"Mens Sana" is a collection of short stories inspired by madness and insanity that joins 8 new writers.
"Mens Sana" is a collection of short stories inspired by the madness and the boundaries between insanity and sanity of the human mind, which brings together 8 new writers. The main objective of this publication is to raise awareness of the issues of mental health and combat the stigma that still prevails in society.
Livros de Ontem publishing house is pleased to invite you to participate in the publishing of this work through crowdfunding contributions that, in this case, act as a pre-purchase of the book and give access to unique and exclusive offerings such as the inclusion of your name in the printed version.
Mens Sana
NOTE: The book has the value of 12 € during crowdfunding campaign and 14 € after closing the same.
Stretch goal
If we get 1000€ we will print 300 books.
If we get 1500€ we will print 500 books.
A Livros de Ontem publication.
Short Stories by Ana Costa, André Pinto, Cláudia Dias, Eduardo Duarte, Luísa Fresta, Márcia Costa, Mariela Jung, Vírginia Antunes.
Jury Samuel Pimenta (President), João Batista, Maria Azenha, Miguel Miranda.
Editing and proofreading by João Batista | Livros de Ontem.
Cover and pagination by Nádia Amante | Livros de Ontem.
1st edition limited to 200 copies.
All copies are numbered.