Anyone can draw

Anyone can draw

The story of two brothers with a sick mother and a reality that drives the audience through secrets and lies, puts you in the role of participative observer, taking your own sel...

  • 555


    111% of 500€

    16 backers

  • 07/06/2018

    Expired on

  • Completed

    This project has been successfully funded

The story of two brothers with a sick mother and a reality that drives the audience through secrets and lies, puts you in the role of participative observer, taking your own self conclusions.


My name is Gonçalo and I want to present you my academic project of a fictional short. And, of course, with that I intend to capture your attention ... and generosity :)

The film is called "Anyone can draw" and it is a fiction short, about 20min, which will be produced in the first half of 2018 with a deadline of July of the same year. Filming is scheduled for June and will be shot in Lisbon / Loures. Producer, writer and director at Fado Filmes and still a professor at Lusófona, Gonçalo Galvão Teles is the thesis supervisor. The film integrates the main part of the entire body of the thesis, which includes another technical report on the subject to be treated in the short. I want to work the ​​secrecy and lies in cinema, the experience of each one in dealing with it and, indirectly related, I want to also involve the popular rumor and its consequences.

Cartaz provisório


The story is wrapped around 3 characters: two brothers, Vitor (honest) the younger, Filipe (liar) and his mother Margarida. Victor returns home from his seasonal job to find his mother very sick while Filipe takes care of her. The mother suffers from brain cancer, which leads her to have periods when she does not recognize her own children. This suffering and anguish, allied to her dependence and dementia, is such that she no longer wants to live. One morning, Vítor discovers his mother dead. Filipe, being the oldest, takes control of the situation trying to protect Vìtor. But Filipe seems to hide something that Victor does not know. Even after he insists, Filipe seems to lie in his response to his mother's cause of death. Vitor accuses Filipe of having killed his mother for the greed of her miserable inheritance, the brothers argue, both leave the city and its relationship behind by a reality that can not be unraveled.


In the film, there will be an atmosphere of tension in which Vitor accuses Filipe of having killed his mother to get money for another of his mock financial schemes. There will be an internal struggle between the two brothers, where one struggles to know the truth and the other to hide it. I want to focus this feeling on both sides. The frustration of those who are in the dark, not knowing what is happening, but distrusts. And the harrowing and corrosive side of those who lie and continue to lie even when confronted.


"Anyone can draw" will first have the reach of the Lusófona Over & Out festival. Subsequently, we hope to compete in national and international short film festivals. Although it is not my primary intention, "Anyone can draw" may even serve as a source of debate on the ethics and legality of Euthanasia, that is, it can serve as a source of study and discussion, and may adopt a political character, social and didactic.

About the author

I am Gonçalo, a second year student of the master's degree in Cinematographic Studies at the Lusófona University in Lisbon. I have already produced and directed 6 short films in Poland, Portugal and Italy. I won best short-film award at the CinemadaMare festival in Italy. In 2017, I was part of the Jury "Giornata degli Autori" at the Venice Film Festival.

I am from Monchique, in the Algarve, I studied Eng. Renewable Energies in Évora and lived for some years in Romania and Poland. But I always knew that one day I had to invest in what I really like and then, in 2016, I went back to Lisbon to finally study my passion, Cinema.

I am currently preparing my master's thesis that consists of a fictional short film. We are now in the pre-production phase and we need your help to cover some of the expenses we will incur during production.

Gonçalo Viana, o realizador


Our team is well composed but we are growing each day :)

Production: Vanessa Nunes and Filipa Sousa
Photography: Rodrigo Albuquerque
Sound: Francisco Dias
Gaffer: David Haab
Director: Gonçalo Viana
Assist Director: Filipe Ruffato

Budget and due dates

We are trying to reduce to the maximum all the costs we will incur when talking to friends and involving people interested in the pleasure of making movies.
Most of the costs will be related to things we can not do without, such as transportation and food for the whole team.

  • Invest with
    1€ or more

    Credits in the end

    Your name will feature in the ending credits

    1 backer

  • Invest with
    5€ or more

    Get some photos

    Not only you get your name on the credits, you get some cool photos from the production

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    10€ or more


    You get all photos, plus one special one with the whole team, signed by us!

    4 backers

  • Invest with
    20€ or more

    Film Poster

    You get a poster from our short-film

    6 backers

  • Invest with
    30€ or more

    Artwork from Cris

    You will get a special printed artwork from our director's sister, talented illustrator, Cristina Viana.

    1 backer

  • Invest with
    50€ or more

    You star in the film (as an extra)

    You can come to our shootings, be part of the production, spend the day with us and even have lunch with the team!

    5 backers

Sun, 06/10/2024 - 09:31

Fri, 17/05/2019 - 20:58

Finalmente o resultado (como deve de ser)

Olá a todos os apoiantes desta campanha PPL. Mais uma vez quero agradecer imenso a vossa crucial ajuda e, quase um ano depois, eu sei, finalmente tenho o filme acabado e com a ...

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Fri, 08/06/2018 - 11:56

Payout completed

The raised funds have been transferred to the campaign owner

Fri, 08/06/2018 - 10:44

Obrigado por fazer parte da Pintura

Olá! Daqui fala o Gonçalo, realizador da curta "Qualquer um pinta". Antes de mais quero agradecer muito o vosso apoio! Tem sido um processo muito desafiante, principalmente ...

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Campaign ended

The campaign successfully raised the initial target

Campaign launched


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  • Gonçalo Alves Viana

    Finalmente o resultado (como deve de ser)

    Olá a todos os apoiantes desta campanha PPL.
    Mais uma vez quero agradecer imenso a vossa crucial ajuda e, quase um ano depois, eu sei, finalmente tenho o filme acabado e com a qualidade que deve ter (apesar de ainda faltar dar uns toquezinhos ao som, mas isso são detalhes...).
    Assim, posso anunciar que a vossa contribuição deu frutos e estou aqui para vos mostrar. Envio aqui dois links do WeTransfer, um com o filme, poster e foto de grupo e o outro com as fotos do making-of. Espero que gostem do filme, provavelmente alguns de vocês souberam as dificuldades que passámos para ter isto pronto, mas finalmente está acabado e estou feliz com o resultado. Fico à espera do vosso feedback. Abraços e beijinhos! Continuem a apoiar o cinema português, nem todo ele é parado e mau.

    Filme+Poster+Foto de grupo:
    Fotos Making-of:

    Do vosso guionista, produtor e realizador Gonçalo Viana

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  • Gonçalo Alves Viana

    Obrigado por fazer parte da Pintura

    Daqui fala o Gonçalo, realizador da curta "Qualquer um pinta".

    Antes de mais quero agradecer muito o vosso apoio! Tem sido um processo muito desafiante, principalmente nos últimos dias, mas tenho uma excelente equipa e temos conseguido resolver todos os problemas. As filmagens já começaram ontem e correram muito bem!

    Calma, calma, claro que vão receber as vossas recompensas, mas talvez depois das rodagens, agora nem há tempo para dormir :D

    Muito obrigado mesmo, estão a contribuir para a minha primeira curta "a sério" e vou deixar-vos orgulhosos!

    PS: for english speaking people...basically...I love you :D

    Beijinhos e abraços!
    Gonçalo Viana

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