We believe gummy candies can be a lot more than just sweets or treats! As a "processed" food, it is possible to include in the candy formulation some ingredients with high nutri...
We believe gummy candies can be a lot more than just sweets or treats! As a "processed" food, it is possible to include in the candy formulation some ingredients with high nutritional profiles (such as vitamins and minerals) or with specific functionalities (such as a smaller impact to the glycemic index).
With this Crowdfunding initiative we want to involve you in the process of change, and to make part of the history of this new concept of gummy candy.
- Sugarfree
- Less calories
- Natural flavours and colorants
- Natura sweetner
- Vitamins and minerals!
More information
To know more about our project and concept please check our website at www.nutrally.eu.
1. How will my money help?
Your money is not a donation, it is an investment! The goal of this Crowdfunding is to support the 1st launch of our product, the Nutrally Gummies; so we can test this concept on the market, with the consumers.
2. What is the type of funding?
This is an “all or nothing” Crowdfunding. We require at least €5,000 in order to pay the basic expenses of the launch, logistics and promotion.
But if you want to directly invest in our project and idea, please contact to info@nutrally.eu.
3. How are the gummies be produced?
Our team has made the formulation (food design), and the product will be manufactured by an industrial partner in Europe.
Clipping (some news about our project)
- Programa "The next big idea", SicNotícias: CHECK HERE
- Programa "Mentes que brilham", Porto Canal: CHECK HERE
- Caderno "Dinheiro vivo", JN/DN: CHECK HERE
- Programa "StartUP", Canal UP: CHECK HERE
Rewards (more details)
- All contributions will receive PDF of our infography, a questionaire made to young students about their health concerns regarding gummy consumption.
- Shipping outside Portugal is not included, but we will check with each contributor the better solution.
PPL Crowdfunding
Artigo sobre a Nutrally no P3 do Público
«Nutrally: a empresa das gomas sem açúcar»
O sonho dos mais gulosos já está ao alcance de qualquer um: gomas que não engordam porque não têm açúcar. Um exemplo de empreendedorismo que vai acabar por, passo a passo, chegar ao mercado português
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Gostaria de saber se nessas gomas será utilizado aspartamo/assulfame k.(?)
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Ricardo, muito obrigado pela
Ricardo, muito obrigado pela sua questão! As "nossas" gomas não terão aspartamo nem assulfame k! Essa é exactamente uma das novidades que queremos "introduzir" nas gomas, o uso de um adoçante natural aprovado pela EFSA (autoridade alimentar europeia) que é um extracto da planta "Stevia Rebaudiana".
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