“BIOgrafias: Vidas de Quem Estuda a Vida” is the third book in the collection Paleta Natura by Escola de Mar.
Escola de Mar aims at creating consistent editorial project, continuous in time, with several publications devoted to the natural sciences and their main leading figures. We have already 3 collections: Paleta Natura (natural sciences and environmental collection); Paleta Poética (poetry and literature collection); and Paleta Azul (children collection). We count with a range of authors and topics to be explored in the coming years, with relevant partnerships in books distribution. The next step should include support to fund this initiative. For that we are counting with your help, through this crowdfunding platform and the first book to be published is “BIOgrafias: Vidas de Quem Estuda a Vida”, which will be the third edition within the collection “Paleta Natura”.
This book includes 35 short stories by 18 Portuguese authors, and refers us to their episodes as biologists, their adventures and, ultimately, to their life experiences. We are asking for the total amount of 3000 Euros to the design and printing of 500 copies.