Poliniza 2022 Ecological Diary

Poliniza 2022 Ecological Diary

It is intended to enable the graphic production of our Poliniza 2022 Ecological Diary, inspired by Nature and made entirely with sustainable and Portuguese raw material. Book yo...

  • 1200


    100% of 1 200€

    39 backers

  • 03/12/2021

    Expired on

  • Completed

    This project has been successfully funded

It is intended to enable the graphic production of our Poliniza 2022 Ecological Diary, inspired by Nature and made entirely with sustainable and Portuguese raw material. Book yours now!

Every year, Cadernos Musgo Binding Atelier and Rabiscodelia studio get together to create their annual Diary. Each year, we try to outdo ourselves, be more coherent, go further.

Ilustração Ciclo Vital

This year, we intend to make a print run of 200 small diaries, A6 size (15x10cm), 200 large diaries, A5 size (21x15cm), 100 notebooks A5 size (21x15cm) and 100 calendars (size 24x16cm) for the Poliniza 2022 Ecological Diary.

We created this pre-sales campaign so that supporters can book in advance the Diary they want and help us to enable the production of at least half of our collection's print run.

In addition to the Diary, notebooks and calendars, supporters can purchase Fine Art prints and 100% organic cotton bags, as a way to further support the project.

These troubled times of the pandemic have made us deepen these lines of thought even further and, after reflecting more on the concept of circular economy, we chose to privilege the product cycle, the proximity of the place of production, the origin of the raw material and the environmental cost of manufacturing and distribution.

The design of the diary is designed so that we have the least possible waste of raw material and that we do not use glue or any other plastic element in the entire binding process.

The content was inspired by the cyclical movement of Nature and its interdependencies. For this edition, we brought the main flowers from our garden and the diverse beauty of insects, in order to emphasize the importance of these pollinating agents in the production of biological food.

We hope that our Ecological Diary and its content will also inspire you to live a 2022 more aware that small actions generate great results and protecting Nature means protecting life.

Coleção Ecológica Poliniza 2022: Agenda grande e pequena, Caderno e Calendário

About the author

Cadernos Musgo and Rabiscodelia

CADERNOS MUSGO is a craft binding workshop created by Sara Estelita and Enzo Coria .
We prioritize the use of local raw materials, recycled and reused products, seeking to promote a circular economy.
We work mainly with custom bindings, photo albums, give a binding course and, annually, we launch our Ecological Diary, made in partnership with the Rabiscodelia Studio (@rabiscodelia).

RABISCODELIA is a creative studio that, driven by great curiosity, ventures into new places and develops works in Illustration and Design. On this journey, we carry out several projects with partners who identify with our ideas.
The Rabiscodelia includes artist Evandro Renan (@evandrorsd), and artist Najla Leroy (@najlaleroy).

Detalhes Agendas e Caderno

Budget and due dates

BUDGET for the production of:
200 A5 diaries (21x15cm)
200 A6 diaries (15x10cm)
100 notebooks A5 (21x15cm)
100 calendars (24x16cm)

Total production cost: €2124.50
Half of the total cost: €1062.25

All the raw material in our diary is manufactured nationally and was obtained within a radius of 200km from the manufacturing site of our atelier, where we handcraft our diary:
Cover - 100% recycled pressed cardboard
Cover screen printing - 2 colors water-based
Pocket - 100% recycled rustic paper
Sewing - Yarns Handmade and industrial linen and Tencel yarn
Elastic band - Rag, textile waste
Printing paper - Navigator Eco-logical National and Sustainable Production
Graphic Prints - Diaries, Notebooks and Calendars


Week 01 - Finishing the illustrations
Week 02 - Screen printing of the covers
Week 03 - Graphic printing
Week 04 - Binding

If our goal is reached, rewards will be sent by December 15th!

  • Invest with
    20€ or more

    I love the eco concept and want a small Diary, that is easy to carry in my pocket.

    1 Small Poliniza 2022 Ecological Diary A6 size (15x10cm) | 1 Postcard (size 15x10cm) of an insect of our choice, |1 A4 size (21x30cm) supplement poster printed on recycled paper Offset White 100gms, with Vital Cicle with the name of the supporters in the acknowledgments . The Poliniza 2022 Ecological Diary is all sustainable and made exclusively with raw material manufactured in Portugal.

    Postman/courier delivery
    Shipping included (to Portugal)

    17 backers

  • Invest with
    25€ or more

    The Big Ecological Diary is the best diary for me!

    1 Large Poliniza 2022 Ecological Diary A5 size (21x15cm) | 1 A5 size print of an insect of our choice (21x15cm) | 1 A4 size supplement poster (21x30cm) printed on 100gms White Offset recycled paper, with the Vital Cycle with the name of the supporters in acknowledgments. The Poliniza2022 Ecological Diary is all sustainable and made with raw material manufactured in Portugal.

    Postman/courier delivery
    Shipping included (to Portugal)

    17 backers

  • Invest with
    40€ or more

    I want an annual notebook and a calendar. I am a free writer, but I like to know what day it is!

