MISSION EARTH: Save Christmas (Book & CD)
  • Other
  • Lisboa e Oeiras, Portugal

MISSION EARTH: Save Christmas (Book & CD)

"MISSION EARTH: Save Christmas (Book & CD)" is simultaneously an illustrated musical narrative and theatre play of the adventurous journey of Tera.

  • 1146


    7% of 15 000€

    41 backers

  • 17/07/2014

    Expired on

  • Not funded

    This project was unable to raise the required funds

"MISSION EARTH: Save Christmas (Book & CD)" is simultaneously an illustrated musical narrative and theatre play of the adventurous journey of Tera.

What is it?

"MISSION  EARTH: Save Christmas (Book & CD)" is simultaneously an illustrated musical narrative and theatre play of the adventurous journey of Tera  (our hero, a little girl that loves Planet Earth) and Galo Falante (a talking rooster made of garbage - actually, her best friend) to the City of Toys (Santa's residence) in Lapland to save Christmas.

The story broaches the subject of consumerism, contrasting the magic of giving with the dangers of mass consumption. The children's highly-prized Christmas presents — their wonderful toys! — become the symbol of a powerful riddle that threatens the sustainability of the Earth. But the principles of the Earth Charter are there to help solve the problem.

The book includes 12 double pages of narrative text, accompanied by song lyrics, presenting the story written by Rita Fouto and illustrated by Eunice Rosado. It also includes the original script of the musical play, as well as scientific context provided by Rui Dinis and pedagogic materials from Pedro Branco. The CD includes narration by actors Inês Fouto, José Almeida, Rita Fouto, Ruben Rolo and Joaquim Guerreiro and the 12 theme songs of the musical play, with lyrics by Rita Fouto and music by Carlos Gutkin, José Almeida, Pedro Branco and Rita Fouto. The songs are sung by the Choir of Santo Amaro de Oeiras (CSAO), led by Yara Gutkin, director of the youth choir, with arrangements by Kent Queener and Carlos Gutkin.

The Book & CD is entirely produced in Portuguese language – but a later English production and edition could be achieved if the project raises enough support. For that purpose please contact us through our official blog. 

Who is it for?

This Book & CD is for all: young and old, parents and educators, families, schools, municipalities and businesses; for those who are concerned about the Earth and for those who aren't; for citizens of today and the next generation.

How did it begin?

The idea came out of an environmental education project called "Tera and the Earth Charter" created by FAREDUCA in 2010. In this project, the musicals ("MISSION EARTH" episodes) act as the main pedagogical resource to convey the messages of sustainability.

The project was embraced in 2012 by the CSAO children choir (CISAO). The choir adopted one of the musicals main theme songs, "Meu Planeta Azul" (“My Blue Planet”) and with it won the “Global Youth Music Contest” to the UN World Conference on Sustainable Development (Rio+20). CSAO won over 114 other songs from 71 countries, giving this song the status of a message from all the children of the world… to all the world leaders.

Check out the song video here.

In 2013, the partnership continued, with the production and public presentation of the musical episode “MISSION EARTH: Save Christmas” in a special version featuring CSAO Children Choir (50 elements). The audience loved it and encouraged us to go on.

What is the goal?

This Book & CD thus arises as a result of this experience - and as a way to deepen the work done so far and expand its reach to a wider audience. 

For FAREDUCA, this Book & CD project developed in partnership with CSAO makes all sense because the voices of youth are the most important in conveying the message of sustainability. For CSAO, it constitutes an important opportunity to share the values and principles of sustainability (and the Earth Charter) within the choir (mainly children and youth) and with their families, communities and the general public.

What are the stages and costs involved?

The project involves a 1st stage of organizing, recording, and editing the Book & CD (1,000 copies) with a budget of 15,000 € (*), to be financed through “PPL Crowdfunding Portugal”. A 2nd stage will include the Book & CD promotion and release at Christmastime with a large production of the musical, reuniting the cast of actors, singers and musicians. The last 3rd stage will comprehend the project circulation in schools, introducing the Book & CD together with theater and music activities.

(*) To see a detailed budget of the project, consult the provided pdf document.

