The Adventures of Dog Mendonça and Pizzaboy 3

The Adventures of Dog Mendonça and Pizzaboy 3

The third and final book of a trilogy, "The Fantastic Adventures of Dog Mendonça and Pizzaboy", is currently in production and we would like to invite you to participate in this...

  • 6645


    166% of 4 000€

    203 backers

  • 01/11/2013

    Expired on

  • Completed

    This project has been successfully funded

The third and final book of a trilogy, "The Fantastic Adventures of Dog Mendonça and Pizzaboy", is currently in production and we would like to invite you to participate in this project. Your participation, more than welcome, it is essential.

The Adventures of Dog Mendonça and Pizzaboy” is a trilogy of comic books written by Filipe Melo and illustrated by argentinean artists Juan Cavia and Santiago Villa.

These books tell the adventures and misadventures of an unlikely group of misfits: a werewolf with a bad temper, a pizza delivery guy, a six thousand year old demon living in the body of a child, and a Gargoyle's head. Together they are forced to save the world more often than they would wish for, facing the most terrible threats.

We work together in this books since 2005 and, until now, we were able to publish two volumes of the saga. We were very fortunate to have forewords written by John Landis and George A. Romero for our first two books and to be published by Tinta-da-China in Portugal and by Dark Horse Comics in the USA.

The third and last book “The Fantastic Adventures of Dog Mendonça and Pizzaboy” (Volume III) is currently in production and we want to invite you to be a part of this project. Your participation, more than welcome, is essential.


It´s very difficult to gather the necessary investment for this venture – it depends on a full year of a daily and constant work from the team. The script (already completed) also took about a year to be written. Even though the books were a relative sales success and have won some major comic book awards, they weren’t able to cover their cost, otherwise you wouldn’t be reading these lines. To finish these adventures we need your help!

The amount achieved will be used for drawing and coloring 105 pages and make the dialogue balloons.

Every penny you give us will be transformed in blood, sweat and tears to bring you the best of the three adventures.

Our main goal is to partwith the old tradition of blockbusting trilogies: the third part is always a piece of s****.

 If this happens, we can only promise one thing: it will be the last!

dog-pizzaboy website 

Note 20-09-2013: acknowledgment rewards for any book (re-editions of Vol. I and II and edition of Vol. III) are only available until editions close, in September 30th.

About the author

Filipe Melo, escritor

Born in Lisbon, Filipe Melo was arrested and questioned at the age of 15 for computer hacking. Later on, he chose to commit himself to the piano, nurturing an early interest for Jazz and Improvisation. Ever since, he has played with countless musicians. He studied at the Hot Club Portugal and graduated at the Berklee College of Music in Boston Summa Cum Laude. He was awarded the Villas-Boas Award and the Best New Talent Award from the JazzPortugal Website.

He also works as a teacher and arranger and has worked with musicians and groups such as John Ellis, Peter Bernstein, Camané, Omer Avital, Carlos do Carmo, GNR, Donald Harrison Jr., Jesse Davis, Sheila Jordan, Paulinho Braga, Swingle Singers, Martin Taylor, Perico Sambeat, Herb Geller, the Hotclube Jazz Orchestra, Lisbon Metropolitan Orchestra, Lisbon Symphony, among many others. He has recorded over 12 albums, both as leader and as a sideman and played in many countries.

He is passionate about film: he has produced, written and directed several cult projects: I’ll See You In My Dreams, winner of the FANTASPORTO2004, Méliès d´Or, and 12 other international awards, as well as Um Mundo Catita, a television series broadcasted on Portuguese National TV. He also directed several music videos and commercials.

Currently, he teaches Piano and Harmony at Music University in Lisbon and keeps a busy schedule playing piano with several groups and writing stories for Dark Horse Comics.

Juan Cavia, Art

Juan Cavia was born with an innate tal­ent for draw­ing. As a child, he spent hours copy­ing his favourite comic books, but with­out great results. At the age of 10, after many failed attempts to cre­ate his own sto­ries, he began tak­ing classes with Pro­fes­sor Car­los Pedrazz­ini, who, for over a year, directed his stud­ies to the per­spec­tive and syn­the­sis of human anatomy so he could later focus more pro­foundly on narrative.

For over 11 years, with­out inter­rup­tion, Juan Cavia devel­oped his scope of knowl­edge on paint­ing, draw­ing, com­po­si­tion, dynam­ics and sev­eral rep­re­sen­ta­tion tech­niques. Fol­low­ing his high school edu­ca­tion, he stud­ied cin­ema, while work­ing as a sto­ry­boarder and con­cept designer for adver­tis­ing agen­cies. A year later he starts work­ing with Marcelo Pont Verges (pro­duc­tion designer and comic book artist), with whom he works as an assis­tant for over 2 years in dif­fer­ent areas of expertise.

Since 2005, he is been work­ing as an Art Direc­tor for cin­ema, adver­tis­ing and the­atre. In 2009, he was the set designer for the Oscar Win­ning film “El Secreto de sus Ojos”. He was also the art direc­tor of the 2011 film “Mi primera Boda”.

Santiago Villa, Colors

Santiago is self-taught in drawing and painting. Although he has started his studies in advertising, it didn’t take long to go back to his origins. It was then that he continued his studies in Instituto Universitário Nacional de las Artes (IUNA), then he move to a more specific area, finishing his studies in Animation Film in I.M.A.G.E. Institute.

