Festival TNT | By Transformers
  • Event
  • Alto da Damaia, Amadora, Portugal

Festival TNT | By Transformers

TNT is a Festival of Attitude, Creativity and Freedom that will join together in Alto da Damaia, Lisbon, in the days 9, 10 and 11th June, more than 2000 people united by the cau...

  • 2625


    105% of 2 500€

    27 backers

  • 04/06/2013

    Expired on

  • Completed

    This project has been successfully funded

TNT is a Festival of Attitude, Creativity and Freedom that will join together in Alto da Damaia, Lisbon, in the days 9, 10 and 11th June, more than 2000 people united by the cause of standing out doing what we love the most.

Where | Escola Azevedo Neves, in Alto da Damaia, Lisbon, Portugal

When | 9, 10, 11 June 2013

Schedule | 9th (10h00-23h30); 10th (8h30-23h30); 11th (13h00-19h00)

Motto | “And all you wish”

Why Festival TNT?

The idea of a Festival TNT – Todos Nós Transformamos (Portuguese for “We All Transform” – came as an evolution of the T Day, the final event in which we celebrate the end of a generation and the beginning of another in Transformers Project. Due to the success of the T Day and with the growth that this project has been having in Portugal since 2010, our idea was to create the Festival TNT as a way to take the strenght of this movement to more people, recognize and give visibility to mentors and t-kids that are part of it and unite thousands of youngsters (body and soul) for the flag of standing out doing what we love the most.

What is the Festival TNT?

TNT is a Festival of Attitude, Creativity and Freedom that will join together in Alto da Damaia, Lisbon, in the days 9, 10 and 11th June, more than 2000 people united by the cause of standing out doing what we love the most. This show, which promises to be the freshest this year, points the end of the 3rd Generation of Transformers and the beginning of the next one.

The main motto is “And all you wish” because, while we want to alert to and solve the problem of inactivity and the lack of social and civic participation of our youth through the strength of the Arts, Sports and Hip-Hop, we want to convey the idea that we all need to broaden our horizons, explore the unknown, follow and learn what we are passionate about and helping others achieving their own dreams.

Therefore, in the first two days we will have the 39 groups of Transformers doing their presentations that will include shows, performances and exhibitions in areas as diverse as football, rap, swimming, graffiti, theatre, photography, multimedia, videogames development, drums, guitar, new style hip-hop, urban dances, break-dance, cooking, manual arts, skate, musical production, basketball, among others.

We will also have master classes where you will be able to learn from the mentors of the Project all these activities, there will be tents all over the space with games and challenges throughout the day, there will be brief shows of bands from the community and other well-known ones, there will be a handicraft fair and a Dreams Tent (where we will show young people the necessary steps to turn their ambition into reality).

In the third and last day we will have a community lunch where we will spend the rest of the afternoon converting garbage into arts or useful tools for those who want to join.

Throughout May and the beginning of June there will be actions of improvement of the Estrada Militar neighborhood oriented by the inhabitants and families of the neighborhood itself and in which you can participate too.

They say 3 is a magical number… so join to that a 3 letter event, 3 days of transformations and you get the TNT Festival. Come on and transform!

Where do you fit?

One of the goals of this Festival is, more than being an emblematic event, to be a way to get financing so that Transformers Project can once again give the opportunity to more and more youngsters in Portugal of learning what they love the most, independently of where they come from, and making the difference with that. So, when you invest at least 5 EUR for TNT you’ll be buying your double ticket for the 3 days of Festival.

You can take part on this adventure by participating in the Festival, supporting the project through this platform, spreading the word through your contact list, subscribing as a volunteer or becoming a partner.

We need your support because that’s the only way to assure food, transport and stay to the more than 400 t-kids from Lisbon and Porto involved in our activities and the 100 volunteers present at the event.

We need your support because that’s the only way of having sustainability in Transformers Project as a movement, of being able to take it to other areas in Portugal and far beyond Lisbon and Porto.

Currently, Transformers has 16 people in its coordination and 51 mentors teaching 39 different activities to 474 youngsters in Lisbon and Porto spread through 22 institutions which include schools, NGOs, special education centers, prisons for minors, orphanages, and others. Sponsored by EDP Foundation, this project has since 2010 hold more than 1.550 hours of classes and trainings to youngster in all kinds of contexts.

Can you help us getting to the 100.000 hours of classes until 2020?

Through the support of the TNT Festival you will be creating the conditions for Transformers Project to keep growing. This life mission we assume drives us to go, step by step, land by land, further and further, because our nation is the street itself and wherever there’s a street there can be a transformer. Join this movement, make this Festival possible and we assure you that when your foot crosses the Festival’s entrance you will feel proud of having been part of this adventure. 

Know more about Transformers Project and TNT Festival in:

www.projectotransformers.org / www.tnt-transformers.pt

About the author

The promotor of this project is Associação Juvenil Transformers (AJT), founded in Lisbon in August 2010 by a group of 19-year-old youngsters, and which aims to “turn teens into transformers”.

