods, I said to myself: "I am going to make the most of my savings!"

With a one-way ticket to Asia and without a defined route, I followed the flow of events, without plans, without dates or rules. I allowed myself to feel the freedom this decision gave me. India was my starting point then Nepal, Myanmar, Vietnam, Cambodia, Laos, Thailand, Singapore, Malaysia, Indonesia, Borneo and Sulawesi. During a year, a month and a week, I went to places forgotten on the map. Therefore, because of going out of the beaten track, I lived unusual experiences, some surprising, some eccentric, yet, experiences that I will now share with you, allowing you a chance to experience the same view I lived.

Trecho extraído da Crónica "O Peso da Tradição"

This book was born spontaneously. It was written with goose bumps and had images selected and edited with the smile of someone that dreams without barriers or frontiers...

It contains 12 series of photographs, each one followed by a travel storytelling. Stories set in remote places and relate to my interaction with local people belonging to different ethnic minorities. Stories that I tell in the first person and images that show the great cultural diversity that is beyond the reach of the lenses from normal travelers.

"Me, a Xamã" conta a história de um ritual xamamico nas montanhas do Vietname.

This crowdfunding campaign has two important purposes: to implement a pre-sale system, temporarily bypassing the restrictions imposed by the pandemic that prevent me from promoting launch events in closed spaces; and, still, to guarantee, with the pre-sale, the amount I still need for the book production to be successfully completed;

Buy a book or offer one to a friend who loves photography or enjoys travelling, or who is fond of other cultures.

Trecho extraído da Crónica "O Ritual do Fogo"

About the author

I believe that I can change the world through my photographs!

Família da etnia Charan (India), orgulhosos por entrar na mesma fotografia que a fotógrafa. :-)

Over the years, I traveled around the world, photographing hundreds of women, men and children, mostly belonging to ethnic minorities, who live in distant places, unknown to tourism. More and more, I feel that human relationships and kindness are very important attributes and the decisive factor that makes my experiences so fulfiling. So I look for genuine people and connections.

Tradições que prevêem-se serem perdidas ao longo do tempo...

Gradually, I ended up discovering a very particular way of traveling and producing photographic material with originality and, at the same time, deeply meaningful to me. These are unusual, yet rich experiences that, from now on, I will share with you.

Come, be part of this project! :-)

Biographical Note
Ana Abrão, graduated in Psychology and PhD in Psychology / Informatics, has been a professional photographer for over 13 years, after reducing her investment in the career of an university teacher. She represents Portugal in international photography competitions, having received several awards (18 medals and 60 honorable mentions) and, occasionally, participates in photography salons as a member of the panel of juries (national and international). She is recognized as “Excellence” in photographic art by the Photographic Society of America , in addition to “Artist” and “Excellence” by the European association International Federation of Photographic Art . Recently, she was awarded in one of the most prestigious international competitions, Travel Photography of the Year , where she had an image chosen from over 20,000 participating images. Currently, she is the representative of the Photographic Society of America , in Portugal.

Budget and due dates

The amount I, herewith, ask for, in this campaign corresponds to about 40% of the budget for the preparation, production and discloser of the book and is only a small part of what is necessary for the project's implementation to be successful. The remaining 60% needed will be guaranteed by an investor and me.

The total value raised in this campaign, will be used for the producing a hard cover colored book, (with dust jacket), size 30x20cm, 144 pages.


Total Budget € 9,200

- Cover and back cover design
- Revision of the text
- Design
- Cover
- Advertising and promotional material
- Book printing + transport
- Rewards
- Commission costs of 5% of PPL + VAT
- Payment system fees 2% + VAT



November - Launch of the pre- campaign through the PPL.

December - Production and delivery of rewards (prints) made until 5th of December.

January - Production and sending of books to supporters. Sending the remaining rewards.



The more funds I raise, the greater the chance of getting these stories to other countries. If this campaign exceeds the target amount, the extra resources will be used to pay for the services of a qualified Portuguese-English translator to take the book outside Portugal in the next step. Therefore, each contribution is very important!


All forms of disclosure are especially important to help me continue. Please share my story with your friends who like photography or travel. You can do this, using the sharing buttons at the top of this page.

Thank you! :-)

  • Invest with
    10€ or more

    I just want to be part of it!

