"O Bomfim" Newspaper

"O Bomfim" Newspaper

"Bomfim" is a neighborhood newspaper, that tries to tell the stories and portray the people of the parish of Bonfim, Porto.

  • 1034


    129% of 800€

    46 backers

  • 05/07/2018

    Expired on

  • Completed

    This project has been successfully funded

"Bomfim" is a neighborhood newspaper, that tries to tell the stories and portray the people of the parish of Bonfim, Porto.

In the hands of illustrator Joana Estrela, the translator Sara Sá Jones and designer Rita Ferreira, "The Bomfim" was born of the desire to make a quarterly publication for and about the parish.

With the help of friends we were able to raise some money and produce and distribute the first issue for free in April 2018. What followed was a warm welcome and a great incentive to continue the project and make the newspaper grow and reach more people!

Thus, to increase the circulation and to maintain the commitment to continue "O Bomfim" over the course of a year, we appeal to the help of all interested parties!

What we want is to guarantee the copies of each supporter (who will receive them by mail), but - and very importantly - more copies exist to be distributed free of cost by the parish, keeping the newspaper free.

Bomfim # 1 can be found here

In the press: Bomfim: a "neighborhood newspaper" to celebrate a city that resists - P3

About the author

Joana Estrela

Born in Penafiel in 1990, she began drawing family portraits early on which she wrote funny captions. It is a method of work that holds to this day. Moved to Porto (and to Bonfim) in 2008 to study Communication Design at FBAUP. Currently works in Illustration in a house overlooking the Lusitanian Church of the Redeemer. In 2014, Plana published its first book, Propaganda. In 2016 Planeta Tangerina publishes Mana, the winning work of the 1st Serpa International Prize for Illustrated Album.


Rita Ferreira

Born in Guimarães in 1984. As a child, her favorite toys were pencil and paper (still are). She lived in Caldas da Rainha, where she graduated in Sound and Image, but eventually settled in Porto where she began to be interested in Design.
She returned to study: Graphic Design and Production, Digital Typography and Editorial Studies. She has been working as a graphic designer for over 10 years, mainly in publishing projects such as books and magazines.
Lives in one of the most sunny streets of Bonfim.


Sara Sá Jones
As a baby, Sara was pushed by a girl into a tank. When her mother plucked her from the water, her eyes were wide-eyed, and that is how she has seen the world ever since. She lived for ten years in Germany, but she did not resist the charms of the people and tascos of Porto.
In 2005, then 20 years old, she returned. Failed to enter the long-awaited theatrical course, so studied Languages, Literatures, and Cultures and, later, Anglo-American Studies. She did not regret it. Since 2012 she works in Translation. She is a member of TUP and loves it from the bottom of her heart.
Dies of homesickness of the Gruta and Mede Vinagre, old Mecas of the Bonfim.  

«Bomfim» is a project open to collaborations, suggestions and ideas! You can contact us at: obomfimjornal@gmail.com

Budget and due dates

«O Bomfim» has 16 pages and is a black digital print on recycled paper, A5 format and stapled. No. 1 had a print run of 250 copies, but we are now looking to produce the next 3 issues, each with 500 copies.

The amount we intend to achieve covers printing costs for the remaining year, according to the budget of the printing company with which we have established a partnership:

summer: 500 copies - 215 €
autumn: 500 copies - 215 €
winter: 500 copies - 215 €

To these values were added the costs of shipments and the rate to be paid to the PPL.
If the value raised is exceeded, it will be used to increase the number of copies.

Release Date:
Summer: July 20
autumn: september 30
winter: december 20

The copies of the supporters will be sent within one week after launch. Autumn and winter dates may vary.
The printed illustration and/or tote bag will be shipped with the summer number.

  • Invest with
    10€ or more


    1 copy of each edition (summer, fall and winter) (Shipping included for Portugal)

    24 backers

  • Invest with
    20€ or more


    1 copy of each issue (summer, fall and winter) and a printed illustration by Joana Estrela. (Shipping included for Portugal)

    11 backers

  • Invest with
    30€ or more


    1 copy of each edition (summer, fall and winter) and a tote bag with illustration by Joana Estrela. (Shipping included for Portugal)

    10 backers

Sun, 22/09/2024 - 18:24

Fri, 06/07/2018 - 11:01

Payout completed

The raised funds have been transferred to the campaign owner


Campaign ended

The campaign successfully raised the initial target

Campaign launched


46 members of the PPL community
support this campaign

  • 23
    new backers

  • 23
    recurrent backers

  • 6
    anonymous backers

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