Biodanza Our lives changed as we danced

Biodanza Our lives changed as we danced

We depend on all the Biodanza tribe, and on all who would like to know Biodanza, to support this project. We created several levels so that everyone can part...

  • 4065


    116% of 3 500€

    120 backers

  • 02/05/2014

    Expired on

  • Completed

    This project has been successfully funded

We depend on all the Biodanza tribe, and on all who would like to know Biodanza, to support this project. We created several levels so that everyone can part...

We depend on all the Biodanza tribe, and on all who would like to know Biodanza, to support this project. We created several levels so that everyone can participate. ALL suporters will seetheir name in a special section of the book. 

Please bring in all your friends and acquaintances from around the world. The book is bilingual: in English and in Portuguese!

Only with your commitment and dedication we can turn this idea into a successful accomplishment.

If you've never heard of Biodanza , or if you know Biodanza , you are aware that there is little written about this "system of human integration , organic renovation, emotional reeducation and relearning of the original functions of life " as defined by its creator Rolando Toro Arañeda (1924-2010) , teacher, psychologist, anthropologist, Chilean poet and painter, then you will want to support the publication of "BIODANZA Our lives changed as we danced " a collective , unique and enlightening project on the reason so many people , and in increasing numbers , adhere to and practice Biodanza .

Also important to know that:
1. All supporters who do not know Biodanza and who contribute, a FREE Biodanza class is offered with a value of € 15 (with a regular group in Paço d'Arcos, Portugal) a gracious offer of Biodanza Elsa David;
2. All incentives are convertible into copies of the book. The number of copies is the contributed value divided by 15 rounded to the lower integer.

BIODANZA Sentir-se valorizado e qualificado

The edition is bilingual (English and Portuguese) and in it you will find writings by well known Biodanza teachers : Antonio Sarpe , Director of the Schools of Biodanza SRT of Portugal , Nuno Pinto , Associate Professor at the School of Biodanza SRT Portugal and Director of the School of Porto , Elsa David , Professor and Didact in Biodanza , and practicioners of Biodanza who recount their experiences , their surprises and their findings about themselves. Yu will read texts by Alexandra Carvalheira, Edward Bonaventure , Henrique Carvalho , Rita Rodrigues , Rossana Appolloni , Susana Esteves and Terèse Gardete , with framing texts by Arthur Vasconcelos , author and conceptualizor of the book. The book features magnificent illustrations by Elsa David .

BIODANZA Roda de Embalo

With the European Congress of Biodanza taking place in Portugal ( Estoril ) between July 2nd and 6th, 2014 , this book , to be published by that date , will contribute to the understanding and enjoyment of Biodanza .

Your support is fundamental to the publishing of this book. A project created with love and dedication . All people who support the book will see their name inscribed on a special section in the book. Thank you. God speed!


About the author

J. Arthur Vasconcelos has been practicing Biodanza since 2010 with the group BIODANZA ELSA DAVID. Architect and entrepreneur he has published two books and numerous articles in magazines and blogs. He produced the film "Biodanza and Life - Elsa David" available in and he was the curator of the Portuguese Video Art exhibition showned in the USA. He is a Mentor and encourages entrepreneurial projects particularly in the creative industries.

Budget and due dates

Prazos: Conclusão dos textos: Abril de 2014 Produção e revisão: Maio de 2014 Impressão: Junho de 2014 Venda ao público: Julho de 2014 Orçamento: Revisão linguística Português: €250 Revisão linguística Inglês: €250 Produção e impressão de 500 exemplares: €3000 Concepção e o desenvolvimento do projecto editorial, incluindo o design editorial da obra e a sua paginação, bem como a concepção e realização da capa. Obtenção do número de ISBN, atribuição do número de depósito legal. Criação de material promocional online. SERVIÇOS DE IMPRESSÃO Formato: 14.5 x 21 cm (largura x altura) Miolo: até 300 páginas impressas em papel IOR 90 grs. Capa: mole, impressa a cores, plastificada uma face (brilho ou mate) Acabamento: miolo colado à lombada. Vinco à francesa.
  • Invest with
    5€ or more

    I support this publication

    Your name will be included in the list of supporters in a special section of the book
    NOTE: Backers that are unfamiliar with Biodanza will get a free lesson (worth 15 Eur) in Paço de Arcos, Portugal.

    6 backers

  • Invest with
    15€ or more

    I support this publication and I will have one copy

    You will receive the book during the days of the European Congress of Biodanza in Estoril from July 2nd to 6th, 2014. The book will have a retail price of € 20. Your name will be listed in a special section of the book. If you prefer us to send it to you by post we will be happy to oblige and postal charges to be paid by you.

    77 backers

  • Invest with
    30€ or more

    I support this publication and I will have two copies

    You will have the previous level rewards plus one more book and the autograph of the author.

    15 backers

  • Invest with
    60€ or more

    I support this publication, I will have two copies and a T-shirt

    You will have the previous level rewards plus one T-shirt (let us know your size and prefered color) with a magnificent illustration by Elsa David from the book.

    18 backers

  • Invest with
    120€ or more

    I support this publication, I will have two copies, a T-shirt and priviledged information

    You will have the previous level rewards plus texts from the book in pre publication

    1 backer

  • Invest with
    240€ or more

    I support this publication, I will have two copies, a T-shirt, priviledged information and a dinner

    You will have the previous level rewards plus a dinner invitation with the author to take place in ESTORIL, Portugal (this reward is valid for two years after the date of your contribution.)

    3 backers

Fri, 27/09/2024 - 00:32

Tue, 06/05/2014 - 12:00

Payout completed

The raised funds have been transferred to the campaign owner


Campaign ended

The campaign successfully raised the initial target

Campaign launched


120 members of the PPL community
support this campaign

  • 97
    new backers

  • 23
    recurrent backers

  • 1
    anonymous backer

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