A publication is only strong, free and independent if it has lots of readers. For that reason, we are starting our crowdfunding campaign to gather +1001 subscribers.
From EGO to ECO.
A publication is only strong, free and independent if it has lots of readers. For that reason, we are starting our crowdfunding campaign TODAY.
We call it constructive journalism. That is what motivates us all. We write and tell success stories of everyday life, of economics and ecology. We focus on sustainability, happiness and what has been tried and tested.
ECO123 is based in Monchique, the most beautiful upland village in the south of Portugal. Because there is strength to be found in tranquillity. To us, good stories are more important than sensations, more important than headlines and clicks. For us, topicality is not everything. While most media earn their money from crises, we report about SOLUTIONS that are Made in Portugal. These are stories that can still be read tomorrow.
We have to start with ourselves and actually live what we write about. Since ECO123 was founded, all the staff is involved in the publishing company. The company has three partners: the staff association plus two investors for the start-up funding. For two years, ECO123 has been appearing nationwide four times a year: on 21st March, 21st June, 21st September and 21st December.
A publication is only strong, free and independent if it has lots of readers. For that reason, we are starting our crowdfunding campaign More 1,001 subscribers right now. For eight editions, we have been doing hard, concentrated work to show you what we mean by good, positive journalism. Now is the right time to subscribe to ECO123: four magazines a year for 20 euros including delivery, or for 15 euros online www.eco123.info.
Stories in ECO123 are always exclusives: from the research to the publication. No copy & paste. There is also no hidden or discriminatory advertising. We make a clear separation between advertising and journalism and only write for our readers. We work for you and are incorruptible.
The principles of our journalistic culture are: we think and act positively and seek solutions, we live what we write, avoid conflicts of interests, attack no one personally, avoid discrimination on the grounds of gender, race, religion, age or sexual orientation, identify quotations, do not publish any data about our users, are responsible for safeguarding the rights of third parties and work sustainably and with the efficient use of resources.
And one more thing: we all try to produce less CO2! And so every new subscriber gets free access to the ECO online game KYOTO. You can record your daily emissions there and thereby reduce your ecological footprint. ECO123 gives you important tips and advice with which you can always win at the end. www.eco123.info/kyoto. Subscribe now!
Ecologia e Economia
Quando os tempos são difíceis, a palavra “confiança” assume um significado muito especial. Pessoas unem esforços e reflectem nas suas próprias virtudes humanas. Quando os tempos são difíceis, contar histórias é uma arte. A ECO123 conta histórias sobre projetos sustentáveis em Portugal e está interessada apenas em soluções. Vale a pena ler...
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ECO123 e a FEIRA
ECO123 apresentará na feira o primeiro veículo elétrico produzido em Portugal. No sábado dia 7 e no domingo, dia 8, das 10 às 19 horas, os representantes da empresa Veeco de Entroncamento e do grupo FF Solar de Aljezur estarão presentes para apresentar os seus projetos e responder a eventuais questões do público. Não perca esta oportunidade de descobrir inovações tecnológicas que abrem perspetivas sustentáveis para o nosso futuro.
The magazine ECO123 is delighted to invite you to visit and to discover the Veeco RT – the first electric vehicle to be produced in Portugal. The fair will be held on Saturday 7th and Sunday 8th March, starting at 10 am. On both days, representatives of the company Veeco from Entroncamento and the group FF Solar from Aljeyur will present their projects and respond to possible questions from the public and the press. Don’t miss this opportunity to discover technological innovations which open up excellent possibilities for our future.
Die Zeitschrift ECO123 lädt Sie herzlich ein, das erste Portugiesische Elektroauto Veeco RT auf der Feira de Monchique kennenzulernen. Am Samstag, dem 7. und Sonntag, dem 8. März werden Vertreter der Unternehmen Veeco aus Entroncamento und FF-Solar aus Aljezur Ihnen ab 10 Uhr zur Verfügung stehen, um die Projekte vorzustellen und Fragen der Öffentlichkeit zu beantworten. Lassen Sie sich die Chance zum Kennenlernen dieser technologischen Innovationen, durch die sich nachhaltige Perspektiven für unsere Zukunft eröffnen, nicht entgehen.
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Editora ECO123TempoPassa
When you visit our pavilion, you can contribute to keeping our publishing project going, which is unique in Portugal, by subscribing to our publication. As a supporter of our crowdfunding campaign, you will also be able to participate in the other initiatives we are organising in the course of the weekend:
» Walks through mountain nature,
(all starting at 8.45 am at the Hotel Central in Caldas de Monchique) and following three distinct routes):
- Fonte Santa » Picota » Monchique (15 km)
- Caldas de Monchique » Picota » Monchique (13 km)
- Marmelete » Fóia » Monchique (16 km)
» Free “Sopa da Pedra” (literally “Stone Soup”, a hearty soup) at lunchtime (you have to bring your own bowl and spoon).
To take part in the “Walk” activity, sign up in advance using the email address info@eco123.info.
Registration closes on 5thMarch at 12 noon. If you have any questions, please call 925 841 270.
We’ll look forward to seeing you in Monchique.
ECO123 moechte sich bei allen Unterstützern seiner Crowdfunding-Kampagne "+ 1.001 Abonnenten" bedanken . Beim Besuch des Pavillons können Sie das Team kennenlernen und auch die Kampagne noch unterstützen. Als Förderer sind Sie zu den für dieses Wochenende angebotenen Wanderungen eingeladen:
»Wandern in der Natur der Berge auf den drei folgenden Routen
(Treffen jeweils um 8.45 Uhr vor dem Hotel Central in Caldas de Monchique):
- Fonte Santa > Picota > Monchique (15 km)
- Caldas de Monchique > Picota > Monchique (13 km)
- Marmelete > Fóia > Monchique (16 km)
» Einladung zur „Sopa da Pedra“ (Bringen Sie Teller und Löffel mit).
Die Teilnahme zum "Wandern" erfordert die vorherige Anmeldung info@eco123.info.
Anmeldeschluss ist Donnerstag, der 5. März, um 12:00 Uhr.
Falls Sie noch Fragen haben: Tel 925 841 270.
Wir freuen uns auf Sie in Monchique...
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Editora ECO123
A publicação trilingue ECO123 tem o prazer de o convidar a visitar a FEIRA DE MONCHIQUE e conhecer a equipa da revista. Sendo um apoiante da nossa campanha de crowdfunding, poderá participar nas iniciativas por nós organizadas ao longo do fim-de-semana:
» Caminhadas na natureza da Serra de Monchique e ao longo de três percursos distintos:
- Fonte Santa » Picota » Monchique (15 km)
- Caldas de Monchique » Picota » Monchique (13 km)
- Marmelete » Fóia » Monchique (16 km)
(Ponto de encontro às 8h45 enfrente do HOTEL CENTRAL nas Caldas de Monchque)
» Oferta de Sopa da Pedra à hora do almoço (tem de trazer a sua própria tigela e colher);
A participação em qualquer uma destas atividades implica inscrição prévia pelo email info@eco123.info.
As inscrições terminam no dia 5 de março, pelas 12h00. Caso pretenda mais informações, pode chamar 925 841 270 .
Esperamos por si em Monchique.
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