This book has been written for girls of all ages, based on the belief that the magic of tales and metaphors helps convey the information that we need at precise moments in our l...

  • 2729


    114% of 2 400€

    116 backers

  • 11/12/2015

    Expired on

  • Completed

    This project has been successfully funded

This book has been written for girls of all ages, based on the belief that the magic of tales and metaphors helps convey the information that we need at precise moments in our lives – very often even without realising it. The message goes directly to the unconscious. Lilith’s Treasure will help transmit to our daughters the beauty and the power of female sexuality, and allow them to walk their path confidently and sure of themselves. It will also serve to open discussion about these topics s...

This book has been written for girls of all ages, based on the belief that the magic of tales and metaphors helps convey the information that we need at precise moments in our lives – very often even without realising it. The message goes directly to the unconscious.

Lilith’s Treasure will help transmit to our daughters the beauty and the power of female sexuality, and allow them to walk their path confidently and sure of themselves. It will also serve to open discussion about these topics so girls will be inspired to make them a part of their lives and ask questions about them.

A healthy sexual education must accept that boys and girls are sexual beings, and that sexuality is a positive aspect of human life. Therefore, instead of being repressed it should be explored, and little girls and boys should be helped in ways suitable to their personal development.

You can learn more about this great little treasure in the book's web page in the English version, The Lilith's Treasure.

We will have a few days to collect the necessary funds to perform the Portuguese edition. Women, mothers, daughters, friends, sisters, teachers, work together too this message can reaches many parts of the world, in different languages. Behind this project there is no an advertising or marketing agency, only a group of women who want to publicize this beautifull treasure. Earlier this year it was published in German, French and Italian through crowdfunding campaigns like this with as much success.

Come on now edit in PORTUGUESE!

We need your help!

Valor dos financiamentos e respetivas Recompensas para Benfeitores nacionais (Portugal e Ilhas)

Valor dos financiamentos e respetivas Recompensas para Benfeitores interacionais (todo o mundo)

To see book reviews press here

Uma hitória para conhecer e viver a nossa essência juntamente com a nossa filha.


About the author


Carla Trepat

Carla Trepat was born the 23rd of May 1987, in Barcelona.She began her career as a Clown, working as an animator for children as well as working to revitalise familiar activities, both recreational and educative. She collaborates as an actress for Intervida (now Educo) in the play Mercado del niño trabajador (Market of the working child). She continues her career investigating the expression of the body, the voice and movement, oriented towards the research of genuine expression through the body.

Creator, together with Maria Rosa Casanovas of the Programa alegra, training programmes on self-esteem and emotional development of children and adolescents. 

In November 2012 she writes, illustrates and self-edits ‘El tesoro de Lilith’, a tale about sexuality, pleasure and the menstrual cycle.


Cláudia Amaral

Cláudia Amaral was born in 1982 and she is the translator of Lilith's Treasure into Portuguese.

Autodidact, artisan, designer, dreamer and idealist, permacultore and activist for a simple and natural life and education. Lover of our extraordinary planet, of nature, animals and the intrinsic beauty of each person.

Develops creative projects with children linking artistic expression with nature, respecting the rhythms of each one.

Recently she created a line of organic toys Manitas de Luz.

Mother of two, wonderful girl and boy, and aunt of a beautiful teenager; reasons why she came to Lilith's; believes that a better future, fair and harmonious is built today with our children, nurturing them and giving them the tools so they can walk happy and secure.

Budget and due dates

The Lilith's Treasure is ready to edit. It will be self-edited and we want to make a first print run of 1000 copies. Twenty-four-page color hardcover. We need two months to its printing and will be completed in February 2016. At that time, we start immediately the process of sending your rewards.

The 2400 euros will be entirely directed to print the book, postcards and brand pages, and subsequent national and international shipments.

If it can garner a higher value to 2400 euros, it will also be directed to print more books.

If you can not reach the amount proposed, all the money will be returned to each person full...and will not be able to edit the book in Portuguese...We will not let that happen!

Make your contribution!

  • Invest with
    13€ or more


    For the first 25 people to support with € 13 - 1 book autographed by the author with DEDICATION PERSONALIZED + 3 brand pages + 3 postcards + thank you wholeheartedly on social networks and web page + national sending (international sending not included)

    28 backers

  • Invest with
    16€ or more


    1 book autographed by the author + 2 brand pages + 2 postcards + thank you wholeheartedly in social networks and the web page+ national sending

    43 backers

  • Invest with
    19€ or more


    1 book autographed by the author + 2 brand pages + 2 postcards + thank you wholeheartedly in social networks and the web page +international sending

    17 backers

  • Invest with
    29€ or more


    2 books autographed by the author + 2 brand pages + 5 postcards + thank you wholeheartedly in social networks and the web page + national sending

    14 backers

  • Invest with
    36€ or more


    2 book autographed by the author + 2 brand pages + 5 postcards + thank you wholeheartedly in social networks and the web page + international sending

    5 backers

  • Invest with
    110€ or more


    10 books + 10 brand pages + 10 postcards + Advertising as a sponsor for one year (web and social networks) + national sending

    4 backers

  • Invest with
    135€ or more


    10 books + 10 brand pages + 10 postcards + Advertising as a sponsor for one year (web and social networks) + international sending

    No backers yet. Be the first one!