    Virtual access to one of the stories and images for reading and viewing before the book launch + acknowledgments at the end of the book. You will be able to tell all your friends that you are a sponsor of a fantastic book! :-)

    4 backers

  • Invest with
    30€ or more

    1 autographed book and others (Shipping to Portugal)

    1 autographed book full of unusual stories and incredible photographs :-) + acknowledgments at the end of the book + virtual access to one of the stories and images for reading and viewing before the book launch.

    113 backers

  • Invest with
    40€ or more

    1 autographed book + others (Shipping to BRAZIL)

    1 autographed book full of unusual stories and photographs :-) + virtual access to one of the stories and photographs for viewing and reading, before the book's launch. + thanks at the end of the book.

    4 backers

  • Invest with
    55€ or more

    2 autographed books + others

    2 autographed books full of stories and unusual photos :-) + virtual access to one of the stories and photographs for viewing and reading, before the book is released. + thanks at the end of the book. NOTE: shipments to other European countries, add € 5 to the amount; shipments to Brazil, add € 10.

    7 backers

  • Invest with
    80€ or more

    1 autographed book + 1 Fine Art print

    1 autographed book + acknowledgments at the end of the book + virtual access to one of the stories and images for reading and viewing before the book launch + 1 Fine Art print of any image from my Instagram or Facebook gallery. Professional high quality printing on Hahnemuhle paper, size 45x30cm. NOTE: for shipments to Europe add €10 to the amount.

    5 backers

  • Invest with
    125€ or more

    Pack 5 books

    Do you have many friends, family or employees to offer? Receive 5 books with a special offer + acknowledgments at the end of the book + virtual access to one of the stories and images for reading and viewing before the book launch. NOTE: for shipments to Europe add €10 to the amount.

    4 backers

  • Invest with
    200€ or more

    1 autographed book + 1 print of the cover image on a K-Mount support

    1 autographed book, filled with unusual stories and unique photographs :-) + acknowledgments at the end of the book + virtual access to one of the stories and images for reading and viewing before the book launch + 1 Fine Art print of the winning image of the “single image” prize in the renowned contest international Travel Photographer of the year (image used as the cover of the book) or another, printed on K-Mount rigid support (ready to hang), high quality paper and wooden separator, size 75x50cm. NOTE: for shipments to Europe add €10 to the amount.

    2 backers

  • Invest with
    220€ or more

    1 autographed book + one-to-one tutoring

    1 autographed book, full of unusual stories and photographs :-) + an individual tutoring day with a tailor-made program (photo tour, portfolio analysis, practical class, image editing, professional advice or other - in the Algarve - up to one year after the launch of the book), + acknowledgments at the end of the book + virtual access to one of the stories and photographs for viewing and reading, before launch.

    No backers yet. Be the first one!

Sat, 05/10/2024 - 18:15

Tue, 23/02/2021 - 16:17

A tua morada pliizzzzz! :-)

 Se já me enviaste a tua morada, desconsidera esta mensagem. Se não leste a minha mensagem anterior, precisas saber que a organização da plataforma PPL não me facultou a mora...

Read more

Sun, 31/01/2021 - 17:10

Informações sobre o livro "Outros Mundos"

Boa tarde, Espero que estejas bem e com boa saúde.  :-) Quero dizer-te duas coisas. O LIVRO Devido as restrições do momento, a produção do livro está a ser feita em ba...

Read more

Thu, 31/12/2020 - 17:12

Payout completed

The raised funds have been transferred to the campaign owner

Tue, 22/12/2020 - 11:30


Graças à tua contribuição, atingi o valor proposto e, com ele, asseguro cerca de metade dos custos de produção do livro "Outros Mundos". Esta iniciativa da minha parte e ati...

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Campaign ended

The campaign successfully raised the initial target

Sun, 20/12/2020 - 00:06

100% reached

WE DID IT! We met our initial target but the fundraising can continue

Wed, 16/12/2020 - 18:41

Fazes-me um favor?

Estamos a 84% do objectivo final!! :-) Graças a tua contribuição, estamos quase a chegar lá. Mas, como deves saber, o PPL é um site de financiamento de projectos que funcion...