In the end of almost three years, through Transformers Project, AJT has had 1.000 direct beneficiaries of its activities and, in the last year only, has reached 265.000 people through MEDIA for this cause. With this project we’ve received the Do Something Ambassador Prize, we’ve been finalists of the Social Innovation Tournament of the European Investment Bank, we’ve received an honorable mention in the Social Innovation Contest of CIS in Porto, and we’ve been finalists of the Prémio Voluntariado Jovem Montepio. AJT is fully composed of volunteers.

Transformers have also been invited to go to such events as the Red Cross General Assembly (held in Geneve, Switzerland) or the 2010 Annual Meeting of the World Economic Forum in Davos where the project received the support of personalities such as Paola Antonelli (MOMA curator), Niall Ferguson (Writer and Teacher of History at Harvard University) and was presented to people such as Bill Gates, Muhammad Yunus, Helen Clark, Kofi Annan, Prince Hakoon from Norway, and others.

Among the partners of the Associação Juvenil Transformers we can see institutions as EDP Foundation, British Council Global Changemakers, Comissão de Proteção de Crianças e Jovens of Lisboa-Centro, San Patrignano Community, Brandimage, Pioneer, 2print, Instituto Português do Desporto e Juventude, and other institutions with competences in the matters of childhood and youth.


Budget and due dates

O Festival TNT vai ter lugar nos dias 9, 10 e 11 de Junho de 2013 e praticamente todas as despesas que lhe estão associadas serão realizadas até ao final do mesmo. Planeamos ter o Projecto activo na plataforma desde 21 de Maio (data limite) até dia 3 de Junho. O orçamento estimado para o Festival é de 13.957 EUR e comporta despesas nas seguintes áreas: LOGÍSTICA - Transporte de 400 t-kids de várias instituições de Lisboa e Porto para o Festival - Alojamento dos jovens e voluntários durante os dias do Festival em tendas próprias - Alimentação dos 400 t-kids e 100 voluntários durante o Festival => Valor orçamentado: 7.100 EUR* *Este valor inclui: 4.000 EUR (valor para 2 autocarros de 50 lugares para o percurso Porto-Lisboa e 2 autocarros para fazer o transporte dentro de Lisboa) + 3.100 EUR (para assegurar 5 refeições para aproximadamente 400 pessoas (t-kids, voluntários e convidados - estas refeições serão confeccionadas pelas pessoas do bairro, no primeiro dia teremos Cachupa, no segundo dia Congo). Assumimos aqui que vamos conseguir tendas para todos os voluntários e t-kids através de parcerias com Associações de Escoteiros. O valor do transporte poderá ser reduzido pois estamos neste momento a tratar de uma parceira com a Câmara Municipal de Lisboa para cedência de transporte. OPERAÇÕES E SEGURANÇA - Aluguer do equipamento de luz e som - Técnicos para operar os sistemas acima mencionados => Valor orçamentado: 3.107 EUR** **Este valor foi calculado com base nos valores dos eventos que realizámos o ano passado, através de uma parceria com a empresa Ponto Zurca. DECORAÇÃO E CONSTRUÇÃO DOS ESPAÇOS - Fardos de Palha: 100 Fardos de Palha ao preço unitário de 20 EUR*** => Valor orçamentado: 2.000 EUR ***A decoração do espaço será realizada à base de fardos de Palha, que após a sua utilização serão distribuídos a entidades de dentro ou fora da comunidade que deles necessitem. COMUNIDADE As pessoas do bairro terão 1.000 EUR à sua disposição para usar na transformação positiva do bairro, das suas casas e dos espaços públicos que partilham. A aplicação destes 1.000 EUR está a ser decidida em reuniões que já começámos a ter com a comunidade. Valor orçamentado: 1.000 EUR IMAGEM Inclui a impressão de 500 posters, 50 cartazes, 2000 bilhetes, 500 convites, 2000 folhetos, 2000 autocolantes, 50 stencils, 1500 t-shirts e outro material gráfico de apoio às atividades e exposições que terão lugar no Festival. =>Valor orçamentado: 750 EUR**** ****O valor orçamentado é inferior ao verdadeiro valor de impressão devido a uma parceria nossa com a 2print, uma Empresa Gráfica em Lisboa. TOTAL ORÇAMENTADO: 13.957 EUR Para fazer face às despesas do Festival dispomos de uma reserva de 5.000 EUR, no entanto queríamos evitar ao máximo utilizar essa reserva pois essas são verbas que pretendemos aplicar para o próximo ano lectivo. Assim, temos trabalhado no sentido de reduzir o custo do Festival através de parceiras com várias entidades (ainda por confirmar).

Thu, 25/07/2024 - 02:37


Campaign ended

The campaign successfully raised the initial target

Campaign launched


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  • marta macara

    5 days to go!!!!

    Objectivo superado!!! Parabéns, transformers! Expectativas ENORMES para 9, 10 e 11!!!

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  • Kikas Quintela

    oferta do bilhete

    ofereço o meu bilhete a quem tem superpoderes não financeiros :)

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  • Madalena Alves

    Começou a contagem

    Começou a contagem decrescente! Para o objectivo já só faltam 2.495 €!

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