Join us and support the new Truz Truz creation “Quando Cai a Noite…”, an interactive dance performance, for children between the ages of 4 and 8.
Quando cai a noite… is an original creation of Truz Truz, an interactive dance performance aimed at children between the ages of 4 and 8. It is a sequel of the previous Truz Truz…Deixa-me Entrar! performance created in 2011 that had its premiere in Fábrica das Artes, CCB, in 2012. This performance/workshop had a city made of cardboard boxes as a background and ended with the arrival of the night that embraced everyone with its dark mantle. Quando cai a noite… is supposed to give continuity to that time sequence.
In this interactive dance performance, children are invited to enter an imaginary space, becoming simultaneously observer and actor, detaining an artistic look and feel and acting as a major player in the creative experience.
Its main themes are the night and the dichotomy of light/darkness, fears metaphorically represented by a mighty powerful entity, and affections, an association between a loving melody of a dance and the creative presence of joy. It is presented by 3 dancers.
The night comes up as a connecting link to a wild, primitive nature, where silence, listening and observation are privileged in opposition to living each day more agitatedly, typical of the lifestyle of urban spaces.
Espetaculo Truz Truz "Quando Cai a Noite..."
Quando cai a noite… integrates various artistic languages such as dance, theatre, literature and music, adding a holistic sense to it. The selection of the texts is a result of a wide search of Fernando Pessoa’s nightly poetic universe and a variety of children’s literature books.
The expressive and narrative thematics beneath this performance are the emotions of fear and affection, 2 of the 5 basic emotions of the human being. By getting in touch with them, the child gets involved in a feeling that originates a verbal and physical expression. And by gaining the space needed to live them in a free and well oriented way, the child acquires the confidence needed to face the challenges of growing up.
Quando cai a noite… intends to awake parents and educators to the importance of affection in the process of deconstructing fears and in the creation of a safe bond between the child and the carer.
This crowdfunding campaign aims to support the payment of production costs of “Quando Cai a Noite…”: Original music by Tiago Oliveira; Recording and Copies of the Original soundtrack Cd; Illustration and design of the CD by Joana Rita; Costumes by Catarina Morla; Scenery by Ateliê Encaixe; Lighting; Recording and editing of a promotional video by Miguel Barriga.
Espetaculo Truz Truz "Quando Cai a Noite..."
Truz Truz
Obrigado a todos!
Obrigada a todos os que conosco tornaram possível o alcançar deste objetivo!
Conseguimos!!E foi graças a todo o Vosso apoio!
Estamos a começar a tratar do envio das recompensas. Muito em breve terão mais notícias nossas!!
Muito obrigada mais uma vez de coração!
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Joana Maria Dionisio
Bom ver que a campanha atingiu o objetivo!
Bom trabalho :D
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Truz Truz
Ola a todos,
O Truz Truz queria desde já agradecer-vos a vossa colaboração para este nosso projeto "Quando Cai a Noite..."
A vossa ajuda é preciosa! Em breve começaremos a dar mais novidades acerca das vossas recompensas!!
Continuem a colaborar conosco na divulgação deste projeto!!
Muito muito obrigada!
Ana, Beatriz, Patricia
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