    1 Poliniza 2022 Ecological Notebook A5 size (21x15cm) | 1 Calendar with 12 illustrations, size 24x32cm | 1 A5 size print (21x15cm) of an insect of our choice | 1 Supplement poster A4 size (21x30cm) printed on recycled paper Offset White 100gms, with Vital Cycle with the name of the supporters in the acknowledgments. The Poliniza 2022 Ecological Notebook is all sustainable and made exclusively with raw material manufactured in Portugal.

    Postman/courier delivery
    Shipping included (to Portugal)

    4 backers

  • Invest with
    60€ or more

    It's all so beautiful, I can't choose! I want EVERYTHING!!!

    1 small Poliniza 2022 Ecological Diary A6 size (15x10cm) | 1 large Poliniza 2022 Ecological Diary A5 size (21x15cm) | 1 Calendar 24x32 cm | 1 Print A5 size of an insect of our choice (21x15cm) | 1 Postcard of an insect of our choice (15x10cm) | 1 A4 size (21x30cm) supplement poster printed on 100gms Offset White recycled paper, with the Vital Cycle with the name of the supporters in the acknowledgments. The Poliniza 2022 Ecological Diary are fully sustainable and made with raw material manufactured in Portugal

    Postman/courier delivery
    Shipping included (to Portugal)

    1 backer

  • Invest with
    75€ or more

    I love the Ecological Diary so much that I want a big one and an illustration of it on my house wall!

    1 Large Poliniza 2022 Ecological Diary A5 size (21x15cm) | 1 FineArt print A3 size (42x30cm), Printed with Ultrachrome inks on 300g/m2 paper | 1 Supplement poster A4 size (21x30cm) printed on 100gms White Offset recycled paper, with the Vital Cycle with the name of the supporters in the acknowledgments. The Poliniza 2022 Ecological Diary is all sustainable and made exclusively with raw material manufactured in Portugal.

    Postman/courier delivery
    Shipping included (to Portugal)

    No backers yet. Be the first one!

  • Invest with
    100€ or more

    Here at home we are all ecological and we want everything we are entitled to!

    1 small Poliniza 2022 Ecological Diary A6 size (15x10cm) | 1 large Poliniza 2022 Ecological Diary 2022 A5 size (21x15cm) | 1 Poliniza 2022 Ecological Notebook A5 size (21x15cm) | 1 Calendar 24x32 cm | 1 Cotton bag printed in silkscreen | 1 kit with 12 postcards of insects (15x10cm) | 1 Supplement poster A4 size (21x30cm) printed on recycled paper Offset White 100gms, with the Vital Cycle with the name of the supporters in the thanks. The Poliniza 2022 Diary and the Ecological Notebook are fully sustainable and were made exclusively with raw material manufactured in Portugal.

    Postman/courier delivery
    Shipping included (to Portugal)

    2 backers

Wed, 15/01/2025 - 09:38

Wed, 08/12/2021 - 13:02

Obrigada a todos que nos apoiaram!

Graças a vocês, nossa campanha foi totalmente financiada e conseguimos viabilizar a produção das Agendas. Em breve entraremos em contato para confirmar o envio das recompensas!...

Read more

Mon, 06/12/2021 - 10:38

Payout completed

The raised funds have been transferred to the campaign owner


Campaign ended

The campaign successfully raised the initial target

Thu, 02/12/2021 - 21:24

100% reached

WE DID IT! We met our initial target but the fundraising can continue

Mon, 22/11/2021 - 17:01

Já passamos da metade!

Obrigado a todos os apoiantes! Já temos mais da metade do nosso financiamento! Nos ajude a divulgar para que possamos completar a meta antes do prazo final! Vejam nosso websit...

Read more

Sun, 21/11/2021 - 17:20

We're now 20

We reached the first 20 backers. Let's keep up!

Sun, 14/11/2021 - 16:50

Queremos agradecer a todos os

Queremos agradecer a todos os apoiantes da Campanha até agora. Apresentamos aqui, em primeira mão, as ilustrações dos insetos que foram feitas pelo artista Evandro Renan (@eva...

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Fri, 05/11/2021 - 12:29

First five backers

We've gathered the first 5 backers. Hurray!

Campaign launched


Join us so you can take a part in this campaign. Register

  • Cadernos Musgo

    Obrigada a todos que nos apoiaram!

    Graças a vocês, nossa campanha foi totalmente financiada e conseguimos viabilizar a produção das Agendas.
    Em breve entraremos em contato para confirmar o envio das recompensas!
    Até Lá!

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  • Cadernos Musgo

    Já passamos da metade!

    Obrigado a todos os apoiantes! Já temos mais da metade do nosso financiamento!
    Nos ajude a divulgar para que possamos completar a meta antes do prazo final!
    Vejam nosso website com mais informações sobre os produtos:

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  • Cadernos Musgo

    Queremos agradecer a todos os

    Queremos agradecer a todos os apoiantes da Campanha até agora.
    Apresentamos aqui, em primeira mão, as ilustrações dos insetos que foram feitas pelo artista Evandro Renan (@evandrorsd).
    Obrigado pela confiança em nosso trabalho!

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39 members of the PPL community
support this campaign

  • 24
    new backers

  • 15
    recurrent backers

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    anonymous backers

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