I would like to share in a book a collection of sculptures honoring Diana, Princess of Wales. For that I really need your help.
This book - in bilingual edition - tells of its author's passion for Princess Diana and his collection of sculptures, true works of art, that narrate the sixteen years of Diana's public life, as Princess of Wales, from the iconic photograph of the skirt
transparent until the day he left us - August 31, 1997 - and then some.
In the year that marks 25 years since the princess most loved by all left us, I would like to share my passion and works of art (sculptures of 45 cm and 50 cm in porcelain and vinyl), thus making a beautiful tribute to Diana - Princess of Wales. I intend that this book is also an object of collection and admiration by its readers, since it houses, and I have no doubt in what I now write, a unique collection in the world, as it brings together several exclusive sculptures and never commercialized. You will have a very high quality color print on matt coché paper and hardcover. However, without your help it will be virtually impossible to edit this book. That's why I appeal to your good taste, to your willingness to pay homage to this unique human being, and to have in your library a copy of this book, also unique, and thus trust your support for the bilingual edition (Portuguese/English). ).
If you are a fan of Princess Diana and would like to honor her, the time has come!
Support the edition of this book and celebrate his life, now that 25 years have passed since his departure.
Can I count on you?
In advance, my deepest thanks.
About the author
José Saldanha Gouveia was born in Luanda, Angola, having come to Portugal when he was just three years old, settling in Aveiro, his father's birthplace, which welcomed him as a Portuguese citizen.
As a child and young man, due to his father's teaching profession, he passed and studied in lands such as: Rio Meão, Figueira da Foz, Sernancelhe, Vila Nova de Paiva, Esmoriz, Aveiro, Lisbon and A Coruña. As an adult, and professionally, he lived four years in Viseu and one year in Macedo de Cavaleiros, returning definitively to Aveiro in December 2010.
He also had a career in athletics, having been regional champion in 80 and 100 meters flat, and in long jump, and was also national champion DN-Jovem/85 in 80 meters flat and 4x80 meters.
A film director and producer, he naturally ended up deviating from this art, turning to music, being a chorister in the Coro Voz Nua, in the Coral Group of Casa do Povo do Troviscal (Oliveira do Bairro), in the Gospel Choir of MUSA – Escola de Música e Artes de Aveiro and in the Charismatic Renewal Prayer Group – Adoramos Te. In 2014, he started as a musical agent, producing a concert with Simone de Oliveira, which took place at Teatro Aveirense on May 1, 2015.
He is currently a naturopath. Helping people balance their health is another of her passions.
“SAUDADE - 25 YEARS - PRINCESS DIANA – a collection” is her first book.
Budget and due dates
The funding raised - 3000 € - is the partial value of the cost of the edition, and will be exclusively used to pay for the printing of 200 copies of the book, SAUDADE - 25 YEARS - PRINCESS DIANA - A COLLECTION, bilingual edition.
PPL Fees (7.5% + VAT = €276.75) will be subtracted from this value.
An exhibition of the sculptures from the collection will be opened at the Museum of the Dionísio Pinheiro and Alice Cardoso Pinheiro Foundation, in the city of Águeda, which will be open to the public, from October 1st to 9th, and on the 8th there will be the pre-launch, where the book production team will be chatting with visitors, in an informal and interactive way, explaining their creative method.
Due to the lack of raw material (paper) the printer only guarantees the delivery of the book in mid-November, therefore, it will only be sent, to all those who supported its production, from the first half of December, just in time for Christmas gifts!
Olá !
A Campanha acaba de chegar ao fim e é com enorme orgulho que partilho contigo que alcançámos 3840€ para a edição deste livro único no mundo!
Este é para mim um sonho tornado realidade e queria agradecer-te por teres feito parte da sua concretização!
Em breve iremos enviar-te a(s) recompensa(s) correspondentes à tua contribuição e por isso gostava de te pedir a tua morada.
Assim que o nosso projeto começar iremos partilhar contigo os seus desenvolvimentos e sucessos. Qualquer dúvida que tenhas estamos totalmente disponíveis para esclarecer.
Um enorme OBRIGADO,
José Gouveia
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É com muito entusiasmo que comunico que faltam apenas 122€ para atingirmos o objetivo dos 3000€. Isso significa que o livro vais mesmo ser editado, contudo, mesmo com o objetivo cumprido é necessário tentar angariar mais dinheiro até ao fim do tempo, pois os custos de produção são superiores e quanto mais donativos houver, mais fácil será a edição.
Aproveito para te convidar para a pré-apresentação e para visitares a exposição das bonecas que está patente na Fundação Dionísio Pinheiro e Alice Cardoso Pinheiro em Águeda e que será já amanhã ás 16h.
Também aproveito para informar, caso queiras ver, que estarei na SIC, domingo, no programa OLHÁ SIC , e que será transmitido em direto começando às 9h.
Com estas boas notícias desejo-vos um excelente fim-de-semana, com a esperança que ainda hoje se atinja o objetivo que garante a edição do livro.
Forte abraço,
José Gouveia
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É com enorme satisfação que comunico que a nossa Campanha finalmente atingiu os primeiros 1000 €!
Peço-te o favor , de divulgares pelas tuas redes sociais e amigos , para que mais pessoas tenham conhecimento e também elas possam apoiar.
Muito obrigado por fazeres parte deste projeto.
José Gouveia
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Queria partilhar convosco que já angariámos 941 € para a nossa campanha!
O prazo é já daqui a 30 dias e como te disse, se não chegarmos ao objetivo de 3000 € todo o dinheiro é devolvido aos apoiantes.
Há ainda algumas pessoas que parecem deixar para amanha o que podem fazer hoje,
Seria um sonho realizado conseguirmos atingir o valor final. Continuo a ter essa esperança. Conto com a tua ajuda?
Muito obrigado,
José Gouveia
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