A new virus appears in the world. A family will have to choose between protecting their infected child and sacrificing it for the good of humanity.
We are conducting the pilot episode of a miniseries from Universidade Lusófona and we need your help!
A typical day of the Mendes family is interrupted when, suddenly, his neighbor, Lourenço, begins to suffocate in his own blood. Without any apparent explanation and with congested national hotlines, the family needs to act quickly. When a wave of deaths begins to haunt them, they realize that their neighbor may not be the only victim.

How many lives are our children worth?
Is man a product of the environment in which he is inserted?
Is it possible that a genocidal government is humanity's only salvation?
The miniseries "Perimeter" intends to grab the viewer's attention using the emergence of a worldwide and lethal virus as a pretext for such questions.
Put under pressure, an apparently stable family will reveal that it has hidden dysfunctions. A misunderstood mother, who tries to drown her frustration in an extramarital relationship; a father who prioritizes the family, but, on the contrary, is absent due to work; an older son, who values himself and external relations more than his own family; and a child with the lethal virus, who will have to weigh moral issues that no one should ever have to make.

Following the trajectory of these relatable characters in extreme situations, we will be able to empathize and be moved by their difficult decisions, from the most evasive and reserved, to the most impulsive.
In parallel, the government needs to act quickly against the wave of deaths caused by the virus. All research indicates that this virus is only found in children. Anyone who enters in the mortal perimeter will not be spared. Knowing that the perimeter is always growing, will there be time to invest in the development of a cure or would the extermination of the hosts be the best alternative?

This miniseries is inspired by several post-apocalyptic pieces and, like these, we decided to explore the human being and his relationships within extraordinary conditions in order to create a striking visual aesthetic. Our focus is to question the extent to which moral values are applicable.
Maria Carita
Minissérie "Perímetro" (recompensas)
Olá a todos!
Desde já um grande obrigada por toda a vossa ajuda! Toda a equipa agradece os vossos contributos do fundo do coração. Tem sido um projeto muito exaustivo que nos tem dado muita luta, mas estamos aqui para aprender (especialmente com os erros) e superar todos os problemas que estejam ao nosso alcance.
Com isto quero dizer que só iremos conseguir enviar as vossas recompensas mais para inícios de julho, isto para quem ainda tem de receber cartazes, t-shirts, desinfetantes, sacos de pano, etc. Assim que enviarmos por correio serão notificados por email. No entanto pode haver situações que a entrega à mão seria fácil para ambas as partes portanto ainda vamos averiguar.
Apoiantes que não pediram recompensas mas estariam interessadas em ter algum produto nosso, ainda estão a tempo! Mandem email para perimetro.webserie@gmail.com, por favor, para saberem os preços.
Qualquer dúvida digam.
Muito obrigada pela compreensão e apoio! Sem vocês não seria possível.
Com os melhores cumprimentos,
A Produção do "Perímetro"
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