Unity is strength

Unity is strength

We aim to bring together several therapists in different areas, who have joined together to join forces on behalf of all those who feel they need alternative help.

  • 20


    1% of 3 000€

    1 backer

  • 09/04/2021

    Expired on

  • Not funded

    This project was unable to raise the required funds

We aim to bring together several therapists in different areas, who have joined together to join forces on behalf of all those who feel they need alternative help.

The Project aims to open a physical space, which will be a Clinic of Holistic Therapies, without any religious nature, where we gather several therapists from different areas such as:

  1. Psychology
  2. Coaching

  3. NLP
  4. Reiki
  5. Therapeutic and Rehabilitation Massages

  6. Radionica Table
  7. Quantum psychogenerator

  8. Humanometry
  9. Aura Reading

  10. Among others

We intend to help patients on their journey of self-knowledge, raising their awareness and helping them to reframe their trauma and / or soul pain processes, through an entire energy treatment that is defined in the quantum psychogenerator, which will help to undo the existing blocks, whether in the mental, emotional and / or spiritual field (Humanometry).

We also intend to take our therapies to homes, to help not only our elderly people, but also those who care for them.

We are going to propose to schools the integration of some of our activities such as yoga and meditation. As well as the development of workshops, in which we will address topics as important as, emotional education, financial education, among others that are not part of the curriculum plan.

We will make 20h monthly available in which we will provide voluntary support to the elderly.

The project also counts on the development of training, workshops, meditations and self-help circles and sale of hand-made articles, by some of our therapists. they are articles, energized and that provide harmony and well-being. All this because, we believe that there is only transformation with the gain of conscience.

We resort to Crowfounding because we believe that our work will add value and make a difference, in this current context that the world is going through. And because, the existing supports do not support this type of project.

We count on your help to make a difference in the world!

About the author

In 2018, I also had to reframe my entire life story. I separated from a companion, whose relationship lasted 10 years, I stayed with 2 smaller children in charge and with a whole process of pain, anguish, frustration among others, that I had already accumulated through life.

I entered a state of pre-depression, I went to the psychologist, even the psychiatrist and I took anxiolytics for a short time but I did not feel any improvement. Until, I had the courage to take charge of my life and get out of the pattern of victimization I was in. And as in the conventional, I did not find the answer I needed to cure my pain, which was enormous, I sought alternative help and thus, began my journey of personal development. I went through a whole therapeutic follow-up, I resorted to several therapies, I plunged with commitment in me and I fell in love with the person I became along this path, and when I felt and proved the benefits myself, I wanted to help people who, like me, are in a great process of pain and suffering. Without understanding the reasons and seeking a better understanding of their processes.

I did training in Psychological Coaching, Training in Human Development Therapist, Training in Human Therapist, Reiki level I, deepened knowledge in the area of NLP, Systemic Ribs, Emotional Intelligence, Quantum Physics, Neuroscience and many others.

I now feel empowered, not only by the knowledge acquired, but mainly by the experience lived in practice, to accompany other people on their journey of liberation, understanding and self-knowledge.

And this is the legacy that I want to leave in this world. Well, there are all of you!

Budget and due dates

Expected budget:

Space Rent = 400 €

Advertising = 1500 € (website, storefront, signage, digital marketing ...)

Materials and Expenses = 1100 € (desk, table, table, projector, products, fire extinguishers, light, water ...)




  • Decorative item

    Invest with
    5€ or more

    Decorative item

    Choose 1 decorative item, with intentional energy channeling

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  • Energized Pending

    Invest with
    10€ or more

    Energized Pending

    1 Energized pendant of your choice

    1 backer

  • Invest with
    25€ or more

    Relaxation Massage

    1 Relaxation Massage lasting 45 minutes

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  • Reiki session

    Invest with
    30€ or more

    Reiki session

    1 Reiki session

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  • Radionic Table

    Invest with
    50€ or more

    Radionic Table

    1 Consultation Radio Table

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  • Invest with
    100€ or more

    60-day mentoring

    60-day follow-up with session once a week to work on beliefs and set goals

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  • Basic Training Mind Functioning

    Invest with
    200€ or more

    Basic Training Mind Functioning

    Participation in the Basic Training of the Functioning of the Mind and the "find love in you" program lasting 21 days, with reflection and practice each day

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  • Invest with
    1000€ or more

    Complete Humanometry Treatment

    Consultation in the Quantum Psychogenerator and Complete Treatment

    No backers yet. Be the first one!

Thu, 19/09/2024 - 04:25


Campaign ended

The campaign failed to raise the total amount

Campaign launched


1 member of the PPL community
support this campaign

  • 1
    new backer

  • 0
    recurrent backers

  • 1
    anonymous backer

Meet the people helping this dream come true

  • Anonymous

    16/02/2021 - 09:29