Read more

Mon, 09/11/2020 - 19:39

50% reached

We've just achieved half the target! The glass is now more full than empty ;)

Thu, 05/11/2020 - 22:11

We're now 20

We reached the first 20 backers. Let's keep up!

Wed, 04/11/2020 - 15:06

First five backers

We've gathered the first 5 backers. Hurray!

Campaign launched


Join us so you can take a part in this campaign. Register

  • Ana Abrão

    A tua morada pliizzzzz! :-)

     Se já me enviaste a tua morada, desconsidera esta mensagem.

    Se não leste a minha mensagem anterior, precisas saber que a organização da plataforma PPL não me facultou a morada que preencheste nos formulários da campanha e justificou não ter a tua permissão para fazê-lo. Por isto, peço-te que respondas a esta mensagem com a tua morada, de forma mais completa possível.

    Obrigada e beijinhos! :-)

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  • Armando Jorge Pereira ReisAna Abrão


    Olá Ana
    Aqui vai a minha morada

    Ansioso por receber o Livro :-) Abraço aí ao my friend

    Armando Jorge Reis
    Rua Pinhal da Foz, 54 R/C Dto
    4740-255 Esposende

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  • César MogoAna Abrão

    Olá Ana!!

    Olá Ana!!
    Aqui vai:

    César Mogo
    Rua Rocheta Cassiano Lt. 80 B
    8005 222


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  • Marco MarreirosAna Abrão

    Olà Ana, aqui va a minha

    Olà Ana, aqui va a minha morada
    104, bd Alsace Lorraine
    94170 Le Perreux-sur-Marne
    Abraço !

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  • Ana Abrão

    Informações sobre o livro "Outros Mundos"

    Boa tarde,

    Espero que estejas bem e com boa saúde.  :-)

    Quero dizer-te duas coisas.

    Devido as restrições do momento, a produção do livro está a ser feita em baixa velocidade.  Se me conheces com proximidade, sabes que cumpro horários, respeito datas e honro compromissos, no entanto, nesta situação em específico, não depende só de mim para consegui-lo. Posso garantir-te que estou a dar o melhor de mim quando o processo precisa da minha interferência e assim o farei até que consiga colocar o livro nas tuas mãos.

    A organização da plataforma PPL não me facultou a morada que preencheste nos formulários da campanha e justificou não ter a tua permissão para fazê-lo. Por isto, peço-te que a envie para o meu email (se ainda não o fez), o mais completo possível:


    Mais uma vez, obrigada por fazeres parte deste projecto. 

    Stay safe!

    Beijinhos e um bom resto de domingo.  :-)

    Ana Abrão

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  • Ana Abrão


    Graças à tua contribuição, atingi o valor proposto e, com ele, asseguro cerca de metade dos custos de produção do livro "Outros Mundos".

    Esta iniciativa da minha parte e atitude de apoio da vossa, prova que é possível realizar coisas sensacionais quando um grupo de pessoas acredita num projecto.

    Espero que esta ideia sirva de inspiração e estímulo para que também tu coloques em prática o teu sonho.

    Continuo a trabalhar para o livro chegue as tuas mãos.

    Um mega OBRIGADA! ?

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  • Ana Abrão

    Fazes-me um favor?

    Estamos a 84% do objectivo final!! :-)

    Graças a tua contribuição, estamos quase a chegar lá. Mas, como deves saber, o PPL é um site de financiamento de projectos que funciona na filosofia do "tudo ou nada". Se não atingirmos os 100%, dentro de 5 dias, todas as contribuições serão devolvidas aos apoiantes. 

    Se conheces-me mais de perto, sabes que estou determinada a colocar este livro nas tuas mãos. Então peço-te uma última ajuda. Estes restantes 16% correspondem a 23 livros. Se falares de forma mais personalizada com um amigo que gosta de fotografias, de viagens ou de leitura, com absoluta certeza vamos não só chegar à meta, como também vamos ultrapassá-la. 

    Se achares bem, então é só copiar o link abaixo e enviá-lo juntamente com o teu melhor argumento.  :-)


    Mais uma vez, um MEGA obrigada! :-D

    Ana Abrão

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133 members of the PPL community
support this campaign

  • 71
    new backers

  • 62
    recurrent backers

  • 0
    anonymous backers

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