Journeys and Thoughts is my debut book in the world of poetry. Written in Portuguese and English, it addresses reflections on self-discovery, friendship, love, nature and human connections.
This project began with the desire to share with the world the words and thoughts that I have within me. I wrote this book as a reflection of my feelings, experiences and vision on the worlds around me. Each poem is a part of me and by sharing it, I want to invite you to be part of my creative journey. But for that, I need your help.
So I launch this crowdfunding campaign, with the hope that you, like me, believe in the power of words as a way to communion between humans and life.
What do I need to make this happen?
To ensure that the book reaches readers, I need funds to cover the printing of the first 150 physical copies and to organize a special launch event, with your presence, so that we can celebrate this special milestone together. In addition, I will also use part of the proceeds to promote the book on social media and reach an even wider audience. Your support will be essential to cover these initial costs, allowing the project to come happen in a way it deserves.
Why is your support so important?
Supporting this campaign is not just about helping to publish a book. It is about believing in art, literature and the idea that words have the power to connect people. Your contribution will allow me to take the first step of printing the book and making it available not only in physical format, but also as an e-book, in a way that is accessible to everyone. Every support is a fundamental pillar for this project to become a reality.
How can I repay the help?
I am grateful for all your support and have therefore prepared some exclusive rewards for those who collaborate with the campaign. You can choose from a variety of options, from your name in the acknowledgements to autographed copies of the book, or even access to poems and recitations with original music that have never been published before!
Now, it's your turn!
Please support this campaign to help me bring this dream to life. Every contribution, every share on social media, every word of support will help me get closer to making this project a reality.
Let's go together! Support me and be part of this journey with me.

O Báltico, Lituânia
About the author
Born and raised in Vieira do Minho, between Serra da Cabreira and Rio Ave, I have been passionate about science and sports since I was young. I wanted to be a doctor or scientist, to immerse myself in the world of research, discoveries and success. However, life showed me that this path did not align with my true essence.
It was during a 10-month volunteer project in Slovakia, with an environmental association, that I found new perspectives. The experience made me realize the healing magic of nature and, unexpectedly, reconnected with my homeland, family and friends. It was in Zvolen, with new people and challenges, that I rediscovered myself, through writing, music and the ability to establish new friendships.
When I returned to Vieira do Minho, the world was facing a global pandemic. The lockdown brought me a deep reconnection with my family, with the roots I had left behind and with my garden. It was in this intimate and natural environment that my creativity flourished. The time spent in isolation gave rise to an even greater love for writing and art and I began to write more regularly, creating poems and songs.
In recent years, I have been involved in numerous Erasmus+ projects focused on training youth workers. These have allowed me to expand my horizons and boundaries, as well as learn about a variety of topics (gamification of education, mindfulness, mental health, nature and sustainability, non-violent communication...). During these experiences, I have met wonderful people who have helped me reflect on the issues that move me most: freedom, human relationships, love, friendship and life itself. It was during this cycle of experiences and strong emotions that I realized that I could gather everything I had written over the last four years.
This book of poems that I now want to share is the culmination of that journey, a collection of emotions, thoughts and experiences that I felt was the right time to present to the world.
By starting this crowdfunding project, I am not just offering a book; I am sharing a part of myself, a story of self-discovery and reflection that I now seek to share with others. Thank you for being a part of this and supporting a journey that is both personal and universal.
A kind thank you.

Bom Jesus de Braga
Budget and due dates
So, taking into account the expenses I estimated, these will be the percentages for each stage:
- Printing of 150 copies: 75% of the crowdfunding value.
- Book presentation session: 7.5%.
- Promotion of the book on social media: 7.5%.
- Fees related to PPL and platforms such as Amazon KDP and Clube de Autores: 10%.
Fortunately, I have a graphic designer friend (Pedro Xarepe) who will design the book for free. Thank you.
Gratitude also to Miguel Pereira and the Vieira do Minho City Council for providing the auditorium free of charge for the event.
• Campaign launch: November 22, 2024.
• End of campaign: December 31, 2024.
Book Production
• Design and Review: In progress. Estimated completion by mid-December 2024.
• Printing of books: Ready by January 17, 2025 (Book Presentation Day).
Sending Rewards
• Digital rewards: Up to 2 weeks after the end of the campaign.
• Physical books: Until mid-February 2025.
Pedro Filipe Cardoso da Silva
Término da Campanha
Olá a todas(os),
É com muita felicidade que vos agradeço pelo apoio para o lançamento do meu livro.
Terminada a campanha e tendo atingido o valor de 1100 euros, irei durante a próxima semana a uma gráfica para tratar da impressão das primeiras cópias do meu livro.
Assim que estes estejam disponíveis, serão novamente notificados e procederei à entrega das recompensas para todos vós.
Um obrigado gentil,
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Pedro Filipe Cardoso da Silva
Alteração das datas de entrega de recompensas e Apresentação
Olá a todos os apoiantes,
Venho por este meio informar-vos que as recompensas irão ser entregadas a partir de finais de fevereiro e que a data e local da apresentação do livro serão reagendadas para o período entre Março e Abril.
Isto deve-se a ter feito algumas adições e correções no livro e do desenho do mesmo, que está a ser feito por um amigo. Entretanto notificarei novamente quando souber a data em que terei as cópias do livro impressas.
Espero que tenhas tido umas festas felizes e desejo-te o melhor para este novo ano de 2025.
Pedro Silva
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Pedro Filipe Cardoso da Silva
Gratidão | Gratitude
Obrigado amigos por se interessarem e apoiarem a causa. Aquecem-me muito com o vosso entusiasmo e mensagens bonitas. O livro tem também essa mesma mensagem inerente: a de partilhar carinho com amor e compreensão.
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