I intend to lauch myself in the literary world with a unique story, one that enriches us where we need it the most. More than a book written to distract us for a few hours, this is a simple story that will accompany us for the rest of our lives.
A Life without Hats is a story written by João Pedro Pio and illustrated by Selma Pimentel (selmapimentel.com)
In the Hatland, the value of a person is measured by the number of hats which they carry over their heads. That's why João spends all his energies studying, working, competing with his friends.
His father told him to be the best and that's precisely what he'll be!
Everything goes according to plan. João has the tallest tower of hats and works on the best hat-making company. But, if everything goes according to plan, why can't he take his eyes out of the woman walking on the other side of the street? Who is she? What's her name? And, more importantly, why doesn't she have a single hat?!
A Life without Hats is the book that follows João on the path towards himself.
This is a story that may seem childish at first, but actually reveals itself deep in its message. Very much like "The Little Prince", it's a simple story, one that can be read from 7 to 107 years, following the reader throughout his life.
João Pedro Pio
Boa noite,
Vim hoje da gráfica com um saco de recompensas prontinhas para vos entregar. Este será o objectivo para os próximos dias - fazer chegar a cada um as suas recompensas.
A quem ainda não recebeu sequer o livro, peço imensa desculpa pela demora. Para não entregar as recompensas aos poucos, achei melhor esperar até ter tudo pronto, e esse momento finalmente chegou.
Muito obrigado pela paciência!
Até breve,
João Pedro Pio
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João Pedro Pio
Apresentação do livro
Boa tarde,
A campanha de crowdfunding foi e continua a ser um sucesso. Graças a todos, não só atingimos a meta mas continuamos a superar (pelo menos as minhas) expectativas! Como agradecimento, gostava de convidar toda a gente a assistir à apresentação do livro. Esta decorrerá em Lisboa, na próxima quinta-feira, dia 15, às 19h30.
Deixo em baixo o link para a actividade.
Vemo-nos por lá?
João Pedro Pio
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