• Sports
  • Vila Nova de Paiva. Portugal


Portuguese Young Salvador Trindade 9 years old, pilot without structural support, and with the mission to win the Rotax Max Championship in Portugal and represent Portugal at th...

  • 81


    17% of 4 500€

    10 backers

  • 25/04/2018

    Expired on

  • Not funded

    This project was unable to raise the required funds

Portuguese Young Salvador Trindade 9 years old, pilot without structural support, and with the mission to win the Rotax Max Championship in Portugal and represent Portugal at the World Finals in Brazil in 2018, seeks help with the costs to train and participate.

Together with Casa do Povo de Vila Nova de Paiva, Kartódromo de Vila Nova de Paiva, the Junior Racing Team and those who will join us, we are certain to have the best partnerships so that our driver can race with the best kart in Portugal in the ROTAX championship.

The Rotax Max Challenge Grand Finals 2018 - Would be a goal for 2018, given the results we have gathered in 2017 and Salvador's good performance in his first year. During his first year competing in Rotax Max in Portugal, Salvador has been on the news due to his performance when compared to the first years of other drivers competing for more than 3 years in the same class.

2018 will be an assertive year, during which we will strive to go to the world finals of Rotax Max Challenge that will take place in Brazil.

About the author

The 9-year-old driver Salvador Trindade stated racing for fun at weekends in early 2016. His grandfather’s connection to the motorised world has given the young driver the opportunity to drive from a very young age. The young driver is now helping his grandfather and mentor to revive old passions and dreams that were lost in time. We soon realised that he has a winning profile. His progress is evident. Also, practice shows his will and talent and that he is always seeking for perfection.

We can see his progress every day and his dedication besides school, which is the main reason of his work, is always sharp and well thought out. The young driver Salvador is aware of his priorities and needs, and plans his progress with dedicated practice in some circuits of the country. Currently, the results are very tempting and we have faith in his progress. He is very humble and his effort is herculean, but his will is as big as the World. For this reason, the District of Viseu and Vila Nova de Paiva follow the enthusiastic young driver, who can take the name of our companies and our people further.

Salvador has dedicated the year of 2016 to understanding his challenge, practising in his town, testing the different circuits, searching to improve at each curve and each day and thus setting high goals. He has watched several 2016 rounds, where he could see along with his team and opponents the difficulties he would have to overcome. He has taken good notes by testing the different race techniques in order to be prepared for the big 2017 challenge.

We promise you hard work, dedication and modesty. Despite his young age, Salvador understands the commitment he is asked for at the moment.

Budget and due dates

1 Stage Palmela 6/5/2018, accommodation and total cost to race 1500 euros.

2 Stage Viana 24/6/2018, accommodation and total cost to race 1500 euros.

3 Stage Baltar 29/7/2018, accommodation and total cost to race 1500 euros.

4 Stage Braga 16/9/2018, accommodation and total cost to race 1500 euros.

5 Stage Portimão 14/10/2018, accommodation and total cost to race 1500 euros.

Accompaniment and training in different lanes and in my locality - Partnership with the Casa do Povo de Vila Nova de Paiva.

Training sessions with Prof. José Fonseca in the physical preparation for the whole time - Partnership with Casa do Povo de Vila Nova de Paiva.

Preparation and production of merchandising Salvador #77 - 300 euros and partnerships with Kartódromo Vila Nova de Paiva and Casa do Povo V N Paiva.

Participation in exhibition in Shopping Center in Viseu to publicize the athlete - Joint activity with the Casa do Povo de Vila Nova de Paiva.

All companies may have access to a donation or sponsorship receipt through the Casa do Povo de Vila Nova de Paiva, the institution where the pilot is running.


  • Invest with
    10€ or more

    A virtual THANK YOU on my page and my gratitude.

    Many thanks for the support! I'll send you a message on my Facebook.

    2 backers

  • Invest with
    20€ or more

    A photo in competition, signed by me.

    For 20 € you will receive a limited edition photo of the 2017 events signed by me. Shipping included.

    2 backers

  • Invest with
    30€ or more

    A Salvador # 77 cap signed.

    For € 30 you will receive a Salvador # 77 cap, signed by Salvador. Shipping included.

    No backers yet. Be the first one!

  • Invest with
    50€ or more

    A cap + your name on my go-kart.

    For € 50, I'll write your name on my competition kart. You will be with me at all times, I believe that the union will make the force! In addition, you will be entitled to the cap. Shipping included.

    5 backers

  • Invest with
    110€ or more

    Access to the interior of the team in competition.

    Learn from the best! For 110 € Salvador can receive you, within the structure of the team and share with you the moments of excitement and preparation of the tests + space in the racing clothe.

    3 backers

  • Invest with
    650€ or more

    Racing package

    The Casa do Povo de Vila Nova de Paiva, the Kartódromo of V N Paiva and the Junior Raicing Team, joined our efforts. The top 10 of this reward will receive, a cap + personalized photo + entry into the team space + commercial space in the Kart + commercial space in the clothe of the pilot.

    No backers yet. Be the first one!

Sat, 22/03/2025 - 05:53


Campaign ended

The campaign failed to raise the total amount

Campaign launched


10 members of the PPL community
support this campaign

  • 8
    new backers

  • 2
    recurrent backers

  • 1
    anonymous backer

Meet the people helping this dream come true

  • Hugo Trindade

    31/03/2018 - 17:38

    Que o teu karting voe muito alto e te ajude a alcançar os teus sonhos! Do teu amigo Zé Miguel

  • Joni Araujo

    25/03/2018 - 19:40

  • Anonymous

    20/03/2018 - 19:50

    Força Salvador, já são muitos a acreditar no teu sonho. Também queremos sonhar contigo.

  • Carlos Jorge Almeida Santos

    20/03/2018 - 01:53

    Torço para que tudo corra bem e consigas atingir este grande feito.

  • Margarida Domingos

    18/03/2018 - 15:47

  • Familia Seixas Correia

    15/03/2018 - 12:14

    Reach for the stars champion! Your family and friends are with you every step of the way xx


    13/03/2018 - 19:23

    Forca Salvador... on est tous derrière toi...

  • Roger Bento

    06/03/2018 - 23:33

    Que este sonho seja rapido ao cortar a meta, mas que perdure o teu nome e sucesso como um verdadeiro Campeão!

  • Natália Andrade Bento Pinto

    27/02/2018 - 19:45

    Força Salvador , segue os teus sonhos.

  • Anonymous

    25/02/2018 - 14:26

    Força campeão, deves ser apoiado e espero que mais pessoas se juntem ao teu sonho. Gaaaaazzzzzz

  • João Filipe Pires

    23/02/2018 - 22:41

    Já dá para um depósito ! Tá a acelerar :)

  • Élio Afonso Cardoso

    23/02/2018 - 21:06