About the author

FAREDUCA is a Portuguese "micro-business" that acts in the area of education for sustainability. Created in 2010, it has worked closely with schools, municipalities, businesses and the general public, delivering projects, activities and resources focusing environmental and sustainability issues, with a strong creative/artistic component.

CSAO: The Choir of Santo Amaro de Oeiras is a non-profit organization promoting the practice of choral music. Founded in 1960 by Maestro César Batalha, its history includes innumerable live concerts throughout Portugal as well as nearly annual participation in television and radio broadcasts, recordings, music for film, and theater and festivals. 

Our team: 

Equipa do Projeto

To learn more about our team, please see the document available below in pdf format.

Budget and due dates

O orçamento de 15.000 €, associado à conceção e edição do Livro CD, distribui-se pelas seguintes rúbricas: - Criação, revisão e validação de conteúdos/ textos: 1.500 € - Criação, arranjos e interpretação de narrações e canções: 4.500 € - Gravação, edição e masterização do CD: 2.500 € - Ilustração e design do Livro CD: 2.000 € - Edição de 1.000 exemplares do Livro CD: 4.500 € Os prazos a acometer (em 2014) são: - Até ao final de Julho, a conceção do Livro CD e edição do 1º exemplar (maquete); - Entre Agosto e Setembro, a edição dos 1.000 exemplares; - Em Outubro, o espetáculo de lançamento e divulgação do Livro CD; - Entre Outubro e Dezembro, a dinamização do Livro CD e atividades nas escolas.
  • Invest with
    5€ or more


    This will be your contribution, if you really can't contribute with more. As a reward, you will have your name added to the list of funders (to be published in the official blog of the project and in the Book & CD) and you will receive a digital diploma recognizing you as a "Friend of Mission Earth".

    9 backers

  • Invest with
    15€ or more


    This is your minimum contribution if you want to receive our Book & CD. You will also receive the rewards of the previous level. But please note that expedition costs are not included (if you live outside of Portugal) - so an extra amount will be charged. But hey, why not to receive it in hands? Want to know more? Step up to the next level.

    10 backers

  • Invest with
    25€ or more


    For this amount you will have: your name for posterity, a "Friend of the Mission Earth" diploma, one Book & CD and two tickets to attend the big launch event. Plan some days off and our team will receive you, give autographs, take pictures, etc. And have a seat in a major theatre venue to attend the show. The 160 elements of the Choir, the musicians, actors, performers and technicians will be there to lead you in a magic journey that you won't forget. Maybe you want to bring the kids... Step up to the next level.

    15 backers

  • Invest with
    50€ or more


    For this amount you will have all the rewards of the previous level and three more tickets (five in total) to bring the rest of the family to our big launch event. Cool, hey?... Do you feel you could contribute more? Check out the next level.

    5 backers

  • Invest with
    200€ or more


    Now you will have: your name for posterity, the "Friend of Mission Earth" diploma, an illustrated poster (A1 size) of "Tera and the Earth Charter", one Book CD and 25 tickets for the big show. So you can plan a group trip with your friends and family, coworkers, students (they would love it!) or any other group you might think of. Or maybe you just want to receive your rewards quietly at home - and let us donate, on your behalf, the 25 tickets to a local children group. That would be awesome! And you would be the CrowdFunder of the Year! Feel you could do some more? Keep on to the last level.

    1 backer

  • Invest with
    500€ or more


    For this amount you will have it all: your name for posterity, the "Friend of Mission Earth" diploma, the "Tera and the Earth Charter" illustrated poster, 20 Books & CDs and 20 tickets for the big show. Now it's up to you: you can either plan a group trip to attend the launch event and receive all your rewards; or receive your rewards at home and donate the tickets to a local children group; or donate it all. And if you feel you can contribute with a larger amount, it will revert proportionally in Books & CDs and tickets for the show. Let us know how it will be!

    No backers yet. Be the first one!

Sun, 22/09/2024 - 17:32


Campaign ended

The campaign failed to raise the total amount

Campaign launched


41 members of the PPL community
support this campaign

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  • 13
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