In a future where millions of people are drawn to die, one man spends a night collecting the chosen ones for their certain death.

In a resource-poor future, there is a monthly lottery to choose 15,000,000 people to die. After this month's draw, Pedro spends a night collecting the winners. Some go voluntarily, others try to escape. Your mental state gets worse as the day goes on. Before his last collection, Pedro realizes that his wife has been chosen. He tries to convince her to flee but she rejects it, accepting her fate and convincing him to do the same.
characterization of characters
Pedro 30 - Pedro is a soldier assigned to collect people drawn. Despite the coldness of his work and intensive training ready to attack, the soldier has compassion for those who are chosen. Pedro knows he is working for a better future but he is increasingly aware of what he is doing. For Pedro, life outside of work is like a refuge from this dark world. The bride is a haven from everyone who sees him as a murderer.
Inês 30 - Inês is Pedro's fiancée. An educator in a kindergarten, who works every day with joy and hope for a better future. Realizes the need for the lottery after seeing a world on a path of no return. He understands Pedro's position and comforts him whenever necessary, reminding him of the need for work.
Ricardo 30 - Ricardo has been Pedro's work partner since the beginning of this service. He drives the van where the two pick up the winners. A private man who reveals little about his private life outside the army. Ricardo and Pedro share a professional relationship, but sometimes Pedro vents in a few sentences the exhaustion of the profession. Ricardo is a good listener and despite few words, he has wise words.
note of intentions
Based on the theme of sustainability, O Sorteio proposes a radical solution to one of the most current and least talked about problems in society, overpopulation. When we get to a truly overwhelming number, are we capable of making the ultimate sacrifice and sacrificing ourselves, or are we going to force it? And if we are capable of taking such drastic measures, what would they be and why? The most radical of situations calls for the most radical of solutions. In this pre-apocalyptic world, we explore the policies and narratives that are created in order to promote human sacrifice, done through a random draw, a very striking event, of great ecstasy and exuberance, in which those drawn are glorified as martyrs. We interpret this narrative as something similar not only to the reality that American soldiers face when they are sent to war, but also North Korean daily life, in which well-being is promoted within society that overshadows the unfortunate reality. We chose the perspective of an agent who collects the winners because we want to see firsthand the conflict between feeling the weight of deaths and the responsibility of maintaining sustainability in the world. These two realities come into conflict and create existential doubts for our main character. Even he can be considered a martyr, as he is sacrificed in order to carry this weight and responsibility of an essential profession to avoid the collapse of society.