Project Ah!!! - Art as social service
PPL Causas

Project Ah!!! - Art as social service

The purpose of Project Ah!!! is to create playful and educational activities for the participants. Develop a vision of art as social service using it as a way of communication a...

  • 996


    28% of 3 500€

    34 backers

  • 16/11/2018

    Expired on

  • Not funded

    This project was unable to raise the required funds

The purpose of Project Ah!!! is to create playful and educational activities for the participants. Develop a vision of art as social service using it as a way of communication a self-expression.

The purpose of Project Ah!!! is to create playful and educational activities for the participants. Develop a vision of art as social service using it as a way of communication a self-expression.

We will work in a public school in São Paulo, Brasil (Escola EMEF Armando de Salles) and also with the volunteer departure of Instituto Superior Politécnico Jean Piaget de Benguela in Angola (Projeto CPPR CPPREco Benguela/ Eco LobitoPim do Kuito)

The target audience of Project Ah!!! are children, teenagers and adults.

Please find attached the commitment letters from the institution.


  • Awareness the participant about social problems through reflection and collective discussion;
  • Identify solutions for the social problems promoting a positive vision of the world;
  • Produce artistic material to be shown as social service;
  • Promotes the potential of art as a way of pacific protest ;
  • Promotes the potential of art as a way of communication and express feelings.


  • Develop skills in photography and graphic design;
  • Creation of places to critical reflection and collective discussion;
  • Produce with each workgroup a poster to express protest messages and feelings;
  • Develop a self-vision about project Ah!!! through a photodocumentary activity.


About the author

The Project Ah!!! was created by two students: Catarina Rebola - 19 years old - and Gyovanna Reis - 18 years old.

The Project Ah!!! born from our attention to contemporary problems - chauvinism, racism, violence, xenophobia, LGBTIphobia, pollution, global warming - but also from our attention to movements that appears to fight against the problems - feminism, representativeness, sustainable energy, conscious use of materials. This knowledge makes us understand the relevance of use art and freedom of the press to communicate and protest.

Catarina ~

We finished the high school in an artistic area. Now we want to share our technical knowledge of photography and graphic design. Our personal objective is to have a practical experience where we can use our abilities - communication, responsibility, organization, troubleshooting. Nothing better than teaching to reinforce our knowledge. 

Please find attached our CV's.

Gyovanna I-I

Budget and due dates


Materials - 1400€

Flights - 1700€

Transports- 180€

Food - 300€

Passports - 120€

Vistos - 120€

Seguro - 360€

Health - 80€


TOTAL: 4260€



The project will happen in the following dates:

February 2019: public school in São Paulo, Brasil (Escola EMEF Armando de Salles)

April 2019 - July 2019:  Instituto Superior Politécnico Jean Piaget de Benguela in Angola (Projeto CPPR CPPR; Eco Benguela/ Eco Lobito; Pim do Kuito)


Even if the beginning of the project is only in February we need to ensure the financial aspects until December to communicate with the institutions and organize the materials before the departure.

  • Invest with
    5€ or more

    Digital Thankful

    If you donate 5€ to Project Ah!!! you will receive a Digital Thankful (email)

    7 backers

  • Invest with
    10€ or more


    If you donate 10€ to Project Ah!!! you will receive a scanning of an analogue photography take by one of the future participants of the activity: Photo Documentarism + Digital Thankful (email)

    8 backers

  • Invest with
    20€ or more

    Digital Album

    If you donate 20€ to Project Ah!!! you will receive a Digital Album (16 scannings of analogue photography take by one of the future participants of the activity: Photo Documentarism + Digital Thankful (email)

    12 backers

  • Invest with
    40€ or more


    If you donate 40€ to Project Ah!!! you will receive a draw made by one of the future participants of the project + Digital Thankful (email)

    7 backers

  • Invest with
    60€ or more

    Thankful postcard

    If you donate 60€ to Project Ah!!! you will receive a custom thankful postcard made by one of the future participants of the projects + Digital Thankful (email)

    No backers yet. Be the first one!

  • Invest with
    80€ or more

    Thankful postcard + Digital Album

    If you donate 80€ to Project Ah!!! you will receive a custom thankful postcard made by one of the future participants of the projects + Digital Album (22 scannings of analogue photography take by one of the future participants of the activity: Photo Documentarism + Digital Thankful (email)

    No backers yet. Be the first one!

  • Invest with
    100€ or more

    Company's logo

    If you donate 100€ to Project Ah!!! you will share your company's logo on our social media + Digital Thankful (email)

    1 backer

Wed, 01/05/2024 - 02:15

Mon, 19/11/2018 - 12:42

Payout completed

The raised funds have been transferred to the campaign owner

Sun, 18/11/2018 - 16:23

Angariação de fundos terminada

Obrigada a todos os que contribuíram para a realização do Projeto AH!!! Apesar de não termos conseguido alcançar o objetivo, o projeto partirá para o Brasil e para Angola, Ser...

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Campaign ended

The campaign failed to raise the total amount

Thu, 20/09/2018 - 15:39

First five backers

We've gathered the first 5 backers. Hurray!

Campaign launched


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  • Projeto Ah

    Angariação de fundos terminada

    Obrigada a todos os que contribuíram para a realização do Projeto AH!!!
    Apesar de não termos conseguido alcançar o objetivo, o projeto partirá para o Brasil e para Angola, Será necessário reavaliar o orçamento e as atividades, adequando os gastos ao valor disponível.
    Se quiserem voltar a ajudar podem fazê-lo, mas desta vez pessoalmente, enviem-nos uma mensagem ;-)
    telemóvel: 933 957 548 ou 935 456 751

    Fiquem atentos ao nosso trabalho através das nossas redes sociais :-)

    Mais uma vez, O B R I GA D A !
    Vamos colocar o Projeto AH!!! em Ação

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34 members of the PPL community
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