  • Invest with
    200€ or more


    20 books + 20 brand pages +20 postcards + Advertising as a sponsor for one year (web and social networks) + name or logo of your company in the first pages of the Book + national sending

    1 backer

  • Invest with
    255€ or more


    20 books + 20 brand pages +20 cards + Advertising as a sponsor for one year (web and social networks) + name or logo of your company in the first pages of the Book + international sending

    No backers yet. Be the first one!

Wed, 01/05/2024 - 22:12

Fri, 15/01/2016 - 10:04

Payout completed

The raised funds have been transferred to the campaign owner

Mon, 14/12/2015 - 11:23

Juntas conseguimos!

Conseguimos!! Junt@s conseguimos fazer a força necessária e angariar o montante proposto para tornar possível a edição do Tesouro de Lilith em português! Estamos muito felize...

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Campaign ended

The campaign successfully raised the initial target

Mon, 23/11/2015 - 12:57

2 semanas para o final da campanha

Bom dia a todas! Iniciamos a semana com uma boa dose de motivação para tornar possível a edição deste lindíssimo livro. Vamos lá queridas mulheres, mães, avós, tias, amigas,...

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Campaign launched


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  • O Tesouro de Lilith

    Juntas conseguimos!

    Conseguimos!! Junt@s conseguimos fazer a força necessária e angariar o montante proposto para tornar possível a edição do Tesouro de Lilith em português!

    Estamos muito felizes por ter alcançado este objetivo e principalmente por ter sido alcançado entre tantas pessoas maravilhosas!

    Um profundo agradecimento a todas e todos! Foi e é um prazer enorme embarcar nesta aventura, tão bem acompanhada!  E só agora é que está a começar!!

    Gostaria muito de escrever uma mensagem personalizada a cada um/a de vós, porém, organizar a campanha de crowdfunding exigiu um grande esforço da minha parte, e na esperança que me compreendam, peço-vos um par de semanas para voltar a recarregar energias para a próxima fase. Estar a 100% com os meus filhos, com a minha família, com a natureza, tomar ar fresco...

    Assim que estiver de volta, terminaremos as revisões, traduções, maquetização e entrará na gráfica, assim sendo, para finais de fevereiro (primeira semana de março) o livro estará em vossa casa.

    Para poupar um ir e vir de mensagens, a meados ou finais de janeiro voltaremos a entrar em contacto com cada um/a de vós para pedir a morada e a combinar a dedicatória, se for o caso, e se alguém entretanto se mudou de casa pode dizê-lo nesse momento.

    Se durante este tempo surge alguma duvida, não hesitem em contactar para o nosso email

    Mais uma vez, um profundo obrigada por o vosso apoio!

    Um forte abraço,

    Cláudia Amaral

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  • O Tesouro de Lilith

    2 semanas para o final da campanha

    Bom dia a todas!

    Iniciamos a semana com uma boa dose de motivação para tornar possível a edição deste lindíssimo livro. Vamos lá queridas mulheres, mães, avós, tias, amigas, educadoras!! Vamos trazer para a nossa língua um livro tão valioso, capaz de mudar a vida das próximas gerações de mulheres

    Somos, já, 71 pessoas (98% de mulheres) a acreditar e a apoiar a edição de O Tesouro de Lilith em português! MUITO OBRIGADA A TOD@S!! Alcançámos o 56% do objetivo, e em duas semanas, SÓ duas semanas teremos que angariar o restante valor. Ou seja: até agora conseguimos 1363€ e faltam-nos 1037€ para que o livro seja publicado e chegue ás vossas mãos e ao coração de muitas meninas. Caso não consigamos alcançar este valor o dinheiro volta para vocês e o livro não será editado! Estas são as regras do crowdfunding. Não vamos deixar isto acontecer!

    Vamos lá!!
    Se cada uma de vocês conseguir pelo menos uma outra apoiante, conseguiremos alcançar o nosso objetivo! Aceitam o desafio? Temos 2 semanas!!

    Contamos com vocês! E vocês contem connosco! Estamos juntas!
    Sintam-se parte do Tesouro de Lilith!

    Um grande agradecimento a todas vós!!

    Cláudia e o
    Movimento Lilith

    "Quando tu educas uma menina, educas uma família, educas as suas filhas, educas a sua tribo, educas uma nação."

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