The Being Shall Sing - Short Film

The Being Shall Sing - Short Film

Who are you when what you believe in, dies?

Who are you when what you believe in, dies?

The Beings Shall Sing will be produced in the context of a final project of a Master's Degree in Cinema and Photography - Specialization in Fiction Cinema at the Escola Superior de Media Artes e Design, being an important step for several members of the team in completing the course and transitioning to professional life in the area of culture.

On a worn-out but charming farm live four sisters who, according to their Father, were all saved from horrible fates, and taught about their purpose of helping this fatherly figure reveal the Greater Entity to the world... Until one day, the man dies, and leaves his daughters alone, without the link of communication to the Greater Entity. Even so, Olga, the eldest, insists that the work continues. As the anticipated 2nd Spring Ritual approaches, which they have been preparing for years, arguments arise among the girls, who do not all agree with their Father's beliefs, nor with the prohibition of leaving the farm. However, they all agree to continue with the ritual, both because of their dedication to the cause and because access to the yard is allowed to them on that day only.

We are seeking support through crowdfunding to carry out our project, as cinema is an expensive endeavor, and therefore we appreciate any and all support you can give. The amount we are asking for is high, but it has been strictly calculated down to the last cent! If you are unable to contribute with monetary help, please share our page with friends and family, or cinema professionals you know, and help us reach more people who, like you, believe in our story :) We promise not to disappoint you!

Many thanks for your support and help!

About the author

The team at The Beings Shall Sing is a young team of master's students passionate about cinema and storytelling, who bring you this story, a mystery drama in which the strength of the family is tested, and above all, the ideological programming imposed on us is broken. Faith, education, goodwill, we are taken by the hand in a song and invited to explore these topics with our team, which is made up of:

Now, meet the beautiful faces of our team!

Budget and due dates

  1. Pre-Production: Up until March 5, 2025
  2. Shooting: March 6-10, 2025
  3. Post-Production: March 12 to June 30, 2025
  4. Distribution: From August 2025 onwards.


Portugal earmarks 1% less of its state budget for culture. Naturally, artistic practice is largely dependent on private support; be it patronage, donations or partnerships...

In order to produce " The Beings Shall Sing", we need support so we can cover the expenses that are, indeed, unavoidable, and you can see that reflected here.

Our budget is organized in proportion to the money we tried to raise through this crowdfunding, illustrated in the graphb below.

Approximately 50% of our expenses are spent on equipment rental. The rest is divided between paying our talent, paying PPL's commission, transportation for the team and cast, food and drink for everyone, etc.

As is normal in this type of student work, the team will not receive any of this money, so don't worry, when you support this project through PPL, you exclusively support the film.

Making movies is not easy, but with your help and our efforts, we are ready and eager to work! Our passion for this idea is enormous. We can't wait to share it with all of you.


Fri, 07/02/2025 - 17:54

Sat, 01/02/2025 - 16:49

We're now 20

We reached the first 20 backers. Let's keep up!

Sat, 01/02/2025 - 16:45

Muito obrigade a todes, e olá!

Estes primeiros 12 dias de campanha foram muito atribulados para a nossa equipa, mas estamos comovidos com o vosso apoio, e muito gratos por ver tanta aderência ao nosso projeto...

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Tue, 21/01/2025 - 11:44

First five backers

We've gathered the first 5 backers. Hurray!

Campaign launched


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  • Diana Gomes

    Muito obrigade a todes, e olá!

    Estes primeiros 12 dias de campanha foram muito atribulados para a nossa equipa, mas estamos comovidos com o vosso apoio, e muito gratos por ver tanta aderência ao nosso projeto! Queremos agradecer a todo e cada ume de vós que acreditou na nossa ideia, e esperamos que seja o início de uma vaga que não termine por aqui; vamos fazer por isso!

    Nos próximos tempos, tencionamos organizar eventos para vos manter atualizados e engajados com o que estamos a preparar para a nossa história. Temos as mãos ocupadas e os corações cheios. Esperamos ver-vos em breve!

    Por favor continuem a partilhar esta campanha! A vossa ajuda é preciosa!
    Se quiserem acompanhar o nosso dia-a-dia, sigam a nossa página de instagram para mais informações: @osserescantarao

    Até breve Seres!

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