Since 2006 Santiago has been working in audiovisual industry, editorial and video games, especially as a Director of Art and Animation.

Budget and due dates

O valor que estamos a solicitar servirá para cobrir os seguintes custos: Ilustrações: Elaboração de 105 páginas de ilustração e respectiva cor Balonagem e design: Inserção de balões de diálogo e design de páginas Os custos com a promoção / divulgação: Cartazes / trailers / spots de rádio / mupis contam com o apoio das seguintes entidades: Câmara Municipal de Tondela, Câmara Municipal de Aveiro e Prio Energy (empresa de combustíveis alternativos) A produção do livro é um encargo suportado pela Tinta-da-China, editora dos livros do Dog Mendonça e Pizzaboy. A nossa meta é lançar o volume III no mês de Novembro de 2013.

Wed, 02/10/2024 - 03:25


Campaign ended

The campaign successfully raised the initial target

Tue, 24/09/2013 - 16:59

Chegámos aos 100%!

E já está! Graças a vocês, atingimos o objectivo. Sempre fui muito céptico em relação a campanhas de crowdfunding. Pensei que o dinheiro serviria para muitas coisas além do p...

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Campaign launched


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  • Filipe Melo

    Chegámos aos 100%!

    E já está! Graças a vocês, atingimos o objectivo.

    Sempre fui muito céptico em relação a campanhas de crowdfunding. Pensei que o dinheiro serviria para muitas coisas além do projecto a financiar.

    O meu amigo e companheiro de aventuras Juan Cavia (desenhador desta BD) convenceu-me que esta era, essencialmente, uma óptima maneira de juntar os autores aos leitores. É uma relação mais directa, e que tem uma percentagem muito maior dedicada à produção do livro do que à distribuição, que é o que acontece nas lojas. Decidimos, juntos, começar esta campanha, com a ajuda da equipa base da BD.

    Estou completamente convencido de que esta é a melhor forma de manter a liberdade criativa e a independência da indústria. Este processo de produção motivou-me a investir também nos projectos de outras pessoas, e tirou-me as dúvidas que tinha em relação à eficácia desta colaboração. É graças a vocês, que leram os nossos livros e que confiaram em nós, que o terceiro livro vai existir.

    Se antes a nossa meta era conseguir o montante fixado, agora a nossa meta é tentar fazer a melhor campanha de crowdfunding de sempre sobre um lobisomem português de meia-idade!

    Garanto também que o que pedimos cobre apenas um terço do valor total de produção de cada volume. Por isso, cada euro que investiram será total e exclusivamente dedicado às "Aventuras de Dog Mendonça".

    As contrapartidas são as mesmas, e ainda podem contribuir activamente para o sucesso dos nossos livros! Ainda faltam 40 dias, e receberão todas as contrapartidas que oferecíamos antes de atingir o objectivo!

    Vamos a isso.

    Um abraço a todos e... obrigado.

    Filipe Melo & equipa do Dog Mendonça & Pizzaboy

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  • joaorapaz

    Claro que podem contar com o meu apoio, mas...

    E para quando o Filme?

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203 members of the PPL community
support this campaign

  • 96
    new backers

  • 107
    recurrent backers

  • 1
    anonymous backer

Meet the people helping this dream come true

  • Paulo Carmo

    01/11/2013 - 23:48

    Muitos parabéns pelo projecto. Ficamos à espera do(s) filme(s) de animação e do filme em Hollywood. Já agora porque não um jogo de aventura gráfica para Tablet?

  • Nuno Santos

    01/11/2013 - 23:11

    Contacto recente com a BD, mas apenas dizer que é fantástica. A sala no Amadora BD está um must. Muito bem conseguida.

  • Nuno Góis

    01/11/2013 - 21:14

    Continuação dum bom trabalho, e venha de lá o filme...

  • David Pinto

    01/11/2013 - 20:42

  • Pedro Data

    01/11/2013 - 20:37

    Parabéns e obrigado pelos volumes fantásticos!

  • Inês Cisneiros

    01/11/2013 - 20:27

  • Pedro Freitas

    01/11/2013 - 18:02

    Boa sorte para a equipa!!

  • Luís Brandão

    01/11/2013 - 17:37

    Parabéns pela tua capacidade de realizar os projetos.

  • Joana Correia

    01/11/2013 - 17:34

    Obrigada por criarem a melhor BD do mundo. bjs

  • Paulo Leite

    01/11/2013 - 17:18

    Abraço do Paulo Leite

  • Filipe Ramalho

    01/11/2013 - 16:39

  • Marco Jacinto

    01/11/2013 - 15:36

  • trio pessoa

    31/10/2013 - 13:49

  • António Cerdeira

    31/10/2013 - 11:45

    Triologia é pouco... venha o 4º!!!!

  • Riacrdo Caetano

    31/10/2013 - 08:24

    Continuem com o bom trabalho.

  • itavaram

    30/10/2013 - 22:47

  • dalilaromao

    30/10/2013 - 12:26

  • Ana Manta

    29/10/2013 - 17:54

  • Priscilla Fontoura

    29/10/2013 - 16:18

  • Ana Melo

    29/10/2013 